UNZA Educational Administration and Policy Studies Department


UNZA Educational Administration and Policy Studies Department

UNZA Educational Administration and Policy Studies Department – Details of UNZA Educational Administration and Policy Studies Department

Educational Administration and Policy Studies

University of Zambia Intake


The Department of Educational Administration and Policy Studies (EAPS) is one of the Eight departments that constitute the School of Education.  The Department was established in 1989. It was originally part of the Department of Education that consisted of various departments namely Languages and Social Sciences LSSE, Department of Educational Psychology, Sociology and Special Education, Department Mathematics and Science Education among others. The aim of creating the EAPS Department was to provide leadership in the understanding of administration and policy issues in education in general. It also aimed at providing foundation courses for first-year students in the school of education and other courses that maybe be prerequisites for senior students.

The Department in 2014 introduced a bachelor of the education degree programme in Educational Administration and Management. The aim of the degree is to improve efficiency in learning institutions. This will be done by empowering students, especially administrators with relevant knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to meet challenges in their field. The Department has successfully integrated HIV and AIDS issues in all its courses, however, in 2009, having realised the serious challenge that HIV and AIDS posses to development, the Department introduced a separate course at the senior level that was wholly aimed at addressing this scourge. This course has received an overwhelming response from the students.

At the postgraduate level, the Department offers both masters and doctoral degree programmes. The master’s degree programmes include a Master of Education in Educational Administration and Master of Education in Education and Development. A doctorate research degree is offered in the field of Educational Administration. All postgraduate degree programmes are offered in conjunction with the Directorate of Research and Graduate Studies (DGRS). Apart from conducting research in educational management, administration, planning and policy issues, the Department provides Educational Management and Leadership skills training to prospective and serving school managers in the wider community through seminars and short duration courses.