Turkana University College Admission Requirements 2025


Turkana University College Admission Requirements 2025

The Turkana University College Admission Requirements 2025-2026. See Details of Turkana University College Admission Requirements on this page.

Turkana University College is one of the best universities in Kenya. The school offers many programmes to train students to become great professionals and leaders in the future.

Turkana University College Fees Structure

Before one can get admission to read their preferred course, you need to meet the Entry/Admission Requirements for that particular course. The Admission Office of the Turkana University College has announced the available Courses and their Admission Requirements for the 2025-2026 Turkana University College Intake.

The Turkana University College hence welcomes applicants to apply to read their Courses, therefore, applicants should read the Admission Requirements provided below well.

Turkana University College Requirements – Turkana University College Admission Requirements 2025-2026

Turkana University College Application Form

Details of Turkana University College Courses and Entry/Admission Requirements 2025-2026




Master of Arts in Development Studies

– 162,750/= (Year 1)

Minimum requirements:

– 138,500/= (Year 2)

Bachelors degree with 2nd Class Honors, Upper division in

– Regular/Evening/Weekend

the relevant field OR Bachelors degree with 2nd Class Honors,

Lower division in the relevant field with two (2) years relevant

experience; from a recognized Institution.


Bachelor of Social Work and Administration

– 50,000/= per semester

Minimum requirements:

– 4 Academic Years

Mean grade of C+ (plus) at KCSE with at least a C+ (plus)) in

– Full time

English Or 2 principal passes at A-level and 1 subsidiary in

– Evening/Weekend

relevant subjects Or Diploma in a relevant area of study.


Bachelor of Development Studies

– 50,000/= per semester

Minimum requirements:

– 4 Academic Years

Mean grade of C+ (plus) at KCSE with at least a C+ (plus)) in

– Full time

English Or 2 principal passes at A-level and 1 subsidiary in

– Evening/Weekend

relevant subjects Or Diploma in a relevant area of study


Bachelors of Social Work

– 50,000/= per semester

Minimum requirements:

– 4 Academic Years

Mean grade of C+ (plus) at KCSE with at least a C+ (plus)) in

– Full time

English Or 2 principal passes at A-level and 1 subsidiary in

– Evening/Weekend

relevant subjects Or Diploma in a relevant area of study


Diploma in Community Development and Social work

– 20,000/= per semester

Minimum requirements:

– 2 Academic years

Minimum mean grade C- (Minus) KCSE. Or KCE Division II

– Full – time

Or KACE with at least 1 principal Pass. Or Certificate in the

– Evening/Weekend

relevant area from a recognized institution Or Craft Certificate

– Field Attachment

from a recognized institution


Certificate in Community Development and Social work

-20,000/= per semester

Minimum requirements:

– 2 semesters

Minimum mean grade of D (Plain) Or KCE Division III Or Any

– Full – time

other qualifications recognized by MMUST Senate

– Evening/Weekend

– Field Attachment




Masters in Business Administration

– 162,750/= (Year 1)


– 138,500/= (Year 2)

Accounting, Marketing, Human Resource, Production & Op-

– Regular/Evening/Weekend

eration Management, Small Business Management, Strategic


Minimum requirements:

Bachelors degree with 2nd Class Honors, Upper division in

the relevant field OR Bachelors degree with 2nd Class Honors,

Lower division in the relevant field with two (2) years relevant

experience; from a recognized Institution.


Masters of Arts in Public Administration & Management (MPAM)

– 162,750/= (Year 1)


– 138,500/= (Year 2)

Public Policy and Administration, Local Government

– Regular/Evening/Weekend

Administration, Community Development and NGO Management,

Financial Management

Minimum requirements:

Bachelors degree with 2nd Class Honors, Upper division in

the relevant field OR Bachelors degree with 2nd Class Honors,

Lower division in the relevant field with two (2) years relevant

experience; from a recognized Institution.


Bachelor of Business Management

– 50,000/= per semester


– 4 Academic Years

Accounting, Marketing ,Finance, HRM, Entrepreneurship, Banking

– Full time

& Finance, Purchasing & Supply Chain Mgt)

– Evening/Weekend

Minimum requirements:

Minimum aggregate of C+ in KCSE and minimum of C (plain)

in either Mathematic/Business Studies or English/Kiswahili Or

KACE certificate with minimum of two Principal passes and

one Subsidiary Pass, and a minimum of a credit pass in Mathe-

matics at KCE Or a Business Diploma validated by CUE with a

minimum of credit C. Any other equivalence as determined by

The KNEC. A student who has undertaken an equivalent pro-

gramme may be granted credit transfer on case by case basis


Diploma in Business Management

– 20,000/= per semester

Specializations: Accounting, Marketing, Finance, HRM,

– 2 Academic years

Entrepreneurship, Purchasing & Supply Chain Mgt

– Full time

Minimum requirements:

– Evening/Weekend

Minimum mean grade of C- (Minus ) KCSE. With C- (Minus)

– Field Attachment

in Mathematics/Business studies/Commerce. Or KCE Division

III with a credit in Mathematics/Business related course and

English Or KACE with at least 1 principal Pass. Or Certificate

in Business Management from any other recognized institution.


Diploma in Oil and Gas Economics

– 30,000/= per semester

Minimum requirements:

– 2 Academic years

Minimum mean grade of C- (Minus) KCSE. With C- (Minus)

– Full time

in Mathematics/Business studies/Commerce. Or KCE Division

– Evening/Weekend

III with a credit in Mathematics/Business related course and

– Field Attachment

English Or KACE with at least 1 principal Pass. Or Certificate

in Business Management from any other recognized institution.


Certificate in Business Management

– 20,000/= per semester

Minimum requirements:

– 2 semesters

Minimum mean grade of D+ (Plus) Or KCE Division III Or

– Full time

Any other qualifications recognized by MMUST Senate.

– Evening/Weekend




Bachelor of Education (Arts)

– 50,000/= per semester

Subject combination

– 4 Academic Years

History/Geography/CRE/ Kiswahili

– Full time/School based


– Evening/Weekend

Business Studies/Mathematics

Minimum requirements:

Mean grade C+ (plus) at KCSE and at least C+ in each of the

two teaching subjects chosen. Or 2 principal passes at A-level

and 1 subsidiary in relevant subjects. Or Diploma in Education


Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education

– 50,000/= per semester

Minimum requirements:

– 4 Academic Years

Mean grade C+ (plus) at KCSE Or Diploma in ECDE Or Di-

– Full time/School based

ploma in Education Or KCE with at least Division (III) plus P1

– Evening/Weekend

Certificate Or KACE with 1principal passes at A-level and 2

subsidiary passes plus ECE Diploma.




Master of Science in Human Evolutionary Biology

Minimum requirements:

Bachelors degree with 2nd Class Honors, Upper division in the

relevant field OR Bachelors degree with 2nd Class Honors, Lower

division in the relevant field with two (2) years relevant experience;

from a recognized Institution.


Master of Science in Public Health

– 162,750/= (Year 1)

Minimum requirements:

– 138,500/= (Year 2)

Bachelors degree with 2nd Class Honors, Upper division in the

– Regular

relevant field OR Bachelors degree with 2nd Class Honors, Lower

– Evening/Weekend

division in the relevant field with two (2) years relevant experience;

from a recognized Institution.


Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science

– 55,000/= per semester

Minimum requirements:

– 4 Academic years

Mean grade of a C+(plus) at KCSE and a C+ in Biology or Biological

– Full – time

Sciences and C (plain) in Mathematics, Or 2 Principal passes at

A-level, one of which must be in Biology, Or Diploma in relevant

area of study (may be exempted in relevant units)


Bachelor of Science in Natural Resources Management

– 55,000/= per semester

Minimum requirements:

– 4 Academic years

Mean grade of a C+(plus) at KCSE and a C+ in Biology or Biological

– Full – time

Sciences and C (plain) in Mathematics, Or 2 Principal passes at

A-level, one of which must be in Biology, Or Diploma in relevant

area of study (may be exempted in relevant units)


Bachelor of Science in Community Health and Development

– 67,000/= per semester

Minimum requirements:

– 4 Academic years

Mean grade of a C+(plus) at KCSE with C- (plain) in English,

– Full – time

Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics/Mathematics at EACE Or Diploma

in Community Health and Science from a recognized Institution.


Bachelor of Science in Renewable Energy Technology

– 65,000/= per semester

Minimum requirements:

– 4 Academic years

Mean grade of a C+(plus) at KCSE with C- (minus) in each of the

– Full – time

following; Mathematics, Physics or Chemistry Or KNEC Diploma in

relevant Technical Education from a recognized Institution.


Diploma in Information Technology

– 35,000/= per Semester

Minimum requirements:

– 3 Academic years

Minimum mean grade of C- (Minus) at KCSE with at least D+ (plus)

– Full – time

in English and Mathematics Or Certificate in IT related discipline

– Field Attachment

from a recognized institution.


Diploma in Water Technology

– 40,000/= per Semester

Minimum requirements:

– 3 Academic years

Minimum Mean grade of C- (Minus) at KCSE with D+ (plus) in

– Full – time

each of the following; Mathematics, Physics or Physical Sciences Or a

– Field Attachment

KNEC Craft Certificate from a recognized institution.


Diploma in Agriculture

– 30,000/= per semester

Minimum requirements:

– Full time

Minimum mean grade C- (Minus) at KCSE. Or KCE Division II Or

– Field attachment

KACE with at least 1 principal Pass. Or Certificate in the relevant

area from MMUST or any other recognized institution


Diploma in Community Health and Development

– 30,000/= per semester

Minimum requirements:

– 3 Academic years

Minimum mean grade C- (minus) at KCSE with at least D+ (plus)

– Full time

in either Biology or Chemistry Or Certificate in Community Health

– Evening/Weekend

and Development from a recognized institution


Diploma in Community Health and Development

– 30,000/= per semester

Minimum requirements:

– 3 Academic years

Minimum mean grade C- (minus) at KCSE with at least D+ (plus)

– Full time

in either Biology or Chemistry Or Certificate in Community Health

– Evening/Weekend

and Development from a recognized institution


Certificate in Community Health and Development

– 20,000/= per semester

Minimum requirements:

– 1 Academic year

Minimum entry requirements for the certificate course shall be D

– Full time

(plain) in KCSE Or the relevant artisan course.

– Evening/Weekend

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