Chinhoyi University of Technology World Ranking 2025/2026
Chinhoyi University of Technology World Ranking 2025 – See Details of Chinhoyi University of Technology World Ranking for the year 2025.
University rankings are rankings of institutions in higher education base on various combinations of many factors. Rankings have most often been conducted by magazines, newspapers, websites, governments, or academics. See Also: Chinhoyi University of Technology Intake.
The Chinhoyi University of Technology (CUT) started as a degree program that was established under the auspices of the University of Zimbabwe (UZ) in 1999. It was established as part of the recommendation of the Chetsanga Commission to devolve Chinhoyi Technical Teachers College and other similar colleges into degree granting institutions. This process saw the birth of the Chinhoyi Degree programmes offering two degree programmes that is, Production Engineering and Hospitality and Tourism. The Chinhoyi Degree programmes operated under the University of Zimbabwe from 1999 to 2001 when Chinhoyi University of Technology was established through the Act of Parliament number 15. At the helm like all Universities was his Excellency the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe Comrade Robert Gabriel Mugabe and leading the administration was Professor Charles Muchemwa Nherera who was appointed as Acting Pro Vice Chancellor to run the degree programme and develop the institution into a fully fledged University. The Chancellor and Vice Chancellor were installed on 23 November 2003 at a ceremony that was witnessed by many from all corners of the country.
As a University, a transitional concept paper was prepared. The main focus of the paper was to upgrade the former college programmes into Chinhoyi University of Technology diploma programmes and further the relevant academic regulations. The transitional concept paper also outlined how the former college staff was to be absorbed by the University. The University conducted audits in all departments and subsequent to this exercise, advertisements were nationally flighted. University selection processes and procedures were instituted in a fair and transparent manner. The university was also handed over relatively good infrastructure by government. The university also adopted the HEXCO and DTE students.
Our vision is to be the world class centre of technological innovation and entrepreneurship.
Our mission is to produce innovative graduates, create knowledge, enhance entrepreneurship and provide community service through quality teaching, training and technologically-oriented research.
Our core values are:
- Integrity
- Excellence
- Dynamism
- Entrepreneurship
- Democracy
- Culture
Thrust/Core Business Of The University
Chinhoyi University of Technology is an educational institution whose mandate is teaching, learning and research as well as community service. It awards diplomas and degrees for varying subjects or programmes which have a technological bias. The main focus of Chinhoyi University of Technology is to lead the way in finding solutions to national problems. Therefore being technologically oriented gives a platform to solving Zimbabwe’s woes. The technological bias of the organization offers students enough professional training with cultural enlightenment, hence the University motto “Technology, Innovation and Wealth”. These in succession bring out an enlightened productive sector.
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Chinhoyi University of Technology Prospectus
Chinhoyi University of Technology Programmes PDF
Chinhoyi University of Technology Ranking
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