University of Eldoret School of Engineering


University of Eldoret School of Engineering

The University of Eldoret School of Engineering – See more About the University of Eldoret School of Engineering Courses, Departments and Contacts.

The School of Engineering was founded in June 2011 and continues to offer quality education. It is based on a strong tradition of excellence in applied sciences at the University. Approved programmes in teaching and research are tailored to address clientele challenges.

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University of Eldoret School of Engineering Courses

The School offers both undergraduate and post-graduate studies and is prepared to meet the challenges of increasing the student population in line with the government’s Vision 2030 strategy. The School programs consist of coursework, laboratories, workshops, projects, field and industrial attachments. These programmes are offered with a general objective of training would-be practising engineers with the knowledge, skills, management and competence in design, construction, operation and maintenance of engineering systems. Opportunities for graduates include engineering firms, government ministries and agencies, private sector, self-employment, among others.

University of Eldoret School of Engineering Departments

  • Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
  • Civil and Structural Engineering
  • Mechanical and Production Engineering

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