Chinhoyi University of Technology Staff


Chinhoyi University of Technology Staff

Chinhoyi University of Technology Staff – Chinhoyi University of Technology (CUT) Staff Profile and Details

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Professor Mugabe is the Director in the Innovation and Technology Transfer Directorate since its inception in August 2016. From 2012 to 2016 he was the Director, Research and Resource Mobilisation at CUT. He was Acting PVC for almost a year from 2016.

He holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree in water resources management (UZ), a Masters degree in Agricultural Water Management (Reading University, UK) and a BSc in Soil Science (UZ). He was a lecturer for five years and Dean for four years in the Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the Midlands State University before he joined Chinhoyi University of Technology in 2010 to become the Dean of School of Agricultural Sciences and Technology. He was a research officer for ten years with the Department of Research and Specialist Services in Zimbabwe where he did extensive research on efficient utilisation of rainfall under rainfed conditions for sustainable livelihoods in the semi-arid areas of Southern Zimbabwe. His research interests are crop production, agro-hydrology, food security, climate change and adaptation. Prof Mugabe has co-ordinated a number of internationally funded projects including the IDRC/CCAA (Climate Change Adaptation in Africa) funded project “Building adaptive capacity to cope with increasing vulnerability due to climatic change” that was (2007-2010) being implemented in Southern Zambia and South Western Zimbabwe. Professor Mugabe was external examiner in the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering at University of Swaziland (2012-2014) and a board member of the Zimbabwean Agricultural Research Council. He is a visiting Professor on the SADC WATERNET MSc programme at Chancellor College in Malawi as well as at National University of Lesotho. He has published more than 30 papers in refereed journals.

Staff in the Innovation and Technology Transfer Directorate:

  • The Director, Prof F. T. Mugabe
  • Senior Lecturer in the Department of Biotechnology, Dr. W. Sanyika
  • Administrative Assistant, Ms P. Msasanure
  • Senior Secretary, Ms T. Chimukombe and

Technical Assistant, Mr M. Chandafira.

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