Maseno University School of Education


Maseno University School of Education

The Maseno University School of Education. Find details of Maseno University School of Education Courses and Fees Structure.

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About Maseno University School of Education

As a pioneer faculty of  Maseno University, the Faculty of Education has strived at producing highly skilled graduate teachers able to meet the national Socio-Economic development target. Today the faculty prides itself as a fountain of excellence in the field of education training.  While many public universities are drastically cutting the cost of training graduate teachers by reducing the duration of teaching practice, the Faculty has continued to provide all education undergraduate students opportunities to interact in the school environment for a whole school term during teaching practice.

This simulation has provided our students with critical industry knowledge that gives them a competitive edge over others. The Bachelor of Education French and Special Education graduates have continued to draw industry interest and most of them get placement before graduation.

The popular sandwich Postgraduate Diploma in Education offered at Kisumu City campus has continued to fulfil its objectives of providing education training to graduate untrained teachers who require skills necessary for education professionals.

Maseno University School of Education Courses

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