Laikipia University Supplementary Exams 2025-2026


Laikipia University Supplementary Exams 2025-2026

The Laikipia University Supplementary Exams 2025-2026. Details of Special/Supplementary of Laikipia University Application 2025-2026.

Laikipia University Academic Calendar


  • Indicate clearly whether the course(s) applied for are for Special or Supplementary examinations by ticking the appropriate box. Supplementary Examinations can only be sat for after one fails the first examination and Special Examinations are only approved on grounds of bereavement or sickness.
  • One must provide evidence by attaching a Signed and stamped Provisional transcript or an Approval Letter for Special Examination(s) from the Registrar’s Office.
  • One must also attach a receipt as proof of payment for at the rate of Kes. 1,500 per unit.
  • Only students with no University fees balance will be allowed to sit for examinations.
  • Special Examinations draw no additional charges for processing.


  1. A student who fails in LESS than 50% of all courses taken in an Academic Year shall be required to sit for Supplementary Examination(s).
  2. A student who fails a course(s) in Supplementary Examination(s) shall be required to retake failed units before proceeding to the next year of study.
  3. A student who fails retake(s) examination(s) as a result of a fail in Supplementary Examination (s) shall be required to re-take the course(s).
  4. A student who fails re-retake examination(s) shall be discontinued on academic grounds.
  5. Students sitting for Supplementary Examination(s) shall be required to clear any outstanding fee balance.
  6. A student who is required to sit Supplementary Examination(s) shall pay an examination fee of Kes.1,500 per course or such other amount as may be determined by the Senate from time to time. A Supplementary Examination Card shall be issued upon payment of such an amount.
  7. Supplementary Examinations shall be held once in an Academic Year and two weeks before the start of subsequent Academic Year unless otherwise approved by Senate.
  8. Supplementary Examination(s) shall be held at the Main Campus.
  9. Supplementary Examination (s) shall be marked out of 100% (excluding CATs) and the highest mark awarded shall be a pass mark (40% for undergraduate and 50% postgraduates) unless otherwise approved by the senate.
  10. A student who fails Supplementary Examinations in the final year of study shall be allowed to retake the course(s) failed when the course is next offered.
  11. Retaken course(s) shall be graded as those of normal examinations provided that the grade is marked with an asterisk (*) on the student’s transcripts.
  12. A student shall be allowed to retake a failed course TWICE only. The resulting grade will be marked with a double asterisk (**) on the student’s transcripts.
  13. A student who registers for a retake(s) shall be required to pay requisite fees and attend classes.

The copies shall be distributed as follows:

  1. Student copy
  2. Registrar (AA)
  3. School Dean
  4. Examinations Department