KIHBT Driving Training School Intake 2025-2026


KIHBT Driving Training School Intake 2025-2026

KIHBT Driving Training School Intake 2025-2026 – Details of KIHBT Driving School

The driver training school was started in 1975 Since its inception, the Driver Training School has successfully produced well trained and competent drivers from the Elementary level (Fresh Beginners) to already serving drivers i.e. basic and advanced levels of driving.


Kenya Institute of Highways and Building Technology Contacts

The trained drivers are comfortably absorbed in private companies, government institutions, ministries, NGO’s among others.

The school offers:

  1. Basic Motor Vehicle Driver training
  2. Basic Motor Cycle riding
  3. Refresher driving courses (for already serving drivers)
  4. Defensive driving courses (for already serving drivers)
  5. First Aid course.

Training is conducted on a Full-Time basis for a continuous period of 4 weeks
The certificates for all driving and first aid courses are internal while the driving licenses are provided by the registrar of Motor Vehicles and the Transport Licensing Board through the Kenya Revenue Authority

The School aims to be a centre of excellence in driver training within the Motoring industry and to produce quality and competent drivers capable of adapting to modern road construction designs, modern vehicle designs and new technology in the motoring industry


  • To equip trainees with relevant driving skills, knowledge, attitudes and values to enable them to serve as professional drivers in the motoring industry
  • To produce competent and skilled drivers to meet the market demand and requirements

Mr Alex Mativo


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