Catholic University of Zimbabwe MPhil/DPhil Program


Catholic University of Zimbabwe MPhil/DPhil Program

Catholic University of Zimbabwe MPhil/DPhil Program – See Details of Catholic University of Zimbabwe MPhil/DPhil Program

Masters of Philosophy and Doctorate of Philosophy Degree Programs – See Also: Catholic University of Zimbabwe Intake


CUZ aim is to align with global dynamism in research and development so as to resolve complexities in industries and societies. The Catholic University of Zimbabwe is a hub for innovative research that is driven by individuals, groups and institutions. The main beneficiaries are the households, industries and government who are the key drivers for economic and social development. The postgraduate studies span across all academic disciplines that is business, humanities, science and technology. We take research as one of the main pillars for success amongst lecturing and social service. In this perspective as an institution that is based on multi-approach in academics, our department for postgraduate studies provides taught Masters degrees, Master of Philosophy (purely by research) and Doctor of Philosophy (purely by research).


1.1 The Senate shall be the final authority for the interpretation of these regulations.
1.2 The Senate reserves the right to alter, amend, cancel, suspend or replace any of these regulations.
1.3 The Senate has the power to exempt any student from any of the regulations.
1.4 A student who has started a programme of study following one set of regulations shall not be affected by regulations subsequently adopted unless agreed to in writing by the student.


In these regulations, the following shall be used as described:

Term Description
Academic year: means, for a postgraduate student registered on an MPhil or DPhil programme, the 12 months/52 weeks cycle, effective from the first day the student is registered on the programme.
Associate Supervisor: means an appropriately qualified academic/researcher appointed to assist in the supervision of a student, in particular in areas of his/her expertise.
Thesis: means a written report documenting and describing the research process, findings and analysis of a research project. It is submitted by a student in fulfilment for the award of a postgraduate degree.
Examiner: means a person with the relevant expertise appointed under these Regulations to examine a thesis submitted by a student.
Field of study/research: means a defined and recognized component of a subject within which the specific area chosen is contained.
Plagiarism: means the submission by a student of the work of another person as his/her own, or the unattributed / unacknowledgement incorporation of all or part of the work of another person, either deliberately or negligently, into a work being produced for academic assessment and/or examination.
Programme: means a plan of study lasting over a specified period of time which leads to the award of an MPhil/DPhil degree of the University.
Progress reports: means reports written by the student and the Supervisor (Student’s Progress Report and Supervisor’s Progress Report), cataloguing and explicating work done, achievements attained, against the plan of action in a research project for a degree programme. The student’s report should also indicate stages to be undertaken in a given time frame.
Supervisor: An academic member of staff of the University or approved institution, appointed under these Regulations, with the responsibility of guiding a particular student with his/her research and monitoring progress thereof.
Research: means a careful study or investigation of a perceived problem or phenomenon leading to the discovery of new facts or information as well as an improved understanding of known facts or phenomenon.
Title of thesis: means a concise statement that describes the subject and topic of the research to be carried out and then reported in a thesis.
Viva voce: means an examination conducted orally or in an interview format by the Faculty Board of Examiners in line with the relevant provision of the General Academic Regulations, to evaluate the skill or knowledge of a candidate on his/her thesis through a set of questions or exercises.

Catholic University of Zimbabwe MPhil/DPhil Program. Catholic University of Zimbabwe MPhil/DPhil Program – See Details of Catholic University of Zimbabwe MPhil/DPhil Program



The University offers the following postgraduate degrees, carried out primarily through supervised research work:

Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil)

These degrees are offered in all Faculties and Departments of the University.

The degrees may include an element of coursework not exceeding 25% of the total Programme. Fields of study or research are determined by Senate on the recommendation of the Department and the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee concerned.


Master of Philosophy (MPhil)

Entry Requirements

  1. An applicant must have passed English Language at Ordinary Level or approved equivalent.
  2. Normally, an applicant must have obtained an appropriate Honours Degree in the Upper Second or higher Division.
  3. An applicant who has obtained an appropriate Honours Degree in the Lower Second Division may be considered provided that he/she has achieved First or Upper Second Class performance in their intended field of study.
  4. An applicant who has obtained a non-honours degree or approved equivalent qualification and has relevant experience may be considered by Senate on the recommendation of the Department and the Dean concerned. Such an applicant may be required to pass a qualifying examination set and organised by the Department concerned who shall inform Senate, through the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee of the results of the examination. The candidate must satisfy the examiners in the qualifying examination prior to Senate’s deciding on their acceptability for admission.


Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil)

Entry Requirements

  1. An applicant must have obtained an appropriate Masters Degree or have satisfied the requirements for transfer of registration from the MPhil Degree to the DPhil degree.



An intending applicant should first discuss his/her proposed programme with the Chairperson of the Department concerned, to establish in general terms, whether this is viable.


An application must be submitted on the official forms provided through the Postgraduate Centre. The applicant must also submit, with these forms, proof of qualifications and a research proposal of at most 3000 words in length, outlining the proposed field of study. The proposal elements shall normally include the following:

Working Title


Problem Statement


Literature Review and Theoretical/ Conceptual Framework


Budget/ Timelines/ Work Plan


  1. There are no deadlines for the submission of applications.
  2. Acceptance/Rejection will be determined by Senate on the recommendations of the Departmental Board through the appropriate Faculty Higher Degrees Committee.
  3. An applicant will be notified of the result of his/her application by the Postgraduate Centre.
  4. A successful applicant should then proceed to registration.


4.3.1. Once the application has been accepted, the applicant must register within 60 days of the date on the acceptance letter. The applicant is also required to complete the necessary registration formalities, which include completion of the appropriate registration forms obtainable from the Faculty Office, payment to the Bursar’s office of the required fees, and submission to the Postgraduate Centre of an acceptable research proposal within 6 months of initial registration on the programme.
4.3.2. If after 6 months of initial registration the student does not submit a final research proposal of an acceptable standard, his/her registration on the programme shall be cancelled forthwith. Registration will not be effective until the above formalities have been completed. In appropriate circumstances, retrospective registration may be allowed.
4.3.3. Except with the special permission of Senate, a student may not register concurrently or more than one programme of study.
4.3.4. A student may be in receipt of a grant, scholarship or fellowship from a body or person provided that no restriction is placed by that body or person upon presentation of a thesis resulting from the student’s work, or upon its deposit in the University Library for public reference.
4.3.5 An applicant for the MPhil or DPhil degree of the Catholic University of Zimbabwe who intends to carry out the major part or the whole of the research at an approved institution outside the University shall be eligible to apply for registration provided that:

  1. the institution at which the research is conducted is so located as to make practicable a genuine contact with the University and the facilities are suitable for the work proposed; and,
  2. except with the agreement of Senate, no restriction is placed by the authorities of the institution or laboratory concerned upon presentation of thesis resulting from the candidate’s work, or upon its deposit in the University Library for public reference.
4.3.6. Each student must renew his/her registration annually and pay the fees as prescribed in the University’s Fees Ordinance. Failure to do so may lead to deregistration from the programme.


5.1. Studies for the MPhil and DPhil degrees may be pursued on a full-time or on a part-time basis.

5.2. Duration of Programmes

5.2.1. Master of Philosophy

The normal duration of the MPhil Degree Programme shall be as follows:

  1. On a full-time basis – minimum: 2 years and maximum: 4 years;
  2. On a part-time basis – minimum: 3 years and maximum 6 years.

5.2.2. Doctor of Philosophy Degree

The normal duration of the DPhil Degree Programme shall be as follows:

  1. On a full-time basis – minimum: 3 years and maximum: 5 years;
  2. On a part-time basis – minimum: 4 years and maximum 8 years.

5.3. Extension of Registration

5.3.1. If an extension of registration beyond the prescribed maximum period is required, the student must submit a written application through his/her Supervisor in the first instance at least 3 months prior to the expiry of the maximum period prescribed for the study.
5.3.2. The Dean of the Faculty concerned may grant an extension of up to 6 months if the Supervisor and the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee so recommend.
5.3.3. Any further extension may be approved only with the authority of Senate on the recommendation of the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee.
5.3.4. A student granted such an extension may be required to transfer to Regulations current at the time of granting of the extension.

5.4. Programme of Study

5.4.1 Each student is required to pursue a prescribed programme of study under the direction of a Supervisor, who shall be a member of the academic staff of the University in the appropriate discipline. Normally, one or more Associate Supervisors, either from within or from outside the University, will be appointed. If the major part of the student’s research programme is being conducted at an institution outside the University, an Associate Supervisor at the institution shall, where possible, be appointed.
5.4.2. The appointment of Supervisors shall be made by Senate on the recommendations of the appropriate Faculty Higher Degrees Committee.
5.4.3. A student may be required, as part of their Programme, to complete elements of coursework to enhance his/her research studies, provided that such coursework shall amount to not more than 25% of the minimum period allowed for the full Programme. The prescription of any coursework element shall require the approval of the Academic Committee on the recommendation of the Departmental Board through the Higher Degrees Committee concerned. Where such coursework is prescribed, the Department concerned must ensure that the student is informed in writing of the precise requirements for satisfactory completion of the coursework and it shall maintain written records of each student’s performance in such coursework for report in due course to the Board of Examiners.
5.4.4. If a student who is doing coursework as a component of the degree is unable to attend scheduled coursework sessions for health reasons or other reasons for longer than 72 hours, he/she must notify the appropriate Department through his/her Supervisor as soon as possible and where the absence is due to health reasons, submit a certification in support thereof by a medical practitioner registered in accordance with the Health Professions Act.
5.4.5. The student shall submit a duly completed Student’s Progress Report at least three times a year as determined by the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee.
5.4.6. The Supervisor shall submit a duly completed Supervisor’s Progress Report at least three times a year as determined by the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee.
5.4.7. The Supervisor shall submit a duly completed Supervisor’s Progress Report at least three times a year as determined by the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee.
5.4.8. The Departmental Chairperson shall submit both progress reports together with the comments of the Supervisor(s) and the Departmental Board to the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee at least three times a year as determined by the Faculty Higher Degree Committee.
5.4.9. The Faculty Higher Degrees Committee shall submit the Student’s Progress Report together with the Supervisor’s Progress Report to the Postgraduate Centre at least three times a year as determined by Senate.
5.4.10. A student must maintain regular contact with the supervising Department and may be required to attend meeting sessions for certain periods at the University as directed by the Supervisor(s), and is required to present at least one seminar per academic year of his/her findings to a relevant academic audience approved by the Department.
5.4.11. A student shall attend at least 3 workshops or relevant training sessions per annum as may be arranged by departments, faculties and the University at large, as well as any other appropriate training programmes outside the University.
5.4.12. No break in the normal continuity of study will be permitted, except by permission of Senate on the recommendation of the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee.
5.4.13. A full-time student may be engaged in teaching at the University, provided that the total demand made by teaching duties does not exceed six hours of work, in any week, including preparation and marking.
5.4.14. A student who is employed outside University, or a staff member employed in the University for more than 6 hours in any week, other than on the research programme for which he/she proposes to be registered, may normally be accepted for registration only on a part time basis.
5.4.15. If a student does not begin his/her studies for MPhil or DPhil within one calendar year from the date of approval of his/her application for registration, such approval shall lapse, and he/she must re-apply to the University if he/she still desires to proceed.

5.5. Transfer from MPhil to DPhil

5.5.1. A student registered for the MPhil degree may apply, after completion of not less than nine months, if his/her Supervisor so recommends, for endorsement by the Department and Faculty Higher Degrees Committee for permission to transfer his/her registration and to proceed to the DPhil.
5.5.2. The application must be accompanied by a written recommendation from the Supervisor, together with the Supervisor’s progress reports, and must be submitted through the Department and Faculty Higher Degrees Committee for approval by the Academic Committee.
5.5.3. The length of further study, if any, which he/she will be required to pursue for the DPhil shall be prescribed by the Department and approved by the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee.

5.6. Title of Thesis

5.6.1. A student must submit, through his/her Supervisor to the Departmental Board and the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee, the working title for his/her thesis for approval by Senate before final submission of the thesis for examination.
5.6.2. After the final title has been approved, it may not be changed except with the approval of the Senate.


6.1. Thesis

6.1.1. After completing the study, a student must submit a thesis which must comply with the following conditions: The greater portion of the work submitted must have been done by the student after registration for the degree. The presentation of the thesis must be of an acceptably high standard. An acceptable MPhil thesis need not constitute an original contribution to knowledge, but it must provide evidence that the candidate has mastered relevant research techniques, has shown scholarship, has developed a capacity for criticism of his/her own and other work, and has widened his/her knowledge and understanding of literature of his/her field of study. The length of the thesis will normally be established in consultation with the Supervisor and the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee. The thesis must be written in English, except in the case of students in a particular language discipline taught at the University, where such students may apply for permission to write a thesis in the medium of the particular language studied. In all cases where this procedure is followed, it shall be a requirement that the candidates give a summary of the thesis in English. Such summary must be between 300 and 500 words in length. In each case, a pre-requisite will be that a suitable External Examiner in that language can be found. The literary form of the thesis must be satisfactory. The thesis must consist of the candidate’s own account of his/her research. The thesis may describe work done in conjunction with the candidate’s Supervisor(s), including materials obtained or produced with the candidate’s Supervisor(s), and materials obtained or produced with technical or other assistance provided that the candidate states clearly his/her personal share in the investigation and specifically acknowledges all such assistance. This statement is to be certified by his/her Supervisor and bound as part of the preface of the thesis. Work done jointly with persons other than the candidate’s Supervisor(s) may be accepted as a thesis, or part of a thesis, in certain circumstances, provided the candidate’s share is clearly certified. Work already published including that published in joint names may be included only if it forms an integral part of the thesis. A series of publications alone is not acceptable as a thesis. An abstract of the thesis, in single-line spacing form, not exceeding 500 words, is to be incorporated as the preface to this thesis.
6.1.2. A student will not be permitted to submit as his/her thesis, a thesis which has been submitted to another university. However a candidate shall not be precluded from incorporating work which he/she has already submitted for a degree in this or any other university, provided that he/she shall indicate on his/her Declaration Form and also in his/her thesis, any work which has been so incorporated.
6.1.3. The format of the thesis to be submitted for examination shall be as follows: Body of thesis:
to be printed in double-line spacing. Size of paper:
International A4 (210mm x 297mm). Margins:
40mm on the left-hand of the page (to allow for binding);
10mm on the right-hand side;
20mm at the top and bottom of the page. Maps:
no restriction placed on the drawing of maps.
6.1.4. A student may submit as subsidiary matter in support of his/hercandidature, any publications or contributions to the advancement of his/her subject which he/she may have published independently or conjointly. In the event of a candidate submitting such subsidiary matter he/she will be required to state fully his/her own share in any conjoint work. Where there is a substantial computing content in the thesis, a machine-readable copy of the source program shall be submitted together with the copies of the thesis.

6.2. Entry to Examination and Submission of Thesis

6.2.1. A student must apply for entry to the examination on the Notification of Submission of Thesis Form obtainable from the Faculty Office.
6.2.2. The form, which must be endorsed by the Supervisor(s), the Chairperson of Department and Dean of the Faculty, must be submitted to the Department and Postgraduate Centre 3 months prior to submission of the final thesis.
6.2.3. The Chairperson of the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee shall satisfy him/herself that where items of coursework have been set, the candidate has satisfactorily completed these items.
6.2.4. The prescribed examination fee shall be paid before submission of 4 copies of the thesis in loose bound form for marking.
6.2.5. A student must submit evidence of at least one refereed or peer-reviewed publication from his/her MPhil research, or at least two refereed or peer-reviewed publications from his/her DPhil research, to the Postgraduate Centre.
6.2.6. Departmental Boards shall administer anti-plagiarism screening to all submitted theses using An anti-plagiarism software approved by Senate. Normally, only theses exhibiting no evidence of plagiarism shall be marked.
6.2.7. The Department shall submit a duly completed Appointment of Examiners for Higher Degrees by Research form, together with the curricula vitae of recommended examiners to the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee for onward transmission to the Postgraduate Centre.
6.2.8. Upon approval of recommended examiners by Senate, the Departmental Board shall submit 4 copies of the thesis in loose bound form with a suitable cover, in the format prescribed in Regulation 6.1.3, together with the Declaration Form and the anti-plagiarism report to the Postgraduate Centre.


7.1. A student will be assessed principally on the merits of his/her thesis but, where elements of coursework have been prescribed, he/she must also satisfy the examiners that this has been satisfactorily completed.
7.2. Exclusion from such formal examination shall require the authority of Senate.
7.3. Upon receipt of the Notification of Submission of Thesis Form, the Departmental Board shall recommend to Senate through the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee, the appointment of Examiners, at least two being External Examiners and one being a member of staff of the University who is a specialist in the field of study concerned, for the DPhil thesis; and one External Examiner and two Internal Examiners, for the MPhil thesis.
7.4. A member of staff who has been appointed as Supervisor for the thesis may not be appointed as one of these Examiners.
7.5. The Examiners shall assess the thesis in detail and shall each submit a written report with his/her comments and recommendations to the Postgraduate Centre.
7.6. A copy of detailed guidelines for the examination of theses, together with the General Academic Regulations for MPhil and DPhil degrees, shall be made available to both internal and external examiners.
7.7. On receipt of the reports of the Examiners, the Dean of the Faculty concerned shall refer these reports to the Board of Examiners.

Catholic University of Zimbabwe MPhil/DPhil Program. Catholic University of Zimbabwe MPhil/DPhil Program – See Details of Catholic University of Zimbabwe MPhil/DPhil Program


8.1. The Board of Examiners
8.1.1 The Board of Examiners for an MPhil/DPhil degree shall be constituted as follows: The Dean (Presiding) Deputy Dean of the Faculty (Presiding in the absence of the Dean) The Chairperson of the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee (if different from the Dean or Deputy Dean) The Chairperson of the Department concerned. The Internal and External Examiners appointed in terms of Regulation 7.3. Where appropriate, as determined by the Dean after consultation with the Chairperson of the Department concerned, other suitably qualified members of the academic staff may also be assigned as members of the Board of Examiners. The Director/Deputy Director of the Postgraduate Centre shall be entitled to attend the Board of Examiners meetings in an ex-officio capacity.
8.1.2. Normally, the External Examiner(s) will not be required to attend the meeting of the Board of Examiners. However, where appropriate, an External Examiner can be consulted using appropriate real time communication.
8.1.3. The quorum of the Board shall be the Chairperson of the Board plus three other members, one of whom must be one of the Examiners of the thesis.
8.1.4. Normally, at least one of the Supervisors of the thesis shall attend the Board of Examiners meeting but shall have no say in the final decision of the Board.
8.2. The Board of Examiners shall consider the written reports of the Examiners appointed in terms of section 7.3 and shall make a determination whether to invite the student for an oral examination or not.
8.3. The Board shall examine the candidate orally, and may require further examination through written papers, or practical examination, or both, on the Subject of the thesis, and if they see fit, on topics relevant thereto.
8.4. For the purpose of the oral, practical or written examination held in connection with the thesis, the candidate will be required to present himself/herself at such place as the University may direct and upon such day or days as shall be notified to him/her, in writing, at least two weeks before the day of the examination, by the Faculty Administrator.


9.1. The Board of Examiners shall meet to deliberate on the written reports of the Examiners and subject the student to an oral examination.
9.2. After the Board of Examiners has considered the written reports of the Examiners, the oral examination and any other examinations it deemed necessary, it shall recommend one of the following overall decisions:

  • Pass
  • Fail: Re-submit thesis
  • Fail DPhil: Re-submit thesis for the MPhil degree
  • Fail

9.3 Pass

9.3.1 The overall decision Pass shall apply to a student who has satisfied the examiners and therefore merits the award of the DPhil or MPhil degree.
9.3.2 Such a student may be required to make editorial amendments to his/her thesis to the satisfaction of the Chairperson of the Board of Examiners, after consultation with the Chairperson of the Department concerned before lodgement of the final bound copies of dissertation.
9.3.3 Normally the student shall be expected to submit the final corrected thesis within a period less than 6 months from the date of the examination.

Catholic University of Zimbabwe MPhil/DPhil Program. Catholic University of Zimbabwe MPhil/DPhil Program – See Details of Catholic University of Zimbabwe MPhil/DPhil Program

9.4 Fail: Re-submit Thesis

9.4.1 The overall decision Fail: Re-submit thesis shall apply to a student whose thesis, though adequate, requires some major revision.
9.4.2 Such a student shall be permitted to re-submit the same thesis within a period of 12 months after publication of the result and shall be subjected to further oral or other examination. Where major revisions have been done, the student shall submit an anti-plagiarism report together with her/his thesis.
9.4.3 A student who fails to re-submit his/her thesis within the stipulated 12 months shall be deemed to have failed.

9.5 Fail: DPhil Re-submit Thesis for the MPhil Degree

9.5.1. The overall decision Fail DPhil: Re-submit thesis for the MPhil degree shall apply to a DPhil student whose thesis, in the opinion of the Examiners and the Board of Examiners, does not justify a recommendation for the award of a DPhil Degree, nor for the re-submission of the thesis in a revised form for that degree but, at their discretion, recommend that the candidate be awarded an MPhil Degree.
9.5.2 Such a student shall be allowed to rewrite the thesis in the usual format for the MPhil degree, incorporating all the corrections and amendments recommended by the Examiners and the Board of Examiners within a period of 12 months or less after publication of the result.
9.5.3 The Board of Examiners may, or may not, recommend that the student be subjected to another oral examination.
9.5.4 The resubmitted thesis must be to the satisfaction of Chairperson of the Board of Examiners, after consultation with the Chairperson of the Department concerned, before lodgement of the final bound copies of thesis.

9.6 Fail

9.6.1. The overall decision Fail shall apply to a student whose thesis fails to meet the required standard for the award of the degree and is in such a state that no amount of improvement to the thesis is deemed to be possible by the Board of Examiners.
9.6.2 Such a student may be allowed by Senate to reapply for re-registration, but on a completely new and different thesis topic.

9.7 Submission of Examination Reports to the Academic Committee

9.7.1. The Faculty Office shall submit to Academic Committee the following documents: Minutes of the Faculty Board of Examiners meeting(s); Reports of the Internal and External Examiners; Correspondence from the Dean and Chairperson of Department, confirming that all the recommended corrections to the thesis have been done; and Any other documents relevant to the examination concerned.
9.7.2. The Dean shall present to the Academic Committee the recommendations of the Board of Examiners.


10.1. After his/her thesis has been examined and amended in accordance with the direction of the Board of Examiners, the student shall have three copies bound in accordance with the following specifications:
Art vellum or cloth; overcast; edges uncut; lettered boldly up the back in gold letters indicating DEGREE, DATE, NAME (letters should be between 5 mm and 10mm in size).
10.2. The student shall lodge with the Postgraduate Centre, through the Higher Degrees Committee, three bound copies of the approved thesis together with an electronic copy of the thesis.
10.3. The Postgraduate Centre will return one copy of the thesis to the Faculty Higher Degree Committee, and deposit two copies and the electronic copy in the University Library.
10.4. Unless Senate has agreed to the contrary, the Library copies shall be open to the public for reference.
10.5. The official publication of the examination result of a student shall only take place after the student has complied with Regulations 10.1 and 10.2 above.


The MPhil and DPhil degrees shall be awarded without classification. However, outstanding work shall be recognised.


Academic offences and penalties, as specified in the General Academic Regulations for Undergraduate Programmes (Schedule B), shall equally apply to these Regulations.


13.1 Posthumous Award of a Degree

13.1.1. If an MPhil or DPhil student dies having completed a draft of the thesis to be presented for examination, the Department may request the Senate, through the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee, to set up a Panel of Assessors to examine the draft thesis.
13.1.2. If the request is acceded to, the Assessors’ reports shall be considered by a relevant Faculty Board of Examiners which may recommend to the Senate the award of the degree posthumously.
13.1.3. The overall result for a deceased student awarded a degree posthumously shall be POSTHUMOUS AWARD.

13.2 Aegrotat Award of a Degree

13.2.1. If an MPhil or DPhil student in the final year of study and having completed a draft of the thesis to be presented for examination, is prevented by serious illness from completing the rest of the examination process for the award of the degree, the Department may request the Senate through the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee to set up a Panel of Assessors to examine the draft thesis, provided that it is established by a medical certificate that the incapacitation is permanent or that the illness is terminal.
13.2.2. If the request is acceded to, the Assessors’ reports shall be considered by an appropriate Faculty Board of Examiners, established for the purpose, with the approval of the Senate, which Board may recommend to the Senate the award of the degree, provided that the draft thesis meets the minimum standard required for the award of the degree.
13.2.3. The overall result for a student who qualifies for the aegrotat award of the degree shall be PASS: AEGROTAT AWARD.


14.1 The Deputy Registrar (Academic) shall be responsible for the publication of examination result as approved by the Academic Committee.
14.2 The Deputy Registrar (Academic) shall post to the student, at his/her registered address, a copy of the individual student’s result.
14.3 The examination result of a student who owes any outstanding monies to the University shall be withheld from publication.
14.4 The notice of the result released by the Deputy Registrar (Academic) shall be endorsed with the proviso “SUBJECT TO RATIFICATION BY THE SENATE”.

Catholic University of Zimbabwe MPhil/DPhil Program. Catholic University of Zimbabwe MPhil/DPhil Program – See Details of Catholic University of Zimbabwe MPhil/DPhil Program


15.1. Student Appeals against Published Results as specified in the General Academic Regulations for Postgraduate Degree Programmes by Coursework shall equally apply to these Regulations.


16.1. Each graduate of the University shall receive ONE copy of an official transcript of his/her complete academic record at the University.
16.2. The postgraduate transcript shall include the following information:
16.2.1. The examination results of taught courses taken by the student under Regulation 3.2; and the biannual status of the student’s progress as reported under Regulation 5.4.5
16.3. A prescribed fee shall be charged for a duplicate transcript (subsequent to the issue of the original) or for a transcript requested before completion of studies.
16.4. An Academic Transcript of the Catholic University of Zimbabwe is issued without any alterations and carries a signed official stamp of the Deputy Registrar (Academic).


17.1. The award of a degree Certificate of the Catholic University of Zimbabwe shall be subject to approval by the University Council.
17.2. A student completing the requirements for such an award will be entitled to receive a formal certificate of the University, bearing the seal of the University and signed by the Vice-Chancellor and the Registrar, confirming the award.
17.3. If, subsequent to the award of a degree to a student, it is discovered that there were gross irregularities and impropriety involved in the award, the University Council, on the recommendation of the Senate, reserves the right to withdraw the award and cancel the certificate.

Catholic University of Zimbabwe MPhil/DPhil Fees

The Fees Structure for MBA, MPhil and DPhil are as follows

  • Application Fees $50
  •  ICT Levy $20
  •  Student ID $5
  •  Tuition $1000