Chuka University Attachment Report


Chuka University Attachment Report

The Chuka University Attachment Report Download. See the Format of Chuka University Attachment Report.

Attachment is a field or industrial experiential/practical programme undertaken by students to give them working skill. The Attachment programmes are included in the Chuka University Catalogue.

Chuka University Student Portal

Details of Chuka University Attachment Report

The final attachment report will consist of the following key sections:


On top should bear the title of the attachment report. The title should be short, precise, concise and clear (Not more than 15 words). It should also relate to the subject matter of the attachment and be capturing the reader’s attention at a glance.

Specifically, the title page should contain the following information:

  1. Course of study
  2. Name and registration number of the student on attachment
  3. The host institution for the attachment
  4. Period for the attachment
  5. Date for the report submission


Have a word of thanks to all those who have assisted you while on attachment especially, the supervisor and the management of the host institution.


The purpose of the executive summary is to give an interested reader a compact summary of the report or content. It should be a summary, synopsis or gist of the whole work presented and should be one paragraph, double spaced with no quotations or references and at most 400 words.


This page serves as the structure pattern of the report and should come immediately after the executive summary. All major sections (chapter level headings) including references and appendices must be included. The headings as listed in the table must be worded exactly as they appear in the body of the report. The wording and presentation (i.e. capitalization, special fonts and characters) use for all entries in the table of contents must match exactly the one used in the text.


  1. History of the organization
  2. Main functions or core activities of the host organization
  3. Vision, mission statement and core values of the institution.
  4. The organizational structure of the host institution
  5. Duties and responsibilities of the key personnel in the organization.


This is the specific department within the host institution in which the student is attached. 2.1. Key functions/ activities of the department.

  1. Staff establishment of the department in terms of the number of employees and their duties and responsibilities.
  2. Student’s main objectives for the attachment exercise.
  3. Attaché’s assigned routine duties and department’s participation forums.


  1. Success/ failure of the attachment exercise vis- a – vis student’s main objectives.
  2. Challenges encountered by the student during the attachment period.
  3. How the challenges were overcome /solved.
  4. Recommendations as to how the attachment exercise can be improved by the University/campus.


Includes the consulted sources that need to be acknowledged.

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