Bindura University Commercial Programmes


Bindura University Commercial Programmes

Bindura University Commercial Programmes – Commercial Programmes offered at Bindura University of Science Education

Find all the Commercial Programme offered at Bindura University. Browse through a list of all Commercial Programmes, professional, certificate, diploma and Degree Courses offered at Bindura University. Bindura University Intake

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Below are Bindura University Commercial Programmes Offered

Welcome to the Faculty of Commerce. The Faculty of Commerce was established in 2004 under the Faculty of Science Education. The faculty was finally granted faculty status in 2006.

Bindura University Commerce Faculty Department Programmes

Department of Accountancy

  • Bachelor of Accountancy Honours Degree

Department of Economics

Undergraduate Programmes on Offer

  • Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Economics
  • Bachelor of Commerce Honours Degree in Purchasing and Supply

Postgraduate Programmes on Offer

  • Master of Science Degree in Economics with Specialization in Health Economics, Development Economics and Financial Economics
  • Master of Science Degree in Purchasing and Supply Chain Management

Department of Marketing

Undergraduate Programmes on Offer

  • Bachelor of Business Studies Honours degree in Marketing

Short courses:

  • Foundation Certificate in Marketing
  • Training in Customer Care

Department of Human Resources Management

Undergraduate Programmes on offer

  • Bachelor of Business Studies Honours Degree in Human Resources Management

Department of Banking and Finance

Undergraduate Programmes on Offer

  • Bachelor of Commerce Honours Degree in Banking and Finance

Department of Intelligence and Security Studies

Undergraduate Programmes on Offer

  • Bachelor of Commerce Honours Degree in Financial Intelligence 4 years (Conventional)
  • Bachelor of Commerce Honours Degree in Financial Intelligence 3 Years (Block Release)
  • Bachelor of Business Administration in Police and Security Studies
  • Diploma In Intelligence And Security


To be a beacon of innovative approaches to teaching and learning, research, and community service and a leading provider of human capital with essential skills and knowledge required to think critically and creatively; and be able to work individually and collaboratively to find solutions to real life challenges.


The faculty aims to provide quality and relevant business, economics and entrepreneurial education to students in a stimulating and conducive learning environment.

We seek to produce and nurture practitioners and captains of commerce and industry capable of contributing to both local and global economies through excellent teaching, relevant research and the transfer of knowledge and skills to the broader community.

To achieve this, the faculty will be guided by the following values; learning, diversity, leadership, integrity, excellence, student-centredness, discipline, and commitment.