Chinhoyi University of Technology Short Courses
Chinhoyi University of Technology Short Courses – Short Course offered at Chinhoyi University
Find all the Short Course offered at Chinhoyi University of Technology. Browse through a list of all short Courses, professional, certificate, diploma and Degree Courses offered at Chinhoyi University of Technology. Chinhoyi University of Technology Intake.
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List of Chinhoyi University of Technology Short Courses
Institute of Lifelong Learning and Development Studies Chinhoyi University of Technology
To create a high quality living and learning environment which also addresses the needs of differentially – abled students. We are mandated to provide housing services which are comfortable and enhance personal growth. The Department also strives to provide social and educational programmes and services for students as well as disciplinary policies to ensure peace, order, interaction and tolerance.
Student Development Programmes
Student Development Programmes are key as they complement the academic studies in the development of a holistic student who is fit for purpose in society. These programmes include the following: Leadership Training, Orientation and Induction programmes , Career guidance, Life Skills and Community service
Clubs and Societies
Further student development comes through engagement in various clubs and societies some of which are: Boost Enactus, Rotaract, Debate, CUT Arts Forum, Choir, Zimbabwe Institute of Engineers, Leo, Food Science, CUT Marketers , Peer Educators, ZUNA, Instinct Africa, Girl Child/Excel, CUT Choice Champions.
Contact Us
- Ms Lilian Mukandabvute
+263 0773593222 - Department’s Contacts
067 27444/22203-5 Ext 173
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