Arrupe Jesuit University Fees Structure 2025/2026


Arrupe Jesuit University Fees Structure 2025/2026

Table and PDF Format of Arrupe Jesuit University Fees Structure 2025/2026. Find on this page full details of the Arrupe Jesuit University Fee Structure for Courses in 2025/2026 Academic Year.

Tuition Fees are what students pay for the cost of the courses they learn at the university. The Arrupe Jesuit University Fees is structured to cover the Arrupe Jesuit University Tuition Fees and other Academic bills and services offered in the school. The Arrupe Jesuit University Intake and all associated fees are required to be paid into the University’s rightful account.

If you are a continuing student, you can check your Outstanding Fees online by accessing the Arrupe Jesuit University Student Portal or better still visit the Accounts Department for all information you may need on your current fees status.

Candidates applying for Admissions can also pay for their Arrupe Jesuit University Application Form fee to the same account provided. You can contact the Arrupe Jesuit University for details.

Before you head on to read the information that we have to gather on this page about the Arrupe Jesuit University Tuition Fee for 2025/2026, we entreat our readers especially students, parents and teachers to spend some few minutes to read more about the Arrupe Jesuit University.

The following tuition and fees are tentative fees for the academic year. These may be subject to change based on unforeseen circumstances. However, such changes will be communicated to prospective students through this website. There are possibilities of financial arrangements and installment payments. Please see the Office of the Dean for further details.

Undergraduate Fee Structure at AJU – All in USA Dollars.
Tuition fees (per semester) 1500.00
Accommodation (per semester – estimate) 150.00
Lunch on Campus (optional) 250.00
Application fees 20.00
Health fees (per year) 250.00
Students’ Association (per year) 50.00
Technology fees 60.00
Laboratory fees 40.00
Registration fees 30.00
Late registration fees (2 Weeks after resumption) 20.00
Late late registration fees 40.00
Library fees 50.00
AJU ID Card fees 05.00
Teaching Experiment Fees (Supervisor)  100.00
International Students 1800.00
Appeals fee (per course) 25.00
Student Permit fees 200.00
Certificate replacement 150.00
Result transcript fees (excluding postage) 30.00
Supplementary Examination fees 20.00
Graduation fees 75.00
Lost Password fees 03.00

Postgraduate Fee Structure at AJU (Masters level)

Tuition fees (per semester)* 1700.00
Accommodation (per semester – estimate) 200.00
Lunch on Campus (optional) 300.00
Application fees 20.00
Health fees (per year) 250.00
Students’ Association (per year) 50.00
Technology fees 60.00
Laboratory fees 40.00
Registration fees 30.00
Late registration fees (2 Weeks after resumption) 20.00
Late late registration fees 40.00
Library fees 50.00
AJU ID Card fees 05.00
Teaching Experiment Fees (Supervisor) 100.00
International Students 2300
Appeals fee (per course) 25.00
Student Permit fees 200.00
Certificate replacement 150.00
Result transcript fees (excluding postage) 30.00
Supplementary Examination fees 20.00
Graduation fees 75.00
Lost Password fees 03.00