Bolgatanga Midwifery Training College Contacts


Bolgatanga Midwifery Training College Contacts

Find the authentic organizational contacts of the Bolgatanga Midwifery Training College on this page.

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Bolgatanga Midwifery Training College Contacts
Bolgatanga Midwifery Training College Contacts

If you are searching for Bolgatanga Midwifery Training College Address, Bolgatanga Midwifery Training College Contact Details, Bolgatanga Midwifery Training College Email Address, the Bolgatanga Midwifery Training College Admission and Academic Offices Location, then this page is your stop.

If you are seeking for admission, check out the info gathered on Bolgatanga Midwifery Training College Admission for 2024-2025

Sometimes finding all the needed information of your search query in a single article seems rare. This is because the internet is flooded with a lot of irrelevant news from fake portal. But we provide you with undiluted news and updates on Bolgatanga Midwifery Training College, including the Bolgatanga Midwifery Training College Contacts.

Therefore, new, continuing and old National Service Personnel who are searching for the contact of Bolgatanga Midwifery Training College should check for them below.

Click on to see List of the Contacts of Nursing and Midwifery Schools in Ghana

Contact Details of Bolgatanga Midwifery Training College Admission Offices

We have stated the Bolgatanga Midwifery Training College Contacts for the Admission and the Academics Offices below. Contact them now for answers to all your questions.


Address: P. O. Box 255, Bolgatanga

Tel: 0209374004

Fax: 0382022227
