KUCCPS HELB Loan Application 2025-2026
KUCCPS HELB Loan Application – Detailed process of KUCCPS HELB Loan Application 2025-2026. www.helb.co.ke loan status.
Before you head on to read the information that we have gather on this page about the KUCCPS HELB Loan Application 2025-2026, we entreat our readers especially students, parents and teachers to spend some few minutes to read the main purposes of the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service.
The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) is a State Corporation that provides career guidance and selects students for admission to universities, national polytechnics, technical training institutes and other accredited higher learning institutions for Government of Kenya-sponsored programmes.
For our wonderful readers, we believe these information about the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) may also interest you aside KUCCPS HELB Loan Application 2025-2026;
Click to read KUCCPS Latest News for 2025
Click to start your KUCCPS Application for 2025-2026
Click to check KUCCPS Courses Available for 2025-2026
Click to check the KUCCPS Cluster Points for 2025-2026 Application
Visit the KUCCPS Website for more information you need about Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service.
KUCCPS was established to coordinate the placement of Government-sponsored students to Kenyan universities and colleges; develop and implement career guidance programmes; disseminate information on available programmes; and collect and retain data relating to university and college placement, among other functions. KUCCPS is the Government of Kenya body that undertakes the selection of students for admission to higher learning institutions for Government sponsorship.
The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service is established under the Universities Act, 2012.
KUCCPS HELB Loan Deadline
These loans are for students joining public or private universities within the East African Community directly from high school either through the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) or as self-sponsored. Amounts awarded range between Kshs.40,000 minimum and Kshs.60,000 maximum based on the level of need. The loan attracts the interest of 4% p.a and the students are required to repay their loans on completion of their studies. Students are advised to apply at least one month before the opening date to allow ample time for processing. KUCCPS Fee Structure.
Type of KUCCPS HELB Loan Application
There are two types of undergraduate loan applications:
- First Time Application-This is for applicants who are applying for the first time.
- Second & Subsequent Application-This is for applicants who are applying for a second, third, fourth time as per the program duration
The number of loans one is eligible for depends on the program duration i.e. one is given loan 4 times for a 4-year program.
KUCCPS HELB Loan Application Requirements
- A copy of the Applicant’s national ID Card
- Copies of the parent’s national ID Cards/death certificate where the parent is deceased
- Copies of both guarantors’ national ID Card
- A copy of the applicant’s admission letter and KCSE result slip/certificate
- A copy of the applicant’s Bank ATM/Bankcard (for Government-sponsored students only)
- A copy of the applicant’s Smart Card from the institution
- One recent coloured passport size photograph of the applicant.
KUCCPS Loan Application
KUCCPS HELB Loan application Form >> Click Here to Apply for KUCCPS HELB Loan. www.helb.co.ke login
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