Maseno University Tenders 2025-2026
The Maseno University Tenders 2025-2026. Find more about Maseno University Tenders for 2025-2026 year.
The Authorities of Maseno University has open the opportunity for people seeking employment to apply for the available job Tenders. Maseno University Address
Prospective Students are also invited to apply for Maseno University 2025-2026 Intake
Details of Maseno University Tenders 2025-2026
Tenders at Maseno University
Maseno University invites tenders from eligible and reputable firms for the supply and delivery of goods as indicated below:-
Bidders interested in the above tenders are requested to inspect and buy tender documents from the Procurement Office from Monday to Friday between 9.00 a.m. and 3.30 p.m. upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Kshs 1,000.00 per set of tender document payable at Cash Office, College Campus or can be downloaded from our website Only bankers cheques will be accepted.
Tenders in sealed envelopes clearly bearing the correct Tender number and Tender description without identifying the tenderer should be sent to:-
Maseno University
Private Bag, MASENO.
or be deposited in the Tender Box situated on the entrance to the Administration Block, College Campus so as to reach on or before the tender closing 19th August 2013 at 10.00 a.m.
The tenders will be opened immediately thereafter in the University Boardroom, Siriba Campus. Interested bidders or their representatives are invited to attend the opening session. All bids downloaded from our website need not be accompanied by a non-refundable document fee. All cheques must be addressed to Maseno University.
Click Here to Apply for Maseno University Tenders 2025-2026
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