Kenya Institute of Mass Communication Diploma Courses


Kenya Institute of Mass Communication Diploma Courses

The Kenya Institute of Mass Communication Diploma Courses 2025-2026. See Details of Diploma Courses offered at Kenya Institute of Mass Communication.

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List of Kenya Institute of Mass Communication Diploma Courses 2025-2026


Diploma programs

  • Diploma in Journalism
  • Diploma in Broadcast Journalism
  • Diploma in Advertising and Public Relations


Diploma Programs

  • Diploma in TV Programmes Production
  • Diploma in Radio Programmes Production


Diploma Programs

  • Diploma in Film/ Video Program Production (Production & Directing option)
  • Diploma in Film/ Video Program Production (Editing option)
  • Diploma in Film/ Video Program Production (Camera option)
  • Diploma in Film/ Video Program Production (Sound option)
  • Diploma in Animation and Graphic Design


Diploma Programs

  • Diploma in Electrical Engineering Instrument Option (KNEC)
  • Diploma in Electrical Engineering Telecommunication Option (KNEC)
  • Diploma in Media Technology


  • Diploma Programs – 3 years
  • Upgrading Program – 1 year or 2 years depending on the program
  • Postgraduate diploma programs – 1 year or 2 1/2 years depending on the mode of study

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