United College of Education E-Learning


United College of Education E-Learning

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Welcome to the UCE ELearning Platform, our special website portal that allows us to create and deliver online courses. As a dynamic institute we realize the benefits of blended learning, an education system that combines online digital media with traditional classroom methods. It is a combination of offline (face-to-face, traditional learning) and online learning in a way that the one compliments the other. It provides our teachers and students with the opportunity to enjoy the best of both worlds. For example, a student attends lessons in a classroom setting, and then supplement the lesson plan by completing online multimedia coursework.

United College of Education E-Learning Online Resources and Activities

A course resource is an item that a teacher can use to support learning, such as a file or a website link. Our ELearning Portal supports a range of resource types which teachers can add to their course sections.

·         Book – Multi-page resources with a book-like format

·         File – A picture, a pdf document, a spreadsheet, a sound file, a video file

·         Folder – For helping organize files and one folder may contain other folders

·         Page – The student sees a single, scrollable screen that a teacher creates with the robust HTML editor

·         URL – You can send the student to any place they can reach on their web browser, for example Wikipedia


Usually an activity is something that a student will do that interacts with other students and or the teacher. There are a range of activities in our platform that include the following

·         Assignments: Enable teachers to grade and give comments on uploaded files and assignments created on and off line

·         Quiz: Allows the teacher to design and set quiz tests, which may be automatically marked and feedback and/or to correct answers shown

·         Chat: Allows participants to have a real-time synchronous discussion

·         Forum: Allows participants to have asynchronous discussions

·         Workshop: Enables peer assessment

·         Survey: For gathering data from students to help teachers learn about their class and reflect on their own teaching Communication Tools

United College of Education E-Learning Blended Learning

UCE has realize that there are two key principles commonly associated with blended learning (which are the “secrets” to its success): students who can share information and work with other students directly in a collaborative setting have a more enriched learning experience, and collaboration between students can be improved upon if group activities rely on information gathered from online resources or lessons. It’s also been suggested that students who complete online coursework followed by interactive, face-to-face class activities have richer educational experiences.

With our Blended Learning Approach, we hope to realize these advantages

1.       Personalized Training Experience

Face-to-face instruction and technology working hand in hand offers students a customized training experience with personalized feedback. If they are struggling with a particular training topic, they can access supplemental resources online or get the help they need from their instructor. They are also able to utilize specific multimedia activities that cater to their performance goals.

2.       Offers 24/7 access to training resources.
Blended learning training removes time and location limitations. If the student is at home and would like to spend a moment brushing on a particular topic, they can do so. If they are travelling a long journey on the college bus and need to do an assignment, they can simply access the portal using a tablet or smartphone. Learners no longer have to wait for a scheduled training to address their concerns and questions, as the online training resources are always there to help.

3.       Cost Effectiveness

Almost always, creating a blended learning strategy reduces classroom teaching time. By digitizing the expertise of our talented instructors or subject-matter experts, we can reach more students with high-quality content at a fraction of the cost. That frees up knowledgeable instructors to offer more classes, or create more training content, or participate in other activities within the institute.

United College of Education E-Learning Elearning User Course Roles

In UCE Online Platform there exist the following distinct roles
· Site Manager
· Course Creator
· Teacher
· Student
· Guest

Site Manager’s role
Our Online Site Manager is responsible for the following
· Manages site users, creates their accounts, authenticates them, defines and manages their roles and permissions

· Customizing the
· Learn how keep your Moodle secure.
· Ensure you don’t lose valuable information by performing regular site backup &
· See Moodle’s site wide communication tools: comments, blogs, messaging,
calendar, notes and tags.

Moodle Teacher’s role
Courses are the reason for a teacher to use Moodle. A Moodle teacher should learn how to
· Create a course and adjust its basic settings.
· Customize the course appearance.
· Set and manage course enrolment.
· Group students.
· Secure the Course
· Post course Resources and Activities
· Save time by re-using courses and activities – back up, restore, import, reset, clone and share
courses and/or parts of.
· Advertise and/or share your Moodle courses worldwide or locally through Community hubs.

Moodle Student’s role
Basically what you would expect. Can’t edit course or activities, but can take courses.

Moodle Guest’s role
They basically have browse capabilities

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