University of Barotseland Fees 2025/2026
Table and PDF Format of University of Barotseland Fees Structure 2025/2026. Find on this page full details of the University of Barotseland Fee Structure for Courses in 2025/2026 Academic Year.
Tuition Fees are what students pay for the cost of the courses they learn at the university. The University of Barotseland Fees is structured to cover the University of Barotseland Tuition Fees and other Academic bills and services offered in the school. The University of Barotseland Intake and all associated fees are required to be paid into the University’s rightful account.
See University of Barotseland Bank Account Numbers
If you are a continuing student, you can check your Outstanding Fees online by accessing the University of Barotseland Student Portal or better still visit the Accounts Department for all information you may need on your current fees status.
Candidates applying for Admissions can also pay for their University of Barotseland Application Form fee to the same account provided. You can contact the University of Barotseland for details.
Before you head on to read the information that we have gather on this page about the University of Barotseland Fees for 2025/2026, we entreat our readers especially students, parents and teachers to spend some few minutes to read more about University of Barotseland.
About University of Barotseland Intake
UBL is a newly established private university registered with the Ministry of Education, Science, Vocational Training and Early Education in 2012. It is accredited by the High Education Authority, Health Professionals Association of Zambia, and the Zambia Accreditation Authority. The university aims at providing quality university education to students in Zambia, the southern Africa sub-region and the rest of the world in five schools, namely: Education; Health Sciences; Humanities and Social Development; Economics, Business and Law;and Natural Resources. In addition, UBL has two Directorates: Research and Consultancy; and Culture and Museums. It operates in partnership with the community and welcomes public cooperation.
Tabulation of the University of Barotseland Fees 2025/2026
Below are all the University of Barotseland Fees for the 2025/2026 Academic year.
Application fees:
ZK 120,000.00 non-refundable.
Payment Mechanism:
The University will accept payment made through its bankers as follows:
Bank Name: |
Branch Name: |
Manda Hill, Lusaka |
Account Name: |
University of Barotseland |
Account Number: |
1905790500142 |
OR |
Bank Name: |
Standard Chartered |
Branch Name: |
Cairo North End, Lusaka |
Account Name: |
University of Barotseland |
Account Number: |
0100126252400 |
See Additional Articles on University of Barotseland
University of Barotseland Student Portal
University of Barotseland Contacts
University of Barotseland Entry Requirements
University of Barotseland Application Form
University of Barotseland Courses
University of Barotseland Fee Structure
University of Barotseland Online Application
University of Barotseland Intake
We believe this information about University of Barotseland Fees for 2025/2026 Academic Year has been useful to you.
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