Mupfure Self Help College Contact Details


Mupfure Self Help College Contact Details

Mupfure Self Help College Contact Details – Details of Mupfure Self Help College Contacts

Background information

Mupfure Self-HELP College was established in 1983 by the Zimbabwe Foundation for Education With Production (ZIMFEP) and had its first intake the same year. See Also: Mupfure Self Help College Intake.

The main target groups of the training programs were ex-combatants, war restrictees, detainees and refugees. The guiding principle in targeting this market was that the group had been disadvantaged during the period of the liberation struggle and they could not be easily integrated into the existing Technical and Vocational Education System.

For this reason, a special program had to be tailor made to cater for this group.

Today, it has embraced the government’s education 5.O plan: teaching, research, community service, innovation and industrialisation and it caters for all post O-level cadres in need of TVET knowledge and skills.


To be the centre of excellence in Education With Production for socio-economic development.


To equip human capital with knowledge and skills for socio-economic transformation.


  • Patriotism
  • Team work
  • Creativity
  • Productivity
  • Professionalism

Mupfure Self Help College Contact Details

Physical address
Bedford South C&D Farm

Postal Address
Mupfure Self-help College
P. O. Box 347

Phone: 0776113100