Rusangu University Online Registration 2025/2026
Accessing the Rusangu University Online Registration Portal. Find details on How to Access and Fill the Rusangu University Application Form Online for 2025/2026 Admission.
Admission Application into the Rusangu University can also be done Online aside from the traditional manual way (Rusangu University Application Form). The Admission Office of the Rusangu University has open the Online Registration Portal. Applicants, therefore, have the opportunity to apply for the 2025/2026 Rusangu University Intake.
Before you proceed to the link that leads you to the Rusangu University Online Registration page, we recommend that you check the Rusangu University Entry Requirements to know what it takes to read their preferred Courses.
Check Also: Rusangu University Fees
Details of Rusangu University Online Registration 2025/2026
The academic year at Rusangu University is divided into three quarters for both block release students and full-time students. All students are expected to register on designated dates as scheduled on the academic calendar. Registration is the normal process of selecting, arranging and reserving the student’s academic schedule for each quarter or session in accordance with procedures prescribed by the Registrar.
An outline of the registration procedure will be available at the time of registration. Registration is official only after all procedures have been completed: all fees paid and completed forms processed by the Registrar’s office and the student is in possession of a copy of his/her registration form.
Once a student has registered for a class or classes for any quarter, he/she is obligated to pay the required tuition and other fees for that quarter. A student will receive a grade for each registered course, unless he/she formally withdraws from that course before examinations (check policy on course withdrawal procedures and financial implications).
The University reserves the right to cancel the registration of a student who fails to attend classes or who does not make adequate arrangements to pay his/her tuition and other fees during the stipulated periods. Registration cancellation does not eliminate the student’s obligation to pay the accrued tuition and other fees.
Rusangu University Online Class Registration
Students are not officially registered for a course until the registration procedure is completed. Students are not permitted to attend courses for which they have not registered. Attending a course for which a student is not registered is an academic offence.
Rusangu University Online Current Registration/Correspondence Courses
Students who want to register concurrently in another institution of higher education in Zambia or take courses by correspondence from any recognized University must first seek permission from the Dean of their faculty.
Classwork being taken from a neighbouring institution or by correspondence will be considered in calculating the student’s total study load – if prior approval has been granted. A non-credit course is considered at full value on a student’s course load while audit courses are counted at one half. Credits earned will not be transferred unless the Senate Executive Committee has given prior
Rusangu University Online Audit Registration
Students may audit a course by permission of the instructor and the Department Chairperson. Audit students are required to abide by the class attendance requirements. If absences reach 20% of the time, a “U” grade is automatically assigned. Students who have taken a course under the audit provision are not permitted to challenge the course by examination later on. Students may change from audit to credit – in written request – by the end of the first week of the quarter.
Rusangu University Online Change in Registration
Changes in registration may be made only through the Registrar’s office. There is a drop and add period at the beginning of each quarter when students may add or drop courses. However, a fee is charged for each add and drop exercise outside the stipulated time (see late registration policy). Students may change from credit to audit up to the end of the second week of the quarter.
Rusangu University Online Late Registration
Initial registration or the addition of selected courses to a student’s programs may be done online according to the posted registration schedule of each quarter. (This is usually done up to the second day of classes during the quarter).
After this, students claiming unavoidable circumstances may petition for late registration through Senate Executive Committee. Supporting documents (hospital reports, police reports etc) are required to substantiate such claims. If the student is allowed to register, a late registration fee will be charged according to the prevailing rates and the student’s course load may be limited.
Click Here for Rusangu University Online Registration 2025/2026
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