Zimbabwe Open University Research Projects


Zimbabwe Open University Research Projects

Zimbabwe Open University Research Projects – Details of Zimbabwe Open University Research Projects



Zimbabwe Open University Research Projects – Research and Publications

  1. Chisango FFT, Tembachako D, Ndluvu P & Mukomana S, (2015). Challenges and Opportunities on Beef Cattle Marketing and off Take Rates in Zimbabwe’s Small Holder Farming Sector: A Case of A1 Resettlement Farmers in Umzingwane District of Matabeleland South Province; International journal of Innovative Research and Development ISSN 2278 – 0211 (Online), pp221-226
  2. Chisango FFT & Dube G L, (2015). Perception on the Impact of Corruption and Salary Gate Scandals on the Image and Reputation of Parastatal Entities in Zimbabwe: A Case of Premier Service Medical Aid Society PSMAS and Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation ZBC, Gweru; International journal of Innovative Research and Development ISSN 2278 – 0211 (Online), pp 345-351
  3. Chisango FFT, Tembachako D & Mupoperi O, (2015). An Analysis Of Factors Hindering The Development Of Indigenous Chicken Production In Smallholder Farming Communities Of Zimbabwe, A Case Of Ward 10 In Bindura District; International journal of management and economics invention ISSN (e): 2395-7220 Volume1Issue 05, pp230-243
  4. Chisango FFT & Nyaruwata L, (2015). SUCCESS IN IRISH POTATO PRODUCTION; A Guide for College Students and the Zimbabwean Farmer; L LAMBERT Publishing House, Heinrich-Böcking-Str. 6-8, 66121, Saarbrücken, Germany ISSN/ISBN 973-3-659-76013-6, 7 CHAPTERS 111pp 1-111
  5. Chisango FFT & Maposa A, (2015). Customer perceptions on house brands in Zimbabwe: A Case of TM Supermarket Stores in Victoria Falls town, Matabeleland North Province; International Research Journal of Commerce and Law (Impact Factor- 2.915) Vol-02 Issue-12 ISSN: 2349-705X, pp1-13
  6. Chisango FFT & Maposa A, (2015). The Future of Contract Farming as a Rural Development Tool and its Impact on Productivity and Incomes of Smallholder Farmers in Red Sorghum Production in Zimbabwe: A case of Binga District in Matabeleland North Province; International Journal of Marketing and Technology, Volume 6 Issue 1, ISSN 2249-1058, pp 39-50
  7. Chisango FFT & Maposa A, (2016). Effects of Human-Wildlife Conflict on Agricultural Productivity, Post Fast Track Land Reform Program in Zimbabwe:  A Case of Gwayi Conservancy and Resettlement Areas Bordering Hwange National Park; Greener Journal of Ecology and Ecosolution Vol. 3 (1), ISSN: 2384-6356, pp1-12
  8. Chisango FFT & Maposa A, (2016). Impacts of Erratic Weather Patterns as a Result of Climate Change and Variability on Food Crop Productivity and Food Security in Zimbabwe’s Arid Regions of Matabeleland; A Case of Siabuwa Communal Area in Binga District; Greener Journal of Agricultural Sciences ICV: 6.15 Vol. 6 (3), ISSN: 2276-7770, pp127-133
  9. Chisango FFT & Maposa A, (2016). Challenges Affecting Productivity and Viability of Smallholder Irrigation Schemes in Zimbabwe’s Arid Regions: A Case of Mlibizi Communal Irrigation Scheme in Binga District, Matabeleland North Region; Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences, e-ISSN 2348–1854, pp 190-195
  10. Chisango FFT, (2016). Perceptions on the impact of multiple currencies/dollarization on economic development and sustainable livelihoods of the urban populace in Zimbabwe: a case of Bulawayo Metropolitan in Matabeleland Region; International Journal of Research Available at https://edupediapublications.org/journa, ISSN: 2348-6848 e-ISSN: 2348-795X, pp 29-38
  11. Chisango FFT, (2016). An assessment on the viability and profitability of capture fisheries on sustainable livelihoods in marginalised rural areas of Zimbabwe: a case of Binga District in Matabeleland North Region; International Journal of Research Available at https://edupediapublications.org/journa, ISSN: 2348-6848 e-ISSN: 2348-795X Volume 03, pp 29-38
  12. Chisango FFT, (2016). Challenges and opportunities associated with the current livestock marketing trends in Zimbabwe’s marginalized rural communities, with particular reference to one of the country’s most impoverished districts of Binga in Matabeleland North Region; International Journal of Advanced Educational Research ; Impact Factor: RJIF 5.12, ISSN: 2455-6157, pp10-14
  13. Chisango FFT, (2017). Perceptions on the Impact of Agricultural Mechanization for value addition and beneficiation: As a poverty reduction strategy in Zimbabwe’s smallholder farming communities, a Case of Matetsi area in Hwange district Matabeleland north region; International Journal of Business Marketing and Management (IJBMM) Volume 2 Issue 4, ISSN: 2456-4559, pp 23-29
  14. Chisango FFT, (2017). The Economic Dynamics and Prospects of Vocational Technical Education at Primary Level in Zimbabwe’s primary schools; a case of Agriculture as a Vocational Technical Subject in Hwange Urban Schools, Matabeleland North Region; International Journal of Business Marketing and Management (IJBMM) Volume 2 Issue 5, ISSN: 2456-4559, pp 08-13
  15. Gasva, D, Moyo, W. & Chisango, F.F.T., (2015). Perceptions on Motivational practices and their Implications for Staff Job Satisfaction: the Case of Zimbabwe Open University, Matabeleland North Regional Centre. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development, 4(2), ISSN: 2278-0211.
  16. Nyuke, L.S.T & Gasva, D., (2015). Implementation of Quality Management principles at Zimbabwe Open University’s selected regional centre: Quest for Quality. IOSR: Journal of Business Studies and Management, 17(12), ISSN: 2278-487X.
  17. Mafa, O. & Gasva, D., (2015). Increasing Access to and Quality of Open and Distance Learning Programmes through Technology Driven Pedagogy: the Case of Zimbabwe Open University. IOSR Journal of Research and Method in Education, 5(5), ISSN: 2320–7388.
  18. Mukomana, S., Chisango, F.F.T. & Gasva, D., (2015). Exploring the Implementation of Quality Teaching and Learning of Ordinary Level English Language in Zimbabwe: A Case of Hwange Rural Sec. Schools in Matabeleland North Province. IOSR: Journal of Research and Method in Education, 5(6), ISSN; 2320-7388.
  19. Moyo, N., Gasva, D. & Moyo, W (2016). The Nature and Effects of Media Polarization on Political Reporting: The case of Hwange town in Matabeleland North Province, Zimbabwe. North Asian International Research Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 2(9), ISSN: 2454-2326.
  20. Makoni, M. K., Mutanana, N. & Gasva, D. (2016). Sources of Occupational Stress and its Effects on the Performance of Workers and the Company: A Case of Rock Chemicals Fillers (Private) Limited in Chegutu, Zimbabwe. North Asian International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 2(4), ISSN: 2454- 2326.
  21. Mutanana, D. & Gasva, D. (2016). An Evaluation of the Nature and Effectiveness of Counselling Services Offered to Prison Inmates at Kadoma Prison in Zimbabwe. 2(4), ISSN 2454-9827.  North Asian International Research Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 2(4), ISSN: 2454-9827.
  22. Moyo, W. Gasva, D. & Nyamuzihwa, A. (2016). The Nature and Effects of Social Media Use by Students in Zimbabwe. North Asian International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 2(11), ISSN: 2454-9827.
  23. Mafa, O. & Gasva, D. (2016). Interrogating Learner Support as a Critical Success Factor in Open and Distance Learning: The Case of Matabeleland North Regional Centre of the Zimbabwe Open University. North Asian International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 2(4), ISSN: 2454- 2326.
  24. Gasva, D. & Mutanana, N. (2016). An Exploration of the Challenges faced by Foster Children in Hwange District of Matabeleland North Province in Zimbabwe: Quest for Improved Care for Children in Foster Care. North Asian International Research Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, (2)4, ISSN:  2454-9827.
  25. Mutanana, D. & Gasva, D. (2016). Challenges Affecting the School Retention of the Girl Child in Hurungwe District of Mashonaland West Province in Zimbabwe. North Asian International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 2(9), ISSN: 2454-2326.
  26. Gasva, D., Chitokomere, F. & Moyo (2016). Effects of Family Background on the Academic Performance of Pupils in selected Secondary Schools in Hwange District of Matabeleland North Province in Zimbabwe. 2 (9). ISSN: 2454-2326.
  27. Gasva, D., Moyo, W. & Simango, A. (2016). Students’ Views on the Effect of Teachers’ Expertise on their Academic Performance in Zimbabwe. North Asian International Research Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, (3)2, ISSN: 2454-9827.
  28. Moyo, W., Gasva, D. & Mloyi, A. (2016). School Adolescents’ Perceptions towards the Causes and Effects of Drug Abuse in Zimbabwe. North Asian International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 3(2), ISSN: 2454- 2326.
  29. Nkomo, V., Gasva, D. & Moyo, W. (2016). An Evaluation of the Nature and Effectiveness of Preservation Measures of Health Records at Hwange Colliery Hospital in Zimbabwe. North Asian International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 3(2), ISSN: 2454 – 2326.
  30. Ndudzo, D. & Gasva, D. (2016). Programme-Based Assessment Mechanisms for Establishing a Culture of Excellence in Open and Distance Learning at the Zimbabwe Open University. International ODL Journal; Special Edition of the IRC, 2(2), ISSN: 9780 7974 6443 8.
  31. Makiwa, R., Moyo, W. & Gasva, D. (2017). Effectiveness of Non-Governmental Organisations in Rural Livelihood Development: the case of Hwange East in Matabeleland North Province, Zimbabwe. Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, 5(3), ISSN: 2347-5374.
  32. Mudenda, M., Gasva, D. & Moyo, W. (2017). Factors that Affect Multiple Uses and Sustainable Supply of Water in Rural Communities of Binga; Zimbabwe. Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, 5(3), ISSN: 2347-5374.
  33. Gasva, D., Moyo, W. & Dzama, T. (2017). Students’ views on the Appropriate Mode of Teaching and Learning in Open and Distance Learning: Case of Matabeleland North Regional Campus of Zimbabwe Open University. Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, 5(5), ISSN: 448-454.
  34. Gasva, D. Moyo, W. (2017). Teachers’ Views Regarding the Adoption of the New Curriculum in Zimbabwe: Fostering Quality in Education and/or National Developmental Needs. Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, 5(5), ISSN: 455-462.
  35. Moyo W. and Nkomo T. A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of organizations of people with disabilities and organizations for people with disabilities in advocacy and outreach Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences 2014; 2(6A):900-908, ISSN 2347-5374
  36. Moyo N. and Moyo W. The role of the media in promoting development: a case of Binga District, North Asian International Research Journal of Social Science & Humanities 2016 Vol. 2, Issue 3 ISSN: 2454-9827
  37. Chisango F., Ncube S., Moyo W. and Gasva D. Impact of Mining Chemical Waste Management and Disposal on Environment and Water Pollution to Local Communities in Zimbabwe: A Case of Hwange Coal Fields in Matabeleland North Region, International Journal of Humanities and Social Studies Vol. 3, Issue 2, 2015, page no 147-153, ISSN 2321-9203
  38. Phiri Y. Moyo W. and Gasva D. Challenges of human- wildlife conflict on food security and livelihoods in Mabale community in Hwange district of Matabeleland province in Zimbabwe North Asian International Research Journal of Social Science & Humanities, 2016,Vol. 2, Issue 9 page 17-35, ISSN: 2454-9827
  39. Maposa A & Chisango FFT, (2015). From Poor Family to Poor School and Back to Abject Poverty: The Role and Function of the Zimbabwean Education System in This Vicious Circle. International Journal in Management and Social Science (Impact Factor-4.358) Vol. 03 Issue-12, ISSN: 2321-1784, pp 99-106
  40. Maposa A & Chisango FFT, (2016). The Transition from Classrooms and Lecture Rooms to the Workplace: From Selected Schools and Colleges in Zimbabwe. International Journal of Research in Social Sciences, Volume 6 Issue 1, ISSN 2249-2496, pp 412-422
  41. Maposa A & Chisango FFT, (2016). Impact of Water-rationing on Zimbabwe’s High Density Suburbs: A Case of Harare (Capital City); Greener Journal of Environment Management and Public Safety Vol. 5 (1), ISSN: 2354-2276, pp 7-12
  42. Maposa A & Chisango FFT, (2016). Why Educational Practitioners Resist Staff Development Programmes: Evidence From Binga and Hwange Districts, Zimbabwe. Greener Journal of Educational Research Vol. ISSN: 2276-7789, pp43-51
  43. Maposa A & Chisango FFT, (2016). Anxiety over “When”  or “If “ They will complete their Education; the case of Siabuwa and Chipate clusters in Binga; Greener Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare Vol. 2 (1), ISSN: 2384-6437, pp 001-009.

Zimbabwe Open University Research Projects

Conference Presentations

  1. Professor D. Ndudzo & D. Gasva, Harare, 2016. Programme-Based Assessment Mechanisms for Establishing a Culture of Excellence in Open and Distance Learning at the Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU International Research Conference, 2016)
  2. Professor O. Mafa & D. Gasva, Harare, 2016). Interrogating Learner Support as a Critical Success Factor in Open and Distance Learning: The Case of Matabeleland North Regional Campus of the Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU International Research Conference, 2016)
  3. Gasva, D. & Nyuke, L.S.T. Harare, (2016). Attitudes of Primary School Pupils towards the Inclusion of Mildly Mentally- Challenged Pupils in Zimbabwe: The Case of Hwange District in Matabeleland North Province of Zimbabwe. ZOU International Research Conference
  4. Nyuke, L.S.T. & Gasva, D. Teachers’ views on Barriers to Quality Education in Selected Rural Secondary Schools in Hwange District of Matabeleland North Province in Zimbabwe (Vice Chancellor’s Research Day: Zimbabwe Open University, Harare, 2017)
  5. Gasva, D., Moyo, W. & Dzama, T. Views of Zimbabwe Open University Students on the Blended Mode of Teaching and Learning Characterised by use of the Printed Module and Electronic Learning: the Case of Matabeleland North Regional Campus (Vice Chancellor’s Research Day: Zimbabwe Open University:, Bulawayo, 2017)
  6. Professor O. Mafa & D. Gasva. Increasing Access to and Quality of Open and Distance Learning Programmes through Technology Driven Pedagogy: the Case of Zimbabwe Open University (Vice Chancellor’s Research Day: Zimbabwe Open University: Harare, 2015)
  7. Nyuke, L.S.T. and Gasva, D.)Implementation of Quality Management principles at Zimbabwe Open University’s selected regional centre: Quest for Quality (Vice Chancellor’s Research Day: Zimbabwe Open University,  Bulawayo, 2015)