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Catholic Education is above all a question of communicating Christ, of helping to form Christ In the lives of others” (John Paul II, 1979). The Catholic Church’s vision of education has always been the integral development of the human person in accordance with the Gospel values. The approach to education has always been and will always remain holistic.
Hence the specific purpose of the Catholic University is the formation of boys and girls, men and women who will be good citizens of the world.
The patron saint of the University is St. Thomas More, an English Martyr, whose life was/is truly an example for all who are called to serve humanity and society, who, “as a statesman always placed himself at the service of the human statesman always placed himself at the service of the human person, especially the weak and poor, “over whom” honour and wealth held no sway” but was guided by an outstanding sense of fairness, who never compromised his conscience (John Paul II Jubilee Message, No.5, November 2000)