Copperbelt University Grading System


Copperbelt University Grading System

Copperbelt University Grading System – Details of Copperbelt University Grading System.

Grading System is the system of applying standardized measurements of varying levels of achievement in a course. University Grades are often assigned as letters (for example A through F), as a range (for example 1 to 6), as a percentage of a total number of questions answered correctly, or as a number out of a possible total. Copperbelt University Intake

Copperbelt University Grading System Details

Assessment of all courses shall consist of coursework and a written examination. The coursework continuous assessment shall have a weighting of 40%and the final examination in the course shall have a weighting of 60%in each course. The continuous assessment shall consist of tests, assignments, projects, practical work, and any other work as may be assigned in each course. Continuous assessment shall consist of at least two assessments in each term. Only students who have passed the continuous assessment shall be allowed to sit for the final examination. A pass mark in continuous assessment is 50%. The pass mark in each course and in the Research Project is a score of 50% or better. The following grading scheme shall be used to grade all the work :

86 – 100 % A+ Distinction
76 – 85 % A Distinction
68 – 75 % B+ Meritorious
62 – 67 % B Very Satisfactory
56 – 61 % C+ Definite Pass
50 – 55 % C Bare Pass
40 – 49 % D+ Bare Fail
0 – 39 % D Fail
NE Not Examination Taken
LT Left Without Permission
DQ Disqualified
WP Withdrew with Permission
P Compensatory Pass
F Fail
EX Exempted
DEF Deferred
FCA Failed in Continuous Assessment
NAT Not Sufficient Class Attendance

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