University of Kabianga Intake 2025-2026


University of Kabianga Intake 2025-2026

The University of Kabianga Intake 2025-2026. Details of Admission Application for University of Kabianga UoK KUCCPS 2025-2026 Intake.

The Admission Office of the University of Kabianga has open the opportunity for both foreign and local Applicants into the 2025-2026 Admission Intake. Contact the University of Kabianga for details.

University of Kabianga January Intake 2025-2026

University of Kabianga (UoK) May Intake 2025-2026

University of Kabianga (UoK) September Intake 2025-2026

On this page, Intra-Colleges is proud to announce to the general public the Intakes available for UoK 2025-2026 Admission. Before you proceed to see the available Intakes for the 2025-2026 Academic year, we will like you to take your time to read on the Application tools provided for UoK Admission 2025 Intake below;

University of Kabianga Intake Application Tools 2025-2026

University of Kabianga Courses

University of Kabianga Application Form

University of Kabianga Online Application

University of Kabianga Admission Requirements

University of Kabianga Fee Structure

University of Kabianga Admission Letter

University of Kabianga Admission List

Details of University of Kabianga Intake 2025-2026

Application forms can be obtained from the University of Kabianga Admissions Office Main Campus and Kericho Town Campus, Sotik Campus and Kapkatet Campus or downloaded from the University Website:

University of Kabianga Bank Accounts Number







Duly filled application forms, copies of certificates and receipts upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Kshs. 500 for Certificates and Diploma, Kshs. 1000 for Undergraduate and Kshs. 2000 for postgraduate respectively should be returned to:-

Online Application Procedure

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Apply Online
  3. Click the Apply Now link to proceed to the programmes listing
  4. Select the Programme by clicking Apply Button alongside the programmes name
  5. Fill the online application form and submit the form
  6. You will receive a notification and payment procedure in your email

University of Kabianga Contacts

  • P. O. BOX 2030-20250
  • Tel: 0202572665, 0572503762, 0202543814

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