KNUST E-learning for 2024/25


KNUST E-learning for 2024/25

Details and Features of the KNUST online Learning Platform. In the wake of the digital age, educational institutions worldwide have been increasingly turning to e-learning platforms to enhance their teaching and learning experiences. One such institution leading the way in West Africa is KNUST, which has embarked on a journey to revolutionize education through its e-learning platform. This article explores the KNUST e-Learning Platform, its features, benefits, and the impact it has had on both students and educators.

Students should login to KNUST Students Portal for more information.

The Introduction and Growth of E-Learning in Ghana

E-Learning is a global phenomenon that has been gaining momentum over the past few years. In Ghana, like many other African countries, access to quality education has been a challenge due to various factors, including limited resources and a growing student population. KNUST recognized the need for an innovative approach to address these challenges and embarked on a mission to provide accessible and high-quality education to its students.

KNUST e-learning Platform

The E-learning Support Centre can be found at the ground floor of the Evans Anfom Auditorium (CCB auditorium). The E-learning Support Centre is open to anyone who requires assistance. E-mail address is the address to the e-learning platform. Below is what literally happens when you contact KNUST e-learning support centre: There are three ways you can contact the E-learning Support Centre;

If you contact us by phone

1. You can be sure a technician will be able to reach you if you write down your contact information.

2. We will obtain all the details you need to fully understand the situation and resolve them.

3. Following the assignment of your ticket, you will get an email with the ticket details if a call ticket is issued.

4. You’ll hear from a technician.

If you enter your issue via the web, we will:

1. Check the data you provided, and if more information is required, get in touch with you.

2. Send your ticket to the proper department, or have someone call you to discuss the problem.

3. Send an email including the ticket details if a call ticket is produced.

4. You’ll hear from a technician.

If you can contact us via email, we will:

1. Review the email and provide information in response OR

2. When you enter a call ticket, you will receive an email containing the ticket’s details.

If you manage to resolve your problem on your own, or you are no longer having the problem, please call the E-learning Support Centre so we can update your call ticket information. You can call the E-learning Support Centre at any time to change or update your call ticket information.

Help Topics

General Enquiry
here are some services offered at the e-learning support centre:
  • Support for IT services
  • Email setup assistance
  • KNUST password reset assistance
  • Student portal login issues
  • WIFI connectivity
  • Student Registration
  • Virtual Classroom
  • Zoom Guidelines

The Impact of e-Learning on KNUST Students

The KNUST e-Learning Platform has had a profound impact on students’ lives. It has transformed the way they access and engage with education, providing opportunities that were previously unavailable to them.

  1. Increased Enrolment: The accessibility of the e-Learning platform has led to an increase in student enrolment. Many students who were previously unable to attend traditional classes due to geographical constraints are now pursuing higher education.
  2. Improved Work-Study Balance: With the flexibility of online learning, many students can balance their studies with work and other commitments, allowing them to earn a degree while supporting themselves and their families.
  3. Enhanced Learning Experience: Students report a more engaging and interactive learning experience through the e-Learning platform. The multimedia content and collaborative tools have made complex subjects more accessible.
  4. Greater Autonomy: The platform empowers students to take control of their learning. They can track their progress, identify areas where they need improvement, and seek additional resources to supplement their studies.
The Impact of e-Learning on Educators/Academies at KNUST

Educators have also experienced a significant shift in their roles and responsibilities with the introduction of the e-Learning platform.

  1. Adaptation to New Teaching Methods: Educators have had to adapt to the digital age, exploring new teaching methods and learning to use various technological tools to facilitate online education.
  2. Expanded Reach: The platform has allowed educators to reach a broader audience of students. They are no longer limited to a physical classroom and can impact the lives of students across different regions.
  3. Streamlined Assessment: The platform has streamlined the assessment and grading process, saving educators time and allowing for more efficient feedback to students.
Challenges Associated with e-Learning Platform

While the KNUST e-Learning Platform has brought about numerous benefits, there are also challenges and considerations to be aware of:

  1. Access to Technology: Not all students have equal access to the necessary technology and internet connectivity. Addressing the digital divide is essential to ensure that all students can benefit from e-Learning.
  2. Technical Support: Providing technical support and training to students and educators is crucial to ensure that they can effectively use the platform.
  3. Maintaining Engagement: Online education can sometimes lead to a sense of isolation. Educators must actively work to maintain student engagement and foster a sense of community within the virtual classroom.
  4. Academic Integrity: Ensuring the integrity of assessments and preventing plagiarism can be more challenging in an online environment. Universities must implement strategies to maintain academic honesty.

The KNUST e-Learning Platform represents a transformative leap in the field of education in West Africa. It has expanded access to higher education, improved learning outcomes, and empowered both students and educators. However, it also presents challenges that need to be addressed to ensure its continued success. As the digital age continues to evolve, e-Learning platforms like this one are likely to play an increasingly vital role in shaping the future of education in Ghana and beyond. With the right strategies and support, e-Learning has the potential to bridge educational gaps and empower students to achieve their academic and career goals.