Bindura University Residence Application 2025/2026


Bindura University Residence Application 2025/2026

Bindura University Residence Application – Details of Bindura University (BUSE) Residence Office

The management of Bindura University provide Residence Office for students to make their stay on campus comfortable. See Also: Bindura University Intake.


Bindura University Campus Residence Accomodation Application 2025/2026

To provide an environment that is conducive to academic pursuit to resident students through ensuring that students comply with and observe standing rules and regulations at all times.

The Student Affairs department through the accommodation office is responsible for the allocation of accommodation to students in conformity with the university priority list. Bindura University has limited accommodation and the priority list below is used to allocate accommodation on a first come first served basis to paid up students.

Priority List

  • Disabled, ill or those students with physical or other health challenges
  • Part 1 undergraduate students
  • Final year undergraduate students

Management of Halls of Residence
The management system for halls of residence is derived from Ordinance 4 of 2001 or “The Rules of Student Conduct and Discipline Ordinance”. The Full Time Warden is overally responsible for the management of the halls of residence and she reports directly to the Dean of Students. The full Time Warden has the following structures of office bearersto assist her:

  • A Part Time Warden who is a full time lecturer who assists with hostel administration on a part time basis.
  • Accommodation clerk who compiles information and prepares lists of accommodated students and raises maintenance forms for work to be done in students’ study rooms by the Department of Works and Estates.
  • Janitor, an officer who is available 24 hours a day to assist students in times of need and should be approached in first instance for assistance.
  • Sub –Wardens- These are mature and responsible male and female students who are selected through interviews by the Student Affairs Board. Sub-wardens reside in the hostels and complement the efforts of the Warden and Janitors.
  • Halls committees in each hall comprises students who are elected by other students. These members augment the efforts of wardens and Janitors in an attempt to ensure that resident students’ welfare is taken care of.

Rules of Halls of Residence
Resident students shall obey all rules and instructions given by wardens and Janitors. Where a student fails to observe the rules governing the use of halls of residence, the Warden and her team shall institute investigations on the respective cases and submit their recommendations to the Dean of Students who will liaise with the Senior Proctor and their responsibility is to make the final determination (either endorse, or alter or reserve decision). Students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the provisions of Ordinance 4 of 2001.

Bindura University has 2 halls of residence with a total carrying capacity of 398 students. Although the total student population eligible for consideration for residence out numbers the available space, the department has created networks with the Bindura community who have chipped in with alternative accommodation for the students. The department continuously inspects the boarding houses to ensure that the conditions create a conducive environment to learning.

University Property
The University wishes to create at all times an environment that is suitable for academic excellence and as such an array of facilities within and outside the halls of residence for student’s relaxation, leisure and entertainment. The facilities and equipment should therefore be guarded,kept and protected safely for future use. The policy on care and use of University property is outlined in the Bindura University rules and regulations on halls of residence. The policies are primarily designed to protect the rights, health and safety of all individuals living in the community and be able to safe-guard University property at the same time. The policy places responsibility upon resident students and all the guests to live in a manner that respects the rights of others and fosters a strong community set up.

Damage to Halls Property
The Residents shall be liable to compensate the University in full for any damage caused by him/her to University property. Damage to study bedrooms shall be deemed to have been caused by the resident to whom such a room has been allocated unless the contrary is proved.

Withdrawal of Residence
Students who fail to take up allocated accommodation within two weeks of commencement of the semester will forfeit their accommodation. Residence may be also withdrawn if students fail to observe the rules and regulations governing their stay in the halls.