Rusangu University Nursing Degree


Rusangu University Nursing Degree

Rusangu University Nursing Degree – See Details of Rusangu University Nursing Degree Course

The management of Rusangu University wishes to invite the prospective student to apply for a Nursing Degree Course offered at the Polytechnic. Rusangu University Intake.


The Nursing Course is offered under the Department of Health Science. Rusangu University Entry Requirements

Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing

Rusangu University Nursing Degree


The Nursing Degree program is an integral component of Rusangu University. The department is committed to the teachings and the values of the Seventh Day Adventist Church. It conducts its academic affairs in accordance with the University’s aim and policies, the standards of the academic community and of the nursing profession. Its philosophy and mission focus on education, scientific inquiry and service within the scope of nursing knowledge and practice. Nursing education has as its goal the acquisition of the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes to enable the nurse to be qualified, safe and competent in implementing the nursing process and promoting adaptation of clients.

The faculty accepts the University statement of training the head, the heart, and the hand. The conceptual framework of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing incorporates the concepts of God, Man, Society, Health, Christian Witnessing, Teaching, Learning, and professional nursing.

Students are seen as responsible adult learners with knowledge based on previous life experiences. They are viewed as equal partners in the learning process and, as such will be encouraged to take responsibility for their own personal and professional development.


The Nursing Science program provides a Bachelor of Sciences in Nursing. After completion of this programme, the graduates will be able to

  1. Function as nurses who are committed to the healing ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ and apply a wholistic approach to nursing practice.
  2. Demonstrate nursing professionalism dedicated to advancing a culture of professional excellence and achievement through lifelong learning.
  3. Demonstrate a comprehensive professional knowledge of nursing culture standards of excellence.
  4. Demonstrate that they are critical thinkers who creatively engage in rational inquiry using nursing processes and current research to improve healthcare outcomes.
  5. Demonstrate comprehensive professional knowledge of best practices in health promotion, disease prevention and intervention
  6. Demonstrate professional responsibility for the care of patient/clients in a variety of health care settings.
  7. Demonstrate a caring attitude at all times and serve his/her clients with dignity, respect, and honesty.
  8. Demonstrate the assertiveness in their endeavours and advocate for their clients/patients and the vulnerable in the society
  9. Exhibit the qualities of competent practitioners and be role models in the profession of nursing.
  10. Perform as a professional nurse who shall contribute to the development of the health care system in Zambia and beyond.
  11. Exercise accountability in decision-making, self-awareness and continued self-development in nursing.
  12. Demonstrate comprehensive professional knowledge to champion quality, safety, and equality in healthcare
  13. Pursue graduate studies
  14. Plan instructional methods and design curriculum for health workers.


The admission requirements will be in accordance with University guidelines.

A. Pre-service, Enrolled nurses and other certificate holders in Nursing Minimum of five subjects from School Leaving Certificate or the equivalent as follows:

Five (5) “O” Levels at least at credit or better in:

  • English language
  • Mathematics
  • Biology or any science subject
  • Any two (2) other subjects

In-Service(Registered Nurses)

Registered nurse diploma or equivalent qualifications for those trained outside the country Should have valid practising licence with

Minimum of five subjects from School Leaving Certificate or the equivalent as follows:

  1. a.Five (5) “O” Levels at least at credit or better in:
  2. b.English language
  3. c.Mathematics
  4. d.Biology or any Science subject
  5. Any other two (2) subjects

Admission from Pre- Nursing into nursing major courses

The Admission’s Committee of the Department of Nursing will interview the candidates before admission into the program. The Admission Committee of the department of Nursing looks for evidence of personal integrity, intellectual vigour, good health, self-discipline, and self-direction when admitting students into the nursing programme. Prospective nursing majors are admitted into the University as pre- nursing students. They are then to complete certain specified pre- nursing requirements as spelt out in this document. It takes about five (5) academic quarters to complete pre-nursing requirements. The following are the requirements for admission:

  • A total of 46 Credits in the general requirements and cognate courses with a cumulative GPA of 2.67 or better
  • Report of a complete Medical examination submitted to the department
  • Attendance of a scheduled departmental interview

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