Great Zimbabwe University Act – Download Full PDF
Great Zimbabwe University Act – Download PDF of Great Zimbabwe University Act
An Act is defined as a bill which has passed through the various legislative steps required for it and which has become law. Related Terms: Statutes, Legislation, Law, Regulation, Enactment, Bill. Synonymous with the term enactment or statute. See Also: Great Zimbabwe University Intake.
In terms of Section 31 (3) (j) and (k) of the Great Zimbabwe University Act (2002), the Council of the Great Zimbabwe University in exercise of its powers under Section 11 (2) (d) of that Act, hereby makes the following Ordinances:-
2.1 There shall be a Departmental Board for each Department which shall consist of:-
2.1.1 The Chairperson of the Department.
2.1.2 All full-time members of the academic staff of the Department.
2.1.3 Representatives of Teaching Assistants, honorary and part-time academic staff in the Department appointed annually by the Departmental Board.
2.1.4 Where relevant, up to two representatives of the technical staff in the Department, elected by the technical staff in the Department.
2.1.5 Two students in the Department elected annually by the students from amongst themselves, except that student representatives shall not be entitled to attend for deliberations on matters considered by the Board to be confidential, which shall include appointment, promotion, tenure and conduct of staff and examinations.
2.2 The Vice Chancellor, the Pro Vice Chancellor and the appropriate Dean and Deputy Dean shall be entitled to attend meetings of the Departmental Board in an ex-officio capacity.
2.3 A Departmental Board shall meet at least twice every semester and shall maintain a proper system of agendas and minutes for such meetings.
2.4 Subject to Section 3 of this Ordinance, each Departmental Board shall regulate its own procedures, including the provision of a Secretary to services the Board and the establishment of a quorum.
Subject to the provisions of the University Statutes, the authority of the Senate, the provisions of this Ordinance and such limitations as the Faculty Board of which the Department forms a part may impose, the Departmental Board shall:-
3.1 plan, arrange for, conduct and control the teaching and instruction of students within the Department and the setting and marking of examination papers in accordance with regulations approved by Senate, the general academic policy agreed by the Faculty and Department and the approved administrative procedures of the University;
3.2 plan for and formulate general guidelines on pure and applied research and suggest means of funding research programmes in the Department;
3.3 make recommendations to the Faculty Board for the establishment of new courses and the amendment of existing regulations and syllabuses relating to studies within the Department;
3.4 delegate functions and responsibilities to individuals or groups of individuals within the Department;
3.5 exercise such powers as may be conferred upon it by the Faculty Board, the Senate and the Vice Chancellor;
3.6 arrange for the provision of consultancy services by the Department on matters concerning the subject assigned to the Department within the limitations of its capabilities and subject to the general University policy on consultancy services;
3.7 monitor the implementation of the University’s conditions relating to the undertaking of private consultancy remunerative work in respect of the members of the Department;
3.8 make recommendations in respect of estimates of expenditure in the Department to the Budget Committee;
3.9 recommend a preliminary short-list of candidates for appointment to academic, technical, administrative, secretarial and service posts within the Department, cognizant of the need to maintain strict confidentiality in handling applications and shall forward such shortlists to the relevant Selection Board or Academic Appointments Board or Committee for consideration;
3.10 recommend candidates for Staff Development Fellowships and submit suitable study programmes and venues to the Staff Development Committee;
3.11 submit recommendations to the Vice Chancellor in respect of the appointment of External Examiners and any other consultants in the Department;
3.12 make recommendations to the appropriate bodies concerning promotion, tenure and disciplining of academic, technical, secretarial and service staff with the Department;
3.13 make recommendations to the appropriate Faculty Planning Committee on plans for the development of the Department;
3.14 appoint normally one academic member of the Department, in addition to the Chairman, to the Faculty Board of Examiners;
3.15 monitor all Departmental votes and income and report to the Research Board on the expenditure of the annual block allocation of funds;
3.16 appoint a delegate to represent the Department on University committees and other bodies as required;
3.17 make such other recommendations and decisions as may be required of the Department by other University ordinances and regulations and make decisions on such other matters as it may deem appropriate for the proper functioning of the Department.
4.1 There shall be a Chairperson of each Department appointed by the Vice Chancellor, on behalf of the University Council, normally chosen from among the tenured academic members of the Department.
4.2 Before appointing a Departmental Chairperson, the Vice Chancellor shall:-
4.2.1 consult and take note of the views of each member of the academic staff in the Department about the appointment;
4.2.2 consult and take note of the views of at least one of the Pro Vice Chancellors and the Dean of the Faculty concerned.
4.3 The Vice Chancellor may delegate the consultation procedure in Section 4.2.1 to a Pro Vice Chancellor who will in turn, report to the Vice Chancellor.
4.4 The Chairperson of a Department shall normally hold office for a period of up to three years and shall be eligible for re-appointment.
4.5 After consultation with the Pro Vice Chancellor, the Dean of the Faculty and the Chairperson concerned, the Vice Chancellor may terminate the appointment of a Chairperson of Department by giving one month’s notice in writing, and the reasons for such termination shall be communicated to the Departmental Board before it is effected.
4.6 The Chairperson of a Department may resign appointment by giving the Vice Chancellor one month’s notice in writing.
4.7 Where the Chairperson of a Department is unable, either by reason of absence from the University or for any other reason, to carry on the duties of a Chairperson, the Vice Chancellor shall, subject to the provisions of Section 4.2 of this Ordinance, appoint an Acting Chairperson for the period until a new Chairperson of the Department is appointed.
4.8 Where in the opinion of the Departmental Board, the absence of the Chairperson from a Department is for a period deemed detrimental to the interests of that Department, the Departmental Board shall, subject to the provision of paragraph 4.2, recommend to the Vice Chancellor the appointment of a new Chairperson.
4.9 A Chairperson of a Department shall be paid a responsibility allowance at a rate determined from time to time by the Finance Committee of Council for the duration of their term of office, provided that no allowance shall be payable where the Chairperson is absent or unable to perform duties for a period of 21 consecutive days or more.
4.10 Given the vital importance to good governance of departments by chairpersons, a person accepting appointment to such positions should undertake not to be absent for extended periods from the Department, especially during semester time and normally, no person shall be appointed who will be taking sabbatical leave during their term of office.
The role of Chairperson is recognized as a primary leadership position. In performing the duties of the position, it is assumed that Chairpersons will exercise considerable discretion while complying with University policies and procedures and operating within the limitations imposed by the availability of resources.
While considerable diversity may exist in the operation of various departments, there is a common core of duties to be performed by Chairpersons.
Among the expectations of the Chairperson is the setting of SMART objectives for the Department and adherence to established timelines and deadlines in performing duties. The Chairperson also has the chief academic responsibility of ensuring that
members of staff in the department meet the required standard in terms of research, teaching and university service.
In addition to teaching, research and their duties and responsibilities the Chairperson of the Department is expected to perform; administrative, Faculty and Human Resources, liaison, student-related as well as leadership functions.
The Chairperson is the chief administrator of the Department and the primary representative of the academic discipline to which he/she belongs. This places the Chairperson in the unique position of fulfilling administrative swresponsibilities assigned by the Vice Chancellor through the Dean of the Faculty, maintaining standards of the discipline, and meeting the professional expectations of the Faculty. Among the specific administrative duties for which the Chairperson is responsible and accountable are:
5.1.1 Chairing Departmental Board meetings;
5.1.2 Representing the Department on appropriate University Committees and other bodies as required;
5.1.3 Communicating departmental needs and desires to the Vice Chancellor through the Dean of the Faculty;
5.1.4 Communicating and interpreting University/Management decisions to the department;
5.1.5 Serve as Executive Officer of the Department in the implementation of departmental policy as determined by the Departmental Board and other university authorities and be responsible for the day-to-day administration of the Department.
5.1.6 Maintaining open lines of communication among specializations within the Department, and encouraging appropriate balance;
5.1.7 Encouraging the development and improvement of the departmental curriculum, and seeing that the proper curriculum forms are submitted on schedule;
5.1.8 Supervising the departmental budget, record keeping, and the requisition of supplies, equipment, materials, and other instructional needs;
5.1.9 Developing and following procedures to assign faculty to classes, laboratories, studios, and other responsibilities;
5.1.10 Coordinating and supervising the departmental programs, reviews, accreditation and departmental evaluations, and other reviews;
5.1.11 Cooperating with other departments, schools, and faculties in the accomplishment of their tasks.
Among the most important duties of the Chairperson are those relating to human resources in the Department. The success of the Department is frequently dependent upon the abilities of the Chairperson in this regard. Among the specific tasks for which the Chairperson is responsible and accountable are:
5.2.1 Exercising leadership in recruiting and retaining capable staff;
5.2.2 Evaluating performance and developing procedures for assessing members’ accomplishments;
5.2.3 Exercising judgments’ regarding the extent to which departmental members have pursued their professional and University obligations;
5.2.4 Making recommendations with respect to tenure, promotion, reappointment, all types of leave, for example, ordinary leave, maternity leave, special leave, study leave, etc and disciplining of academic staff within the Department provided that if the Chairperson is a candidate for promotion, the appropriate recommendations shall be made by the Dean after consultation with full-time academic members of the Department;
5.2.5 Facilitating and sourcing grants from extramural sources;
5.2.6 Encouraging improvement of staff members’ performance by fostering proper and acceptable standards of teaching, stimulating research, scholarly writing, and creative activity;
5.2.7 Promoting departmental members’ professional development and enrichment, and encouraging members in their service to the University and the Community;
5.2.8 Maintaining staff morale by preventing and resolving conflicts, and by arranging for the effective and equitable distribution of departmental responsibilities;
5.2.9 Supervising departmental support staff including selection, scheduling, evaluation and discipline; and
5.2.10 Communicating to the Dean, in a timely manner, human resources changes involving departmental teaching and support staff.
The Chairperson has primary responsibility for representing the Department and the discipline to the University and the Community at large. Among the specific duties for which the Chairperson is responsible and accountable are:
5.3.1 Maintaining liaison with other departments and support units;
5.3.2 Fulfilling public relations responsibilities, and enhancing the departmental image and reputation on and off campus, for example, participating in open days, career development days, graduation ceremonies, etc;
5.3.3 Promoting interdepartmental and interdisciplinary cooperation in the development and maintenance of academic programs.
The recruitment and retention of outstanding students is often dependent upon how wisely and effectively the Chairperson responds to student needs. Among the specific duties for which the Chairperson is responsible and accountable are:
5.4.1 Informing students of special departmental registration procedures and enrolment criteria, etc, and administering those procedures as appropriate;
5.4.2 Assuring that students pursuing programmes in the department have available to them appropriate courses to allow satisfactory progress toward their degrees;
5.4.3 Coordinating the academic counseling process and monitoring the process to ensure responsiveness to changing student goals and aspirations;
5.4.4 Encouraging student clubs and organizations which foster achievement and professional development;
5.4.5 Developing and ensuring compliance with procedures for resolving student complaints about faculty, courses and/or programs.
Great Zimbabwe University Act – Download PDF of Great Zimbabwe University Act
There are different styles and techniques for carrying out the duties of the Chairperson. However, there are a number of attributes that are important to the leadership of departments. Among them are:
5.5.1 Being sensitive to the needs of the faculty and students from diverse backgrounds;
5.5.2 Working with committees and promoting their effectiveness;
5.5.3 Engaging in consultation and participatory decision-making;
5.5.4 Being open to fair criticism;
5.5.5 Demonstrating objectivity;
5.5.6 Being available to the department, staff and students;
5.5.7 Judging people fairly and thoughtfully;
5.5.8 Initiating and sustaining action towards defined goals and encouraging the initiative of others;
5.5.9 Demonstrating interpersonal relations that foster a professional working atmosphere;
5.5.10 Demonstrating a commitment to excellence in teaching, research and community service through continuing activity as a teacher and scholar.
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