Mount Kenya University School of Law Courses


Mount Kenya University School of Law Courses

The Mount Kenya University School of Law Courses. See Details of Mount Kenya University School of Law Courses

The management of Mount Kenya University wishes to invite the prospective student to apply for the School of Law Courses offered at the school. Mount Kenya University is offering Education Courses under their School of Education in the 2025-2026 Mount Kenya University Intake.

The School of Law Courses is offered under the Department of School of Law among other various courses.

Applicants should check the Fees and Mount Kenya University Admission Requirements before applying.

Mount Kenya University Online Application

Mount Kenya University School of Law School Courses


Course Rationale

Whereas legal reforms and International development have historically benefited from each other, legal training has failed to incorporate this observation into the curriculum. Further, although global and regional and sub-regional legal processes (and instruments) continue to influence the development and implementation of law in Kenya, education stakeholders have done little to reorient legal training in this direction.

It is against this background that the MKU SoL settled on International and Development Law as a niche area. The curriculum contains both CLE core units, which are mainly taught in the foundational years and program units which are specifically designed to develop a student’s knowledge and understanding in the niche area.

Why study the programme

The Bachelor of Laws degree programme aims at introducing the learners to the international legal order and its relationship with development. Therefore, upon the successful completion of the LLB programme, the graduate should be able to:

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of international and development law.
  2. Solve pertinent legal problems in international and development law.
  3. Apply legal principles to development issues.
  4. Apply the law in the promotion of social progress and global development.
  5. Relate international legal obligations to municipal law.

 Duration of the programme

Programme Objectives

To expose students to the multifaceted nature of the development process and arouse their intellectual and practical interest in the phenomena of nation-building, fidelity to the law and its institutions and so develop responsibility for the national heritage.

  1. To introduce students to the social foundations and perspectives of the law.
  2. To inculcate in students sufficient technical skills for the extraction and communication of legal information to make their intellectual and professional lives exciting and fulfilling.
  3. To introduce students to the international legal order, its various manifestations and relationships with the municipal legal systems.
  4. To encourage academic dynamism through research, publications and exchange of ideas
  5. To initiate exchange programs with local and international institutions
  6. To program the clinical seminars as an opportunity for conducting practical research and sharing findings.

Entry Requirements

  1. Mean grade of C plus in KCSE with at least B plain in either English or Kiswahili;
  2. At least three principal passes in the Kenya Advanced Certificate for Education Examination;
  3. A degree from recognised university;
  4. A credit/pass in a diploma in law examination from an accredited institution.

Exemptions and credit transfers

  1. A maximum of 14 units can be transferred for relevant units covered at degree or diploma level whose attainment is grade B and above.
  2. Evidence supporting the application should include certified academic transcripts, certificates and a letter from the relevant registrar or authority
  3. Application for credit transfer will not be allowed three (3) weeks after the start of the semester/trimester unless granted permission by the University Senate.
  4. The University reserves the right to administer an appropriate test, through the relevant Department in order to determine whether exemption should be granted.


The following conditions should be met in seeking an exemption for a particular subject:

  1. The applicant shall pay a non-refundable credit transfer/exemption fee as determined by the School Board and approved by the Senate.
  2. A formal application on a prescribed form should be lodged with the Dean of School.
  3. The application should include justification and documentary support for the exemption to be considered.
  4. The applicant must have passed the final examinations for the year in which the subject to be exempted was examined.
  5. The School Board may require the applicant to sit an exemption examination.


Course Rationale

Diploma in Law Programme to align it to the market needs, emerging legal issues and new niche area. The idea is formed by the realization that the changing social-legal environment requires paralegals who are not only equipped with practical legal skills but also those with a comprehensive understanding of the socio-economic and political environments within which the legal systems operate.

The philosophy of the Diploma Programme is to enhance legal and National development through the training and of all-rounded paralegals.

Why study the programme

The Bachelor of Laws degree programme aims at introducing the learners to the international legal order and its relationship with development. Therefore, upon the successful completion of the LLB programme, the graduate should be able to:

Programme Duration

The programme shall take three academic years consisting of 6 (six) semesters. A semester shall consist of 17(seventeen) weeks distributed as 15 (fifteen) weeks for teaching and 2 (two) weeks for examinations.
The programme offers the learner an option to either attend a day or evening class during the semester.

The goal of the Programme

The Diploma in Law Programme aims at:

  1. Training paralegals that have sound ethical, national and professional values.
  2. Equipping learners with knowledge and skills on law and paralegal practice
  3. Exposing learners to the underlying role of paralegals in addressing human rights and justice issues at the community level.
  4. Introducing learners to the general principles of international and development law