University of Embu Intake 2025-2026


University of Embu Intake 2025-2026

The University of Embu Intake 2025-2026. Details of Admission Application for University of Embu UoEm 2025-2026 Intake.

The Admission Office of the University of Embu has open the opportunity for both foreign and local Applicants into the 2025-2026 Admission Intake. Contact the University of Embu for details.

University of Embu Intake 2025-2026

University of Embu May Intake 2025-2026

University of Embu September Intake 2025-2026

On this page, Intra-Colleges is proud to announce to the general public the Intakes available for UoEm 2025-2026 Admission. Before you proceed to see the available Intakes for the 2025-2026 Academic year, we will like you to take your time to read on the Application tools provided for UoEm Admission 2025 Intake below;

University of Embu Intake Application Tools 2025-2026

University of Embu Courses

University of Embu Application Form

University of Embu Online Application

University of Embu Admission Requirements

University of Embu Fee Structure

Mode of Application for University of Embu Intake 2025-2026:

The Admissions Section is mandated to perform the following major functions;

  • Admission to programmes of the University
  • Registration of new and continuing students
  • Processing student requests
  • Managing, updating and maintain students’ records

In addition, the Admissions Section also provides information to clients to help them through the University admission process as well as guiding prospective students in the selection of relevant competitive programmes.

We offer both competitive and market-driven academic programmes from certificate to doctoral levels with intakes on January, April, May, August, September and December every year. Programmes at the University are offered under Full Time, Full-Time Intensive (two days in a week), Part-Time (weekdays evenings and weekends), Part-Time Institutional Based (April, August and December sessions) and Exchange Programme (one semester).

The University of Embu admits both Government Sponsored and Self-Sponsored students. The Government Sponsored students are placed at the University by the Kenya University and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS). On the other hand, Self-Sponsored students are required to make applications to the University by filling in application forms that can be obtained at the Admissions Office or on our website It is important to note that all applicants are required to meet the minimum entry requirements.

So far, the Admissions Section has made major milestones. During the admission of the first year students 2018/2025 Academic Year, the Admissions Section successfully implemented the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System. This fast-tracked the registration process and made it more efficient. It made it possible to reduce the average time taken to register a new student from four hours to twenty-five minutes. Also, we admitted international students through the student exchange programme from the University of Dresden, Germany into various programmes. This has enhanced the globalization of education.

During the September intake 2025/2025 Academic Year the University of Embu admitted its first group of Bachelor of Laws (LLB) students. This achievement has indeed made the institution more competitive. Bachelor of Laws (LLB) became a very welcome addition to the rest of the one hundred and twenty-seven (127) programmes currently offered at the University of Embu.

The Admissions Section is well known for its committed and dedicated team of staff members. Here, customer satisfaction is our pleasure. Through continuous interactions with our clients, we endeavour to see to it that through us, the University’s mission of service to humanity and societal development is upheld. Our team works hard to respond to all queries raised by our clients so as to help them make informed choices on their programmes of study.

All interested parties are welcomed to visit the Admissions Office situated at the New Administration Block Rooms 9, 10, 11 & 12. They can also reach us on phone through 0706528878