Copperbelt University Forestry Details


Copperbelt University Forestry Details

Copperbelt University Forestry – Details of Copperbelt University Forestry


Copperbelt University Intake


The classification of Forest Management Plan and Special Project as full courses is for the purpose of computing their points when grading the students. There are no formal classes for these two courses.

Programme Details


  • PH 110 Physics
  • NR 100 Biology
  • NR 130 Chemistry
  • NR 120 Communication & Computer Skills
  • MA 110 Mathematics


  • NR 200 Botany & Ecology
  • NR 200 Botany & Ecology
  • NR 210 Silviculture
  • NR 220 Biometry
  • NR 230 Remote Sensing & GIS
  • NR 240 Soil Science
  • PP 250 Plant Physiology & Genetics


  • NR 300 Research Methods
  • FO 310 Forest Engineering
  • FO 320 Wood Science & Utilization
  • NR 330 Forest Resources Assessment
  • FO 340 Land Use Evaluation & Planning
  • FO 350 Industrial Organization & Management
  • NR 360 Economics & Entrepreneurship


  • NR 4O0 Research Project
  • FO 410 Forestry Extension
  • NR 420 Natural Resource Governance
  • NR 430 Forest Pathology & Entomology
  • NR 440 Forest Management & Planning
  • NR 450 Climate Change, Mitigation & Adaptation

Career  opportunities

Career opportunities in forestry are in the development, maintenance or protection of the forest, forested areas, and woodlands through such activities as raising and transporting tree seedlings; combating insects, pests, and diseases harmful to trees; and building erosion and water control structures and leaching of forest soil. A graduate in this programme is skilled to provide supervision and management of such equipment as forester aides, seedling pullers, and tree planters in the diverse establishment as indicated below:

  • Government Departments (e.g. MTENR, Ministry of Education),
  • Non Governmental Organizations,
  • Forestry and Timber Processing Private Companies,
  • Banks,
  • Development Agency,
  • Consultancy Firms,
  • International Organizations,
  • Research Institutions,
  • Zambia Wildlife Authority,
  • Universities
  • As an Entrepreneur (Self-employment)

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