NUST Zimbabwe Faculty of Communication and Information Science
NUST Zimbabwe Faculty of Communication and Information Science – Details of NUST Zimbabwe Faculty of Communication and Information Science
The Faculty of Communication and Information Science at the National University of Science and Technology, is experiencing unprecedented growth in teaching, learning, research and Community engagement.
With a population of six-hundred and seventeen (617) undergraduates and one hundred and twenty-two (122) postgraduates; forty-seven (47) full-time academic staff and support staff of ten (10), the Faculty of Communication and Information Science has experienced a marked increase in our Journalism and Media Studies programme, although there is a decrease in enrolment in other degree programmes that we offer. The increase in demand for our Journalism and Media Studies programme is testimony to our involvement and interaction in the training and mentoring of Information Scientists.
At the same time the past 5 years have seen an unprecedented increase in Research and Innovation outputs at all levels and degree programmes. We have had an upsurge in the quality and quantity of research publications and Conference presentations.
Our Annual International Conference has been run successfully since 2011 and has become a permanent fixture of our calendar and for our colleagues in Information Science throughout Africa, and in particular the SADC Region.
On staff issues we have continued to grow and thanks to the support rendered by the Vice-Chancellor and Senior University Management, we have continued to attract highly qualified Academic staff and at the same time been able to develop our own into MPhil and PhD holders, which accentuates the drive to staff, the Faculty and Departments with highly qualified and skilled Academic staff, this again implies high competencies in research and graduate supervision by the Faculty