Chinhoyi University of Technology August Intake 2025/2026


Chinhoyi University of Technology August Intake 2025/2026

We welcome you to the Chinhoyi University of Technology August Intake 2025/2026 page of our website. If you are searching for information on the Chinhoyi University of Technology August Intake for 2025/2026 Admission, then you are at the right place.

The Chinhoyi University of Technology Admission is open periodically. This gives candidates who missed the last Chinhoyi University of Technology August Intake to apply for this year’s intake. See Chinhoyi University of Technology Intake.


If you are interested in applying for Chinhoyi University of Technology August Intake 2025/2026, below are some admission tools that you may like to check out.

Details of Chinhoyi University of Technology August Intake 2025/2026

Chinhoyi University of Technology Entry Requirements

Chinhoyi University of Technology Application Form

Chinhoyi University of Technology Courses

Chinhoyi University of Technology Fees Structure

After reading the information that we have gather on this page about the Chinhoyi University of Technology Online Application for 2025/2026, we entreat our readers especially students, parents and teachers to spend some few minutes to read more about Chinhoyi University of Technology.

About Chinhoyi University of Technology

The Chinhoyi University of Technology (CUT) started as a degree program that was established under the auspices of the University of Zimbabwe (UZ) in 1999. It was established as part of the recommendation of the Chetsanga Commission to devolve Chinhoyi Technical Teachers College and other similar colleges into degree granting institutions. This process saw the birth of the Chinhoyi Degree programmes offering two degree programmes that is, Production Engineering and Hospitality and Tourism. The Chinhoyi Degree programmes operated under the University of Zimbabwe from 1999 to 2001 when Chinhoyi University of Technology was established through the Act of Parliament number 15. At the helm like all Universities was his Excellency the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe Comrade Robert Gabriel Mugabe and leading the administration was Professor Charles Muchemwa Nherera who was appointed as Acting Pro Vice Chancellor to run the degree programme and develop the institution into a fully fledged University. The Chancellor and Vice Chancellor were installed on 23 November 2003 at a ceremony that was witnessed by many from all corners of the country.

See Also:

Chinhoyi University of Technology Student Portal

Chinhoyi University of Technology Logo

Chinhoyi University of Technology Fees Structure

Chinhoyi University of Technology History

Chinhoyi University of Technology Postgraduate Programmes

Chinhoyi University of Technology August Intake

Chinhoyi University of Technology Address

Chinhoyi University of Technology Application Tracker

Chinhoyi University of Technology Act

Chinhoyi University of Technology Accommodation

Chinhoyi University of Technology Application Form

Chinhoyi University of Technology Intake

Chinhoyi University of Technology Masters Programmes

Chinhoyi University of Technology Banking Details

Programmes Offered by Chinhoyi University of Technology

Chinhoyi University of Technology Calendar

Chinhoyi University of Technology Courses Offered

Chinhoyi University of Technology Cut Off Points

Chinhoyi University of Technology Hotel Contact Details

Chinhoyi University of Technology Short Courses

Chinhoyi University of Technology Degree Programmes

Chinhoyi University of Technology Departments

Chinhoyi University of Technology Diploma Programs

Chinhoyi University of Technology Email Address

Chinhoyi University of Technology Entry Requirements

Chinhoyi University of Technology e-Portal

Chinhoyi University of Technology Mature Entry

Chinhoyi University of Technology Facebook

Chinhoyi University of Technology Grading System

Chinhoyi University of Technology Graduation

Chinhoyi University of Technology ICT

Chinhoyi University of Technology Fees Intake

Chinhoyi University of Technology Job Vacancies

Chinhoyi University of Technology Latest News

Chinhoyi University of Technology Login

Chinhoyi University of Technology Mechatronics

Chinhoyi University of Technology Mission Statement

Chinhoyi University of Technology MBA

Chinhoyi University of Technology Offices in Harare

Masters Degrees Offered at Chinhoyi University of Technology

Chinhoyi University of Technology Ph.D Program

Chinhoyi University of Technology Prospectus

Chinhoyi University of Technology Programmes PDF

Chinhoyi University of Technology Ranking

Chinhoyi University of Technology Online Registration

Chinhoyi University of Technology World Ranking

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Chinhoyi University of Technology Staff Vacancies

Chinhoyi University of Technology Strategic Plan

Chinhoyi University of Technology Sports

Chinhoyi University of Technology Tenders

Chinhoyi University of Technology Undergraduate Application Form

Undergraduate Programmes Offered at Chinhoyi University of Technology

Chinhoyi University of Technology Vision

Chinhoyi University of Technology Website