University of Eastern Africa Baraton School of Nursing
University of Eastern Africa Baraton School of Nursing – See details of University of Eastern Africa Baraton School of Nursing Courses.
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University of Eastern Africa Baraton Fees Structure
The minimum requirements for admission to the University of Eastern Africa, Baraton must be met.
1. A mean grade of C+ (plus) or better in KCSE, division II or better, or its equivalent, is required for all pre-service students.
2. A grade of C+ or credit in cluster subjects; Mathematics/ Physics, Chemistry, (or Physical science), Biology, and English.
3. Foreign students from non-English speaking countries must have their High School certificates/diplomas translated into English with accompanying statement showing how their system equates to the Kenyan System. Foreign trained nurses must assume responsibility to have their certificates or diplomas translated to English. It is strongly advised that they should apply for registration with the Nursing Council of Kenya before admission to the university
4. Foreign ‘0’ level certificates are sent to the Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) for equation to the Kenyan system. This is done before admission.
5. For Registered Nurses, a mean grade of C plain, or Division II, diploma certificate and a current practice license from the Nursing council of Kenya, and 2 years’ experience are required. Lack of 2 years’ experience will warrant a full year internship after graduation. 6. For enrolled nurses, a mean grade of C+ or better in KCSE or Division II in KCE, including a C+ or Credit pass in the following: Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics/Physics and English; OR according to provisions that may be made by the Nursing Council of Kenya.
Students who are admitted to UEAB with the necessary admission requirements for a BScN degree program are considered as pre-clinical nursing students. Upon attainment of required grades in nursing cognate subjects, students proceed to (clinical) professional nursing courses.
Continuous assessment
The details of continuous assessment strategies are described in the course outlines. They account for 50% of the course grade and include oral debates, case studies, literature reviews, consultations reports, physical examinations, quizzes and written papers.
End-of term/semester assessment
Each course/module, except NRSG 706: Research Project, will have a 3-hour written final examination and a practical examination in the courses including a practicum. Instead of a research project examination, the students will produce a research thesis and a publishable article at the end of the project.
Practical assessment
Documented advanced nursing practice of at least 150 hours for each module, in outpatient or community health facilities under supervision of a practicing clinician is required. This will include physical examination of a minimum of 10 adults and 10 children documented in a log book countersigned by a clinician. Details of additional practical assessment are in the course outlines.
The MScN program is organized to be offered in four semesters and one inter-semester or two academic years in length. In the first year, the students complete the biomedical and nursing science courses. In the second year, clinical practice is done and research project is commenced.
The MScN program requirements include the 5-credit course NRSG 709: Research project. At the end of the course, students will make an oral defense and submit a bound thesis report of their research.
The minimum requirements for the Master of Science in Nursing are:
1. Complete 46 semester credit hours for the program.
2. Maintain average cumulative GPA of 3.0 for all graduate courses.
3. Complete 600 clock hours of clinical practice.
4. Proof of acceptance for publication of at least one (1) article in refereed journal(s)
5. Write a research thesis 6. Apply for graduation on the prescribed form
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University of Eastern Africa Baraton Student Portal
University of Eastern Africa Baraton Online Registration
University of Eastern Africa Baraton Admission Letters
University of Eastern Africa Baraton e-Learning
University of Eastern Africa Baraton Address
University of Eastern Africa Baraton Contacts
University of Eastern Africa Baraton Fees Structure
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University of Eastern Africa Baraton Courses
University of Eastern Africa Baraton Admission Portal
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University of Eastern Africa Baraton Online Application
University of Eastern Africa Baraton Nairobi Campus
University of Eastern Africa Baraton Certificate Courses
University of Eastern Africa Baraton Diploma Courses
University of Eastern Africa Baraton Eldoret Campus
University of Eastern Africa Baraton Grading System
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University of Eastern Africa Baraton Masters Courses
University of Eastern Africa Baraton School of Nursing
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