East Africa Institute of Certified Studies Nairobi Campus


East Africa Institute of Certified Studies Nairobi Campus

The East Africa Institute of Certified Studies Nairobi Campus. Details About East Africa Institute of Certified Studies Nairobi Campus Courses and Contacts.

ICS College, Nairobi Campus is not only our Head office but it is where our journey thus far began.
Currently, in Nairobi city, we have two campuses strategically located in the CBD.

East Africa Institute of Certified Studies Nairobi Campus Courses

Brief History

From 2005, we have continually grown to meet our vision of becoming not only a leading destination institution offering quality education, but we seek recognition not only in Kenya but in East and Central Africa. Our hard work, humbleness, and strategic expansion program have not only led ICS College from a one-block institution to have five branches spread across the country but to the best private institution.

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After partnering with the then Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation now known as The Ministry of Health in 2008, through the National AIDS and STIs Coordination Program (NASCOP), we were accredited to train VCT Counselors in Kenya. From there, we advanced and were able to introduce Certificate and Diploma Courses in Counseling Psychology.

In the year 2012, ICS College rebranded and introduced a new department of Information Communication Technology (ICT). This department served many students from secondary school with Computer Application Packages, ICT and later International Computer Driving License (ICDL). The Ministry of ICT selected us to be a digital village in Nairobi. This is a government program aimed at promoting ICT at a grassroots level.

In 2013, ICS College became the first training Institution offering tertiary education to offer NEW and FREE 7 Inch 4.4 Android Tablets to all our new students studying courses with a duration of more than 6 months. The students studying ICDL also benefit from this program.


Our sheer determination has enabled us to reach great heights. From then on, we have launched a total of 6 Schools or Faculties.

  • School of ICT & Engineering
  • School of Business
  • School of Hospitality & Languages
  • School of Social Sciences
  • School of Beauty & Fashion Design
  • School of Media Studies

Many successful professionals with thriving careers are proud to have ICS College as their Alma Mater. Through our quality training, we ensure that our students are market-ready from the skills we impart to them. Our dedicated team stretches itself to capacity to ensure we deliver only the best.


Being in the capital city has many advantages for our students. This is because Nairobi is a hub for all industries, highly ranked Hotels and Restaurants, Media Houses, business organizations and many more. ICS College ensures that all our students get to have educational and social trips according to their respective areas of study.

  • Students in the School of ICT & Engineering got to visit Mabati Rolling Mills (MRM) and other industries
  • Students in the School of Media got to visit The Standard Group, Royal Media Services, and other media and communication houses, the Parliament, Milimani Law Courts, attend conferences, shoot and report events and many more
  • Students studying Fashion Design get to visit Thika Cloth Mills to learn everything in that industry
  • School of Hospitality students get to have regular visits to hotels, restaurants and other stakeholders in the hospitality industry
  • Beauty students get to have regular educational trips to high-end beauty parlors, Spas, and Salons for hands-on experience and so much more.
  • Tourism students have regular trips and tree planting activities regularly

ICS College ensures that students from all the schools go for social and educational trips on a monthly basis. With careful planning, cooperation and coordination between the management, lecturers and the students themselves, the students get to choose and suggest where they would like to visit.

By empowering our students, we give them a platform to express themselves. This is through co-curricular activities.

Our Nairobi campus Music/Drama Club hold practices every day in preparation for the upcoming competitions. Early this year they got to perform up to the National Levels. Our Christian Union (CU) hold weekly prayer meetings and regular rallies inviting other institutions, our Muslim Students Association holds regular meetings, annual sports day, inter-colleges/universities tournaments and we also have so much more.

Student Leadership

ICS College Nairobi Campus has an active Student Leadership comprising of the current leaders 2022/2022  as ;




ACADEMICS: Delton Sigei



ICS College Nairobi Campus strives not only to be the learning destination in the city but across East Africa and the globe.

We promise to continue making leaps in all areas of excellence and maintain our position as the best College in Kenya.

East Africa Institute of Certified Studies Nairobi Campus Contacts

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