LIUTEBM University Fees 2025/2026


LIUTEBM University Fees 2025/2026

Table and PDF Format of LIUTEBM University Fees Structure 2025/2026. Find on this page full details of the LIUTEBM University Fee Structure for Courses in 2025/2026 Academic Year.

Tuition Fees are what students pay for the cost of the courses they learn at the university. The LIUTEBM University Fees is structured to cover the LIUTEBM University Tuition Fees and other Academic bills and services offered in the school. The LIUTEBM University Intake and all associated fees are required to be paid into the University’s rightful account.


See LIUTEBM University Bank Account Numbers

If you are a continuing student, you can check your Outstanding Fees online by accessing the LIUTEBM University Student Portal or better still visit the Accounts Department for all information you may need on your current fees status.

Candidates applying for Admissions can also pay for their LIUTEBM University Application Form fee to the same account provided. You can contact LIUTEBM University for details.

Before you head on to read the information that we have gather on this page about the LIUTEBM University Fees for 2025/2026, we entreat our readers especially students, parents and teachers to spend some few minutes to read more about LIUTEBM University.

About LIUTEBM University

LIUTEBM is a Registered and Accredited International University, duly recognised by the Min. of Education, Govt of Zambia registered under the Higher Education Authority Act, No.4 of 2013, as a center of higher education in the tourism industry as well as to be incoporated as a private University under the Companies Act, CAP 388 of the Laws of Zambia. It is also fully recognised in the World Higher Education Directory – WHED, maintained by the International Association of Universities – IAU, United Nations Organization. All the degrees and certificates awarded by LIUTEBM are recognised world over.

Why Study With LIUTEBM

There are many practicle reasons why people look into flexible methods of education today. Mostly many people find it difficult to strike a balance, between, their respective jobs, and family life. With the global economy in a mess, times are extremly hard and more than ever before, saving money has become an immediate priority of entirely everyone.

Flexible Learning

For many others,the flexibility of available class schedules and subsquent attendance offers nothing but a whole lot unnecessary inconviniences. With LIUTEBM, all students will have the freedom to attend classes at their convinient time and place, thus suiting their own day time schedules. LIUTEBM will ensure that accessibility to study materials is always up to the notch 24 hours a day.

World Class Facilities

Students will enjoy world class learning facilities. LIUTEBM will also provide all registered students in campus with free transportation, with the aim of providing students with a one-in-all innovative money saving incentive or strategy. At LIUTEBM, the time a student takes to achieve his or her qualification will only be limited by their respective ability to fufil their programme credit requirements as stipulated by the university.

School of Business & Finance

Livingstone International University of Tourism Excellence and Business Management (LIUTEBM) offers education at both undergraduate and postgraduate for Business & Finance in 2024-2025 Admission intake.

School of Humanities

Livingstone International University of Tourism Excellence and Business Management (LIUTEBM) offers education at both undergraduate and postgraduate for Human Resources, Logistic and other related courses in 2024-2025 Admission intake.

School of Computing

Livingstone International University of Tourism Excellence and Business Management (LIUTEBM) offers education at both undergraduate and postgraduate for computer science, Information and Technology and other related courses in 2024-2025 Admission intake.

School of Medicine

Livingstone International University of Tourism Excellence and Business Management (LIUTEBM) offers education at both undergraduate and postgraduate for medicine and other medical related courses in 2024-2025 Admission intake.

School of Environment & Tourism

Livingstone International University of Tourism Excellence and Business Management (LIUTEBM) offers education at both undergraduate and postgraduate for Environment and Tourism courses in 2024-2025 Admission intake.

School of International Programs

Livingstone International University of Tourism Excellence and Business Management (LIUTEBM) offers education at both undergraduate and postgraduate for international courses in 2024-2025 Admission intake.

International Business, Tourism & allied areas, Management & all allied areas of Management, Construction Project Management, Conflict Resolution & Dispute Management, Supply Chain Management, Transportation & Warehouse Management, Information Technology, Computer Science & allied areas, Education, Educational Administration, Education Management, Law, Legal Administration, Social Sciences, Economics, Communications & allied areas, Finance, Accounts & allied areas, Industrial Safety, Water Resources, Hydrology & Allied areas, Geography, Agriculture & allied areas, Public Health, Nutrition, Healthcare Administration, Pharmaceutical Administration, Counselling & Guidance, Occupational Health & Safety and any other acceptable subject / research-proposal.

Tabulation of the LIUTEBM University Fees 2025/2026

Below are all the LIUTEBM University Fees for the 2025/2026 Academic year.

All programs are available on day release, distance learning, evening and weekends. Registration fees of K 150 for Undergraduate, K 200 for Postgraduate and K 500 for PhD programmes respectively.

Please note that: International students pay an extra K3,000 for Undergraduate and K5,000 for Postgraduate studies

Payments are made under flexible and negotiated terms and suit individuals’ cash flows and incomes.

See Additional Articles on LIUTEBM University

LIUTEBM University Student Portal

LIUTEBM University Graduation

LIUTEBM University Contact Details

LIUTEBM University Logo

LIUTEBM University Online Application

LIUTEBM University Entry Requirements

LIUTEBM University Application Form

LIUTEBM University Courses

LIUTEBM University Fee Structure

LIUTEBM University Intake

We believe this information about LIUTEBM University Fees for 2025/2026 Academic Year has been useful to you.

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