ZCAS University MSC Project Management


ZCAS University MSC Project Management

ZCAS University MSC Project Management Course – See Details of ZCAS University (ZCAS) MSC Project Management Course

The management of ZCAS University wishes to invite the prospective student to apply for MSC Project Management Course offered at the Polytechnic.


 ZCAS University Intake

The MSC Project Management Course is offered under the Department of Business among other various courses. Entry Requirements


In the recent past, Zambia, like many other developing countries, has experienced a growth in developmental projects across the country, including the road construction sector, building, information technology, NGOs’ project delivery in the communities, and many others. The Government’s intention of opening up the country through road accessibility, the building of provincial and district headquarters, hospitals and clinics and the opening of new universities have turned the country into a hub of construction. Most of the projects are undertaken by foreign companies with little participation by local ones.

This Masters programme shall constitute two postgraduate pathways that should be used to enrol eligible applicants. Furthermore, the programme will comprise three levels of qualifications. These are the Postgraduate Certificate, Postgraduate Diploma and conclusively the MSc degree depending on the Pathway used and found appropriate to enrol a particular applicant and the resulting level of academic performance achieved by a given candidate during the course of pursuing this programme.

1ST PATHWAY (Direct entry route to the MSc Programme)

Under this pathway, applicants must be holders of a Bachelor’s degree from UNZA, ZCAS-U or any other recognized university. Any such candidates shall therefore be enrolled directly for the MSc level qualification in Project Management. Holders of full professional qualifications such as ACCA, CIMA, CIM, CIPS and any other ascertained to be equivalent to these qualifications shall also be eligible for enrollment via this pathway. This MSc degree shall be awarded by the University of Zambia in association with ZCAS University. Students will need to complete Semesters 1 and 2 courses, then do any 2 electives in Semester 3 and submit a successful dissertation in order to be awarded the MSc degree in Project Management – this is as per earlier specifications of this programme.

2ND PATHWAY (Postgraduate Certificate and Diploma)

All other candidates who do not meet the entry requirements for direct entry into this masters programme should be administered using this 2nd Pathway to register them and process their enrollments for a qualification in Project Management. This pathway will lead to only two possible qualifications in Project Management. That is, the Postgraduate Certificate (PgCert) and/or the Postgraduate Diploma (PgDiploma) in Project Management. This shall occur upon the successful completion of the designated assessment components or segments ascribed to these two qualifications. The progression of a student from the PgCert stage to the PgDiploma level will depend on the academic performance standards achieved at PgCert level by a given candidate. Any student with satisfactory performance (NB:..criteria to be defined later) exhibited and attained at PgCert level shall be permitted to progress to the PgDiploma phase of this programme. Both the PgCert and the PgDiploma qualifications shall be awarded by ZCAS University.

The following shall be eligible to apply for admission to the Master of Science degree in Project Management:

  • Graduates of UNZA degree programmes who have been admitted to the appropriate degree of Bachelor with at least a credit.
  • Graduates of other recognised universities who have been admitted to the appropriate degree of Bachelor with at least Second Class (Upper Division) Honours.
  • Graduates of a sufficiently adequate standard who shall have demonstrated competence to undertake this postgraduate programme.
  • Applicants with sufficient requisite working experience and in exceptional circumstances, are holders of a pass degree or its equivalent will be considered for admission on the MSM programme.


The programme runs for one year six months on part time and distance education and not more than two years academic years in case of any eventualities or unforeseen circumstances.


Course Code Course Title Course Code Course Title CourseCode Course Title
MPM 111 Project Design Strategy MPM 112 Project Risk Management, Exit &  Sustainability Strategies MPM213 Managing Livelihood Projects
MPM 121 Strategic Project Organisation MPM 122 Strategic ProcurementManagement MPM223 Public Private Partnership and Project Management
MPM 131  Project Implementation, Monitoring Evaluation and Reporting MPM 132  Strategic Leadership and Cultural Orientation  MPM233 Project Quality Management
    MPM243 Managing projects using ICT tools and techniques.
MPM311 Consultancy Report/Dissertation (Independent Study) – Due for submission in Semester 3

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