Maseno University Job Vacancies 2025-2026


Maseno University Job Vacancies 2025-2026

The Maseno University Job Vacancies 2025-2026. Find more about Maseno University Job Vacancies for 2025-2026 year.

The Authorities of Maseno University has open the opportunity for people seeking employment to apply for the available job Vacancies. Maseno University Address

Prospective Students are also invited to apply for Maseno University 2025-2026 Intake.

Before proceeding to apply for Maseno University Current Vacancy, let’s take a quick look at Maseno University Profile.

Maseno is a Public University, established by an Act of Parliament in 1991. In 2000 it was elevated to a fully-fledged University. The current Vice-Chancellor of the University is Professor Julius Omondi Nyabundi.

Alongside its academic programmes, the University also manages enterprises such as the Kisumu Hotel and the University farm where it produces agricultural products which are used within the university and the surplus supplied to markets around.

Maseno University is a modern institution of higher learning set up to advance teaching, learning, research and development that responds to the emerging socio-economic as well as technological and innovation needs of Kenya and the Eastern African Region. According to the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Julius Omondi Nyabundi, Maseno University has embarked on a mission to develop and deliver academic programmes that not only respond to the needs of industry but also prepare workers for the knowledge economy, in line with Vision 2030. The programmes offered by Maseno University (referred to as ‘With IT’ programmes) ensure that all graduates of Maseno are adequately exposed to a knowledge-base that enables them to live, learn and work in a multi-disciplinary setting where ICT is as much a resource for learning and working, as it is a discipline in its own right.

Click Here to Apply for Maseno University Job Vacancies 2025-2026

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