National Bank of Kenya Branches and Contacts


National Bank of Kenya Branches and Contacts

National Bank of Kenya Branches and Contacts – National Bank was incorporated on 19th June 1968 and officially opened on Thursday November 14th 1968. At the time it was fully owned by the Government. The objective for which it was formed was to help Kenyans get access to credit and control their economy after independence.

National Bank of Kenya Loans

National Bank of Kenya Swift Code

In 1994, the Government reduced its shareholding by 32% (40 Million Shares) to members of the public. Again in May 1996, it further reduced its Shareholding by 40 million Shares to the public.

The current Shareholding now stands at National Social Security Fund (NSSF) 48.06%, General Public – 29.44% and Kenya Government 22.5%. During the 34th AGM held on 25th April 2003 the bank increased its Share Capital by Kshs. 6 Billion i.e. from Kshs. 3 Billion to Kshs. 9 billion through the creation of 1,200,000,000 non-cumulative preference Shares of Kshs. 5 each. These Shares are at the disposal of the National Bank Board who will offer them in accordance with the Bank’s articles, the CMA rules and the Companies Act.

National Bank of Kenya Contacts:

HEAD OFFICE:National Bank Building Harambee Avenue, Nairobi
P.O BOX 72866-00200 Nairobi
Tel: 020-2828000
Fax: 020-311444/222304
Tel: 020 282 8900, 0703 088 900, 0732 118 900

See Also:

Licensed Commercial Banks in Kenya

ABC Bank Kenya

Absa Bank Kenya Plc

Bank of Africa

Bank of Baroda

Bank of India


Consolidated Bank of Kenya

Cooperative Bank of Kenya

Credit Bank

Development Bank of Kenya

Diamond Trust Bank

Dubai Islamic Bank

Ecobank Kenya

Equity Bank

Family Bank

First Community Bank

Guaranty Trust Bank Kenya

Guardian Bank

Gulf African Bank

Habib Bank AG Zurich

Housing Finance Company of Kenya

I&M Bank

Imperial Bank Kenya

Jamii Bora Bank

Kenya Commercial Bank

Mayfair Bank

Middle East Bank Kenya

M Oriental Bank

National Bank of Kenya

NCBA Bank Kenya

Paramount Universal Bank

Prime Bank Kenya

SBM Bank Kenya Limited

Sidian Bank

Spire Bank

Stanbic Bank Kenya

Standard Chartered Kenya

Transnational Bank

United Bank for Africa

Victoria Commercial Bank

Representative offices of Foreign Banks in Kenya



Bank of China