University of Zimbabwe General Academic Regulations
University of Zimbabwe General Academic Regulations – Find Details of University of Zimbabwe General Academic Regulations
University of Zimbabwe General Academic Regulations Details – In terms of Sections 27(1)(i) of the University of Zimbabwe Act (Act 27 of 1982), the Council of the University of Zimbabwe, with the approval of the Minister of Education, makes the following Ordinance:
1.This Ordinance may be cited as “The Rules of Student Conduct and Discipline Ordinance, 1984, Ordinance No. 30”.
2.The University’s existing Rules of Student Conduct and Discipline are hereby repealed.
3.The Rules of Student Conduct and Discipline set out in the Schedule to this Ordinance shall come into effect from 1 January 1985.
4.In terms of Section 23(2) of the University Act, the Student Disciplinary Committee hereby delegates to the officials referred to in the Rules of Student Conduct and Discipline the power of investigating and exercising disciplinary authority in respect of misconduct by any student to the extent and in the manner set out in the Rules of Student Conduct and Discipline.
5.In terms of Section 23(4)(c) of the University Act, the Student Disciplinary Committee may –
order a student to pay to the University the amount of any financial loss caused to the University by such a student;
after reference to the Vice-Chancellor, impose any penalty on a student which in the circumstances of a particular case it deems appropriate.
- INTERPRETATION (University of Zimbabwe General Academic Regulations)
The University Officers charged with the administration of these rules will at all times seek to implement the letter and spirit of the University Act and will in particular have regard to the following principles:
1.1The University is a Society in which high standards of communal life must be established and maintained for the benefit of both present and future members of the University.
1.2A high level of personal integrity and a developed sense of responsibility towards others are as important to the University as outstanding scholastic achievement.
1.3A proper concern for the reputation of the University and what it ought to stand for makes it incumbent upon its members to live decent and ordered lives.
1.4Individual or collective action by members of the University which constitutes a breach of these rules may require to be punished notwithstanding that the motive or goal of such action was a commendable one in the belief of such members.
2. UNDERTAKING AT REGISTRATION (University of Zimbabwe General Academic Regulations)
When registering as a member of the University a student shall be given a copy of these rules and shall sign a statement in which he/she acknowledges that he/she has been furnished with the rules, and he/she undertakes to conduct himself/herself while a student of the University in accordance therewith and with any amendments duly made thereto.
3.1No student of the University shall:
3.1.1Use the University premises contrary to University Regulations, Residence, Faculty or Departmental rules or do any act reasonably likely to cause such misuse;
3.1.2Damage or deface any property of the University or do any act reasonably likely to cause damage or defacement thereto;
3.1.3Disrupt teaching, study, research or administrative work, or prevent any member of the University or its staff from carrying on his study or work, or do any act reasonably likely to cause disruption or prevention;
3.1.4Engage in any conduct whether on or off the campus which is or is reasonably likely to be, harmful to the interests of the University, members of the University staff or students.
3.2The following would be regarded by the University as instances of breaches of the rule contained in 3.1 (above) –
3.2.1Displaying violence by word or act towards any member of the University, whether academic or administrative staff or student, or a guest of the University, or any visitor to the University or in any way intimidating or obstructing the free movement of such member, guest or visitor;
3.2.2Disrupting or seeking to disrupt any proper function of the University whether it be an official function, Council meeting, Senate meeting, Faculty or committee meeting, lecture, teaching session, the function of any University society or day to day administrative activity;
3.2.3Seeking to prevent a speaker invited by any section of the University Community from lawfully expressing his views.
3.3Students are informed that:-
3.3.1If a group of students forms a common intention to commit certain acts and to assist each other in their commission, and in due course a breach of these rules is committed by one or some of the group, then each member of the group may be held to have committed that breach of the rules, who foresaw that the breach would occur, or who must, in the view of the Student Disciplinary Committee, have foreseen that it would occur. A member of such a group can avoid this happening to him/her by taking clear and unequivocal steps, before such a breach is committed, to show that he/she dissociates himself/herself from the acts of the group with whom he/she has so far been associating;
3.3.2Where a number of students have committed a breach of these rules and only one or more of these students can be identified, the University will not hesitate to take disciplinary action against those students who can be identified and against whom there is sufficient evidence to warrant investigation;
3.3.3Where a student commits an act which is both an offence according to the laws of the country and one which after investigation appears to be a breach of the disciplinary rules of the University, the University may punish such a student not
withstanding that he/she is prosecuted and/or punished by the courts of the country.
3.4A student shall obey any rules made from time to time by the Vice-Chancellor and shall further obey all instructions given by the Vice-Chancellor, the Proctors, and all those persons whom the Vice-Chancellor has charged to assist him in the maintenance of discipline, and in this regard: –
3.4.1Any Dean, Deputy Dean, Chairman of Department, Librarian, Deputy Librarian or member of the senior administrative staff may order any member of a gathering of students which is committing, or whose activities are likely to lead to a breach of Rule 3 (above), to disperse, and may further order any such member to furnish his/her full name or to accompany the member of staff to interview the Vice- Chancellor or a Proctor, or give both such orders. For the purposes of this section
‘Senior administrative staff’ shall include the Registrar, Deputy Registrar Academic, the Bursar, Director, Accommodation and Catering Services, Director of Works and Estates, Dean of Students, Deputy Dean of Students, Assistant to the Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Bursar, Deputy Registrar, Administration, Secretary, School of Medicine and Wardens of Halls of Residence.
3.4.2If a student misbehaves in a lecture or teaching session or interferes with the conduct of a lecture or teaching session the member of staff conducting such interference.
3.4.3Failing to comply with any order given as above constitutes a serious offence.
4. THE POWERS OF UNIVERSITY PROCTORS (University of Zimbabwe General Academic Regulations)
4.1The Vice-Chancellor shall from time to time appoint as many Proctors as he deems necessary from among the academic staff who are not members of the Student Disciplinary Panel or Wardens. One Proctor shall be known as the Senior Proctor with responsibility for organizing and supervising the work of the other proctors. A second Proctor shall be a member of the Department of Law and known as the Legal Proctor with a particular responsibility for the presentation of cases before the Student Disciplinary Committee.
4.2A Proctor shall be charged with ensuring the proper observance of these rules by students on or off the University site and to this end shall, in addition to his power under Rule 3.4 have the following powers:
4.2.1To receive and investigate reports of student misconduct;
4.2.2To summon any student to appear before him/her either to answer a charge or complaint against him/her or to answer questions in regard to any matter under investigation by him/her;
4.2.3To proceed in the absence of a student who in the opinion of the Proctor has been duly summoned but has failed to appear;
4.2.4To recommend to the Registrar that a student be summoned to appear before the Student Disciplinary Committee to answer a charge or complaint against him/her or to answer questions in regard to any matter under investigation by the student Disciplinary Committee or Proctors;
4.2.5To reprimand a student;
4.2.6To impose a fine on a student not exceeding $100;
4.2.7To order a student to pay to the University the amount of any financial loss caused to the University by such student;
4.2.8To withdraw an existing student privilege, other than residence, for a period not exceeding 1 (one) academic term.
4.3When a report is made to a Proctor of alleged misconduct by a resident of a Hall of Residence the Proctor shall communicate such a report to the Warden of the Hall of Residence concerned before taking action against the resident.
5. POWER OF WARDENS (University of Zimbabwe General Academic Regulations)
5.1A warden of a Residence shall have the power to investigate any breach of these rules by a student of his Hall of Residence committed within any Hall of Residence and to make any of the following orders in respect of such student adjudged by him to have committed a breach of these rules:
5.1.1to reprimand a student;
5.1.2to withdraw an existing resident student privilege, eg. Exeat ;
5.1.3to impose a fine not exceeding $100;
5.1.4to order a student to pay to the University the amount of any financial loss caused to the University. Such an order may be made on the person or persons who caused the loss or, where identity cannot be established, on members of the residence in which the loss his was sustained;
5.1.5to suspend a student from his Hall of Residence;
5.1.6To expel a student from his Hall of Residence for a period not exceeding three academic terms.
5.2Where a warden wishes to impose penalties 5.1.5 or 5.1.6 above, he/she shall first furnish the Senior Proctor with a full report concerning the alleged offence and the proposed penalty. On receipt of this report the Senior Proctor may, either:-
5.2.1confirm the proposed penalty and order of the Warden and in the event of variation, order the Warden to execute such varied order; or
5.2.2institute a further investigation of the matters before making such order at the conclusion as he/she deems fit; or
5.2.3Recommend to the Registrar that a Student Disciplinary Committee be convened to examine the case.
5.3A warden of a Hall of Residence and the Warden of Non-Resident Students shall have the power to report any matter of student conduct to the Proctors or through the Registrar to the Student Disciplinary Committee.
5.4Where a Warden has imposed any of the penalties set out in Section 5.1.1 to 5.1.4 above on a student he shall submit a report to the Senior Proctor, Registrar and Dean of Students.
6. RULES FOR HALLS OF RESIDENCE (University of Zimbabwe General Academic Regulations)
A resident shall obey all rules made and instructions given by the Warden, Deputy and Sub-Wardens of the residence and shall refrain from conduct which:
6.1.1may bring discredit upon his/her Hall of Residence; or
6.1.2is prejudicial to the welfare of other residents of the Hall.
6.2Powers of Hall Committee Members
Members of Hall committees shall have the power to investigate and if necessary reprimand residents for any infringement of the rules contained in this section, and report such investigation or reprimand to the Warden.
6.3Damage to Hall Property
A resident shall be liable to compensate the University in full for any damage caused by him/her to University property. Damage caused to a study-bedroom shall be presumed to have been caused by the resident to whom such a room has been allocated unless the contrary is proved.
A resident having knowledge of the outbreak of fire in, or adjacent to, Hall premises shall as soon as possible:
6.4.1inform the Warden, Deputy or Sub-Warden;
6.4.2summon the Municipal fire-brigade;
6.4.3inform the Director of Works and Estates.
6.5Vacation Residence
6.5.1A resident may not occupy a study-bedroom during University vacations save with the prior written authority of the Director, Accommodation and Catering Services on the recommendation of the Dean of the appropriate Faculty and the Warden. Applications for vacation residence must be submitted through the prescribed channels and on the prescribed form.
6.5.2A resident granted leave to reside in Hall in vacation who no longer wishes to avail himself of this privilege shall furnish the Director, Accommodation and
Catering Services with at least 3 (three) days’ written notice of such fact.
Omission so to do will render such resident liable to monetary penalty.
A resident may not absent himself/herself from Hall overnight, save on Saturday nights, without previously informing and obtaining the permission of the Warden. To be absent from Hall for two or more consecutive nights, he/she requires the leave of the Dean of his/her Faculty in addition to that of the Warden. A resident of a Hall may be required to be in Hall every night by such time as may be laid down in Hall Regulations unless prior permission has been granted by the Warden or a Sub-Warden to return to Hall at a later hour.
6.7.1Resident students’ parents may visit them in their rooms from 1000 to 2230.
6.7.2Male students may be entertained in rooms in female halls and female students may be entertained in rooms in male halls between the following hours:
Monday to Friday |
1200 to 2230 |
Saturday |
1200 to 2400 |
Sunday |
1030 to 2230 |
6.7.3Outside the prescribed visiting hours, all parts of the Halls except the Common Rooms and entrance foyers are out of bounds to members of the opposite sex.
6.7.4Special arrangements may be made by application to the Warden of the Hall concerned.
6.7.5These provisions apply to all students undergraduate and postgraduate.
6.7.6No visitors or non-resident student may make unauthorized use of accommodation or dining facilities in Hall of Residence. Students introducing visitors or non- resident students to the Hall may be held responsible by the wardens for the conduct of such visitors, and non-resident students making unauthorized use of the Hall facilities shall be guilty of misconduct.
6.8Withdrawal from Residence
If a student should leave the University or withdraw from Residence before the end of the session for which he has been admitted, fees already paid by him are not returnable and the balance of all fees for that session not yet paid become immediately payable, except that a student who gives proper notice before the end of a term that he wishes to vacate Residence for the remainder of the session may be refunded the balance of Residence fees in respect of the remaining whole terms of the session.
6.9Loss of Valuables
A resident shall report as soon as possible to the Warden, Deputy or Sub-Warden the loss of any article from Hall premises in circumstances raising a suspicion of theft.
6.10Relationship of Resident and Staff
A resident shall not require a member of the Accommodation and Catering Services Department staff to perform services outside the scope of his normal employment duties.
A resident who is confined to bed shall, so far as he/she is able, ensure that his/her illness is reported to the University Student Health Services.
7 RULES FOR THE USE OF VEHICLES (University of Zimbabwe General Academic Regulations)
7.1A student wishing to keep or use a motor vehicle including a motor cycle, motor scooter or motorised bicycle within the boundaries of the University site shall previously notify the Registrar in writing on the form prescribed.
7.2Save with the prior written permission of the Registrar, a student shall not, within University grounds:
7.2.1park a vehicle in a parking place marked “for staff and visitors only”
7.2.2park a vehicle in any place at which parking by any persons has been prohibited;
7.2.3bring a vehicle within any University building;
7.2.4ride or drive a vehicle on any part other than roads, tracks or parking places;
7.2.5leave a vehicle in an unusable condition for a period longer than is reasonably required to effect necessary repairs.
7.3Whenever a vehicle registered with the University is driven, ridden or parked in contravention of the rules set out in Section 7.2 it shall be presumed that it was so driven,
ridden or parked by the persons in whose name the vehicle has been registered with the University unless the contrary is proved.
7.4.1The Warden, Proctors and such other persons so authorized by the Vice- Chancellor shall have power to investigate breaches of the Rules contained in this
section and to impose the following penalties:
For a first offence a fine of $5 For a second offence a fine of $10
7.4.2In the case of a third or subsequent offence the name of the offender, with particulars of his previous offences under this section, shall be reported to the proctors, who shall exercise appropriate authority in terms of Rule 4.
8.1The Chairman of the Committee shall regulate proceedings in a manner as simple and informal as possible which is, notwithstanding, best fitted to do substantial justice and at all times in accord with the principles of natural justice. More particularly a student charged with breach of the Rules of Student Conduct and discipline shall at any investigation thereof before the Committee and with no derogation of his/her rights in terms of Section 23 (3) of the University Act:-
8.1.1Be furnished with a full and fair opportunity to meet such allegations if he so desires;
8.1.2Be permitted to present any relevant facts or call any witnesses capable of giving testimony relevant to the investigation;
8.1.3Be permitted to put questions to witnesses save those which are irrelevant, frivolous or vexatious;
8.1.4Be permitted to be present at all times save when the Committee is deliberating upon its decision of the matter;
8.1.5Be advised as fully and clearly as possible of the Committee’s decision or recommendation and of its reasons for arriving at that decision or recommendation.
8.2 The Proctors and Wardens shall conduct any proceedings before them in accordance with Rule
8.2.1save that the provisions of Section 23 (3) of the University Act will not be applicable.
8.3In the event of the Legal Proctor conducting an investigation before the Student Disciplinary Committee it shall further be his/her duty:-
8.3.1to elicit all evidence brought to his/her attention which is relevant to the investigation and admissible, whether favourable to or prejudicial to the student whose conduct is the subject thereof;
8.3.2if so required by the Committee, to advise the Committee as to the issues which they have to decide and as to any point of law or procedure so as to ensure that the conduct of the investigation is consistent with the principles of natural justice;
8.3.3to be absent at all times from the deliberations of the Committee upon its final judgments.
8.4A notice to a student summoning him/her to appear before the Committee for investigation of an alleged breach of the University Rules of Student Conduct and Discipline shall be contained in a letter addressed to him/her and advising him/her of:-
8.4.1the place at which he/she is to attend;
8.4.2the date and time at which he/she is to attend; provided that such date shall be not less than 5 days after the date upon which such notice is received;
8.4.3the rule which he/she is alleged to have contravened and full particulars of his/her alleged contravention;
8.4.4his/her right to make any relevant statement he/she wishes to the Committee;
8.4.5his/her right to call witnesses to attend and give any relevant testimony on his/her behalf before the Committee;
8.4.6his/her right to be accompanied and represented before the Committee by a legal practioner;
8.4.7the right to furnish to the Proctors in advance of the investigation any information which he/she deems relevant to the investigation and which he/she wishes to have given due consideration.
8.5A member of the Committee, who has acquired, other than in the course of his University life, knowledge of evidence in an investigation of misconduct to be held before the Committee, shall not participate in such investigation.
8.6The Committee shall only find a student to have committed a breach of the Rules of Student Conduct and Discipline when it is satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that the student has committed such breach.
8.7In the event of the Committee finding a student to have committed a breach of the
Rules, either on the student’s own admission or at the conclusion of an investigation, it shall, before determining the punishment it should impose or the terms of its recommendation to the Vice-Chancellor, permit such a student a full opportunity to make a statement or produce evidence which he/she wishes to be taken into consideration in mitigation of his/her punishment.
8.8The Chairman of the Committee shall keep full notes of any proceedings before it but these need not be a verbatim record.
8.9As soon as possible after the conclusion of a Student Disciplinary Committee hearing the chairman shall convey a full report to the Registrar who shall inform the student involved of the Committee’s judgment.
(ORDINANCE NO 43) (University of Zimbabwe General Academic Regulations)
In terms of Section 27 (1) (d) and (e) of the University of Zimbabwe Amendment Act (1990), the Council of the University of Zimbabwe in exercise of its powers under Section 13 (e) of that Act, hereby makes the following Ordinance:-
2.1There shall be a Departmental Board for each Department which shall consist of;-
2.1.1The Chairperson of the Department.
2.1.2All full-time members of the academic staff of the Department.
2.1.3Representatives of teaching assistants, honorary and part-timeacademic staff in the Department appointed annually by the Departmental Board.
2.1.4Where relevant up to two representatives of the technical staff in the Department elected by the technical staff in the Department.
2.1.5Two students in the Department elected annually by the students from amongst themselves, except that student representatives shall not be entitled to attend for deliberations on matters considered by the Board to be confidential; which shall include appointment, promotion, tenure and conduct of staff and examinations.
2.2The Vice Chancellor, the Pro-Vice Chancellors and the appropriate Dean and Deputy Dean shall be entitled to attend meetings of the Departmental Board in an ex-officio capacity.
2.3A departmental Board shall meet at least twice every term and shall maintain a proper system of Agendas and Minutes for such meetings.
2.4Subject to Section 3 of this Ordinance each Departmental Board shall regulate its own procedures, including the provision of a secretary to service the Board and the establishment of a quorum.
3. DUTIES AND POWERS OF THE DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS (University of Zimbabwe General Academic Regulations)
Subject to the provisions of the University statutes, the authority of the Senate, the provisions of this Ordinance and such limitations as the Faculty Board of which the Department forms a part may impose, the Departmental Board shall:-
3.1plan, arrange for conduct and control the teaching and instruction of students within the department and the setting and marking of examination papers in accordance with regulations approved by Senate the general academic policy agreed by the Faculty and Department and the approved administrative procedures of the University;
3.2plan for and formulate general guidelines on pure and applied research and suggest means of funding research programmes in the Department;
3.3make recommendations to the Faculty Board for the establishment of new courses and the amendment of existing regulations and syllabuses relating to studies within the Department;
3.4delegate functions and responsibilities to individuals or groups of individuals within the Department;
3.5exercise such powers as may be conferred upon it by the Faculty Board, the Senate and the Vice Chancellor;
3.6arrange for the provision of consultancy services by the Department on matters concerning the subject assigned to the Department within the limitations of its capabilities and subject to the general University policy on consultancy services;
3.7monitor the implementation of the University’s conditions relating to the undertaking of private consultancy remunerative work in respect of the members of the Department;
3.8make recommendations in respect of estimates of expenditure in the Department to the budget Committee;
3.9recommend a preliminary short-list of candidates for appointment to academic, technical, administrative, secretarial, and service posts within the Department cognisant of the need to maintain strict confidentiality in handling appreciation and shall forward such short lists to the relevant section Board or Committee for consideration;
3.10recommend candidates for Staff Development Committee;
3.11submit recommendations to the Vice Chancellor in respect of the appointment of external examiners and any other consultants in the Department;
3.12make recommendations to the appropriate bodies concerning promotion, tenure and disciplining of academic, technical, secretarial, and service staff with the Department;
3.13make recommendations to the appropriate Faculty Planning Committee on plans for the development of the Department;
3.14appoint normally one academic member of the Department, in addition to the Chairman, to the Faculty Board of Examiners;
3.15monitor all Departmental votes and income and report to Research Board on the expenditure of the annual block allocation of funds;
3.16appoint a delegate to represent the Department on University committees and other bodies as required;
3.17make such other recommendations and decisions as may be required of the Department by other University General Academic Regulations and Regulations and make decisions on such other matters as it may deem appropriate for the proper functioning of the Department.
4 APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRPERSONS OF DEPARTMENT (University of Zimbabwe General Academic Regulations)
4.1There shall be a Chairperson of each Department appointed by the Vice Chancellor, on behalf of the University Council, normally chosen from among the tenured academic members of the Department.
4.2Before appointing a Departmental Chairperson the Vice Chancellor;-
4.2.1shall consult and take note of the views of each member of the academic staff in the Department about the appointment;
4.2.2shall consult and take note of the views of at least one of the Pro- Vice Chancellors and the Dean of the Faculty concerned.
4.3The Vice Chancellor may delegate the consultation procedure in Section 4.2.1 to aPro-Vice Chancellor who will in turn report to the Vice Chancellor.
4.4The Chairperson of a Department shall normally hold office for a period of up to three years and shall be eligible for re-appointment.
4.5After consultation with a Pro-Vice Chancellor, the Dean of the Faculty and the Chairperson concerned, the Vice Chancellor may terminate the appointment of a Chairperson of Department by giving one month notice in writing, and the reasons for such termination shall be communicated to the Departmental Board before it is affected.
4.6The chairperson of a Department may resign appointment by giving the Vice
Chancellor one month’s notice in writing.
4.7Where the Chairperson of a Department is unable, either, by reason of absence from the University or for any other reason, to carry on the duties of Chairperson, the Vice Chancellor shall, subject to the provisions of section 4.2 of this Ordinance, appoint an Acting Chairperson for the period until a new Chairperson of Department is appointed.
4.8Where in the opinion of the Departmental Board the absence of the Chairperson from a Department is of a period deemed detrimental to the interests of that Department, the Departmental Board shall, subject to the provisions of paragraph 4.2, recommend to the Vice Chancellor the appointment of a new Chairperson.
4.9A Chairperson of Department shall be paid a responsibility allowance at a rate determined from time to time by the Finance Committee of council for the duration of their term of office, provided that no allowance shall be payable where the Chairperson is absent or unable to perform duties for a period fo 30 consecutive days or more.
4.10Given the vital importance to good governance of Departments by Chairpersons, a person accepting appointment to such positions should undertake not to be absent for extended periods from the Department, especially during term time and
normally no person shall be appointed who will be taking sabbatical leave during their term of office
In addition to teaching, research and other duties and responsibilities the Chairperson of Department shall:-
5.1chair Departmental Board meetings;
5.2at all times and in consultation with the Department exercise their best endeavour to promote proper and acceptable standard of teaching, instruction and research in the Department;
5.3represent the Department on appropriate University Committees and other bodies as required;
5.4make their personal recommendations with respect to tenure, promotion, advancement and disciplining of academic staff within the Department provided that if the Chairperson is a candidate for promotion, the appropriate recommendations shall be made by the Dean after consultation with all full-timeacademic members of the Department;
5.5Serve as executive officer of the Department in the implementation of Department policy as determined by the Departmental Board and other University authorities and be responsible for the day to day administration of the Department.
The following Departments and Non Faculty Units are governed by Provisions of Ordinance No 43.
FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE (University of Zimbabwe General Academic Regulations)
Agricultural Economics and Extension
Animal Science
Crop Science
Soil Science and Agricultural Engineering
FACULTY OF ARTS (University of Zimbabwe General Academic Regulations)
African Languages and Literature
Economic History
Modern Languages
Religious Studies, Classics and Philosophy
Theatre Arts
FACULTY OF COMMERCE (University of Zimbabwe General Academic Regulations)
Business Studies
FACULTY OF EDUCATION (University of Zimbabwe General Academic Regulations)
Adult Education
Centre for Educational Technology
Curriculum and Arts Education
Educational Administration
Educational Foundations
Science and Maths Education
Teacher Education
Technical Education
FACULTY OF ENGINEERING (University of Zimbabwe General Academic Regulations)
Civil Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Mining Engineering
FACULTY OF LAW (University of Zimbabwe General Academic Regulations)
Private Law
Procedural Law
Public Law
FACULTY OF MEDICINE (University of Zimbabwe General Academic Regulations)
Chemical Pathology
Clinical Pharmacology
Community Medicine
Institute of Continuing Health Education
Medical Laboratory Technology
Medical Microbiology
Nursing Science
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Pediatrics’ and Child Health
FACULTY OF SCIENCE (University of Zimbabwe General Academic Regulations)
Biological Sciences
Computer Science
Institute of Food, Nutrition and Family Sciences
Institute of Mining Research
FACULTY OF SOCIAL STUDIES (University of Zimbabwe General Academic Regulations)
Centre for Applied Social Studies Economics
Political and Administrative Studies Psychology
Rural and Urban Planning Sociology
FACULTY OF VETERINARY SCIENCE (University of Zimbabwe General Academic Regulations)
Clinical Veterinary Studies
Para-Clinical Veterinary Studies
Pre-Clinical Veterinary Studies
NON-FACULTY UNIONS (University of Zimbabwe General Academic Regulations)
University College for distance Education University Lake Kariba Research Station University Teaching and Learning Centre
Composition of committees
1university council
(Section 11 (1) of the University of Zimbabwe Act, 1982 and University Amendment Act 1990).
a)Ex Officio;Vice-ChancellorPro-Vice-Chancellor
b)Sixteen members appointed by the Minister of Education
c)Ten members appointed by the Senate
d)President of the Students’ Union (ex officio)
e)One member elected by the Administrative Staff
f)One member elected by the Workers’ Committee
g)One member appointed by the Zimbabwe Confederation of Trade Unions
h)One member appointed by the Zimbabwe Teachers’ Association
i)One member appointed by the Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce
j)One member appointed by the Confederation of Zimbabwe Industries
k)One member appointed by the Minister of Agriculture
l)One member appointed by the Organizations’ Representing Youths or the Interests of
m)One member appointed by the Minister of Mines
n)One member appointed by Organizations representing Churches or Organized Religion
o)One member appointed by the Council of the Zimbabwe Institution of Engineers
p)Two distinguished academics appointed by the Council with the approval of Senate
q)One member elected by the non-Senate members of the Academic Staff
r)One member elected by the Clerical and Technical employees
s)Secretary ; Registrar
2the executive committee of the university council (In terms of Section 14 (3) of the Act).
a)Chairman and Vice-Chairman of Council
b)Vice-Chancellor and Pro Vice Chancellors
c)(i) Three of the nine Council Members appointed by Senate
(ii) Eight of the Twelve Council members appointed by the Minister of Education (iii)Four members appointed by Council
d)Secretary: Registrar.
3committees of council
3.1the finance Committee Terms of reference
The Finance Committee is responsible for the management of the University’s entire finances and recommends to Council or the Executive Committee the approval of the
University’s annual budget and certain items of major expenditure. The Committee is also responsible for:
–the administration of special funds benefactions
–investment policy
–the Staff Housing Loan Guarantee Scheme
–other loan schemes
–decisions of the Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee which have financial consequences
–consideration of reports from the Fees Revision Committee
Vice Chancellor and/or Pro Vice Chancellor
Vice Chairman of Council (Chairman)
Seven members appointed by Council
Secretary: Bursar
3.2the building Committee Terms of reference
The building committee is responsible for the management of the University’s building projects including:
–the establishment of project planning groups
–the approval of plans and budgets
–the monitoring of progress in construction and the issuing of instructions and liaison with architects, quantity surveyors, etc
–authorization of expenditure from the Alterations and Additions to Buildings Vote for minor alterations and additions
–General supervision of campus development including such issues as use planning, and the location of buildings.
Vice-Chairman of the Council
Vice- Chancellor
Pro-Vice Chancellor, (Chairman)
Seven members appointed by Council
Secretary: Director of Works and Estates.
3.3the salaries and conditions of service committee Terms and Reference
The Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee is responsible for University policy in respect of ;
–Terms and Conditions of Service for all categories of staff and adjustments and alterations to the approved Conditions of Service
–Salary reviews
–Consideration of representations from various staff associations
–The establishment of the University’s grading and salary structure and the promotion structure.
Vice Chancellor and/or the Pro Vice Chancellor
Three External members of Council
Four academic members of Council
Secretary: Deputy Registrar (Administration)
3.4the academic promotions committee Terms of Reference
The Act lays down that Council shall delegate its duty of promoting members of the academic staff to an Academic Promotions Committee. The Academic Promotions
Committee is responsible for receiving and considering applications for promotions from members of the academic staff, and for deciding thereon, within the overall promotions structure established by the Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee.
Vice Chancellor (chairman) Pro Vice Chancellors Dean of each Faculty
Four members of Council appointed by the Council from amongst the non-Senatemembers of Council:
Secretary; Deputy Registrar (Administration)
3.5the non academic staff promotions committee Terms of Reference
The Non Academic Staff Promotions Committee recommends promotions for all non academic staff and, as such, is responsible for receiving and considering applications for promotion from members of the non-academic staff and for establishing the criteria and procedures for promotion within the overall promotions structure established by the Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee.
Pro Vice Chancellor, (chairman)
Vice-Chancellor and/or the second Pro Vice Chancellor Dean or Deputy Dean of Agriculture
Dean or Deputy Dean of Education Dean or Deputy Dean of Engineering Dean or Deputy Dean of Medicine Dean of Deputy Dean of Science
Dean or Deputy Dean of Arts (representing Arts, Commerce, Law, Social Studies) Dean or Deputy Dean of Veterinary Science
Four members appointed by Council Registrar
Secretary: Deputy Registrar (Administration)
3.6the committee on continuation of employment beyond retirement age Terms of Reference
To consider, after appropriate advertisement, recommendations for the re- appointment of members of staff who have reached retirement age. Membership
Chairman or the Vice Chairman of Council Vice-Chancellor and/or the Pro Vice Chancellor Chairman of the Finance Committee Secretary: Deputy Registrar (Administration)
(Section 15(1) of the Act) Vice-ChancellorPro-Vice Chancellors Deans
Associate Professors
Non Professional Chairman of Departments
A representative of the Permanent Teaching Staff of each Faculty
President of the students Union
Five students elected by the students’ union
Secretary: Deputy Registrar (Academic)
5committees of senate
5.1academic committee Terms of Reference
Academic Committee has full authority, delegated to it by Senate, in the following areas;
-admissions and re-admission to courses and cases of Special Entry;
–award of scholarships, bursaries, loans etc, from University administered funds; Admissions to MPhil/DPhil and Higher Degrees and all matters relating to Higher Degrees registrations;
–ratification of results lists and decisions on recommendations of Boards of Examiners and Award of University Prizes;
–amendments to degree regulations
–all matters submitted in Faculty Reports except those which the Chairman of the Academic Committee considers should be referred to the full Senate. The Committee has recommending authority to Senate for such matters as:
–consideration and approval of all regulations for new University courses;
–appointment of external examiners and internal examiners of the University;
–consideration of estimates of expenditure;
–formulation and revision of schemes for the organization of Faculties and consideration of the establishment of new Faculties;
–consideration of the institution, abolition or holding in abeyance of Professorial Chairs; Readerships or other academic offices;
–composition of Academic Appointments Boards
–appointment of committees
Membership Vice-ChancellorPro-Vice-ChancellorsDeans of Faculties
Two Senate members appointed by the Senate for a period of three years. Secretary: Deputy Registrar (Academic)
5.2library committee Terms of Reference
To advise the Senate in its consideration of matters of Library policy. Membership
Pro-Vice Chancellor, Librarian
Deputy Librarian
One representative of each Faculty elected by each Faculty Board; (Chairman elected annually by the Committee)
Secretary: A member of the Library staff.
5.3student travel fund committee terms of reference
to administer the Student Travel Board: not more than two student representatives secretary: Assistant Registrar (Student Records)
5.4computer committee Terms of Reference
1to advise Senate on all matters concerning the acquisition of computing hardware and software for teaching and research
2to endeavour to ensure the equitable, efficient and economical distribution of computing facilities throughout the University
3to take note of all computing facilities within the University, so as to be able to advise members of the University who wish to use, acquire, or expand them.
4To report to Senate.
Pro Vice-Chancellor(Chairman)
Chairman, Department of Computing Science
Director of the Computer Centre
Deputy Librarian
One student representative co-opted by the Committee.
Secretary: Senior Assistant Registrar (Engineering)
5.5graduate employment committee Terms of Reference
To monitor the employment of the University’s graduates and to assist in encouraging potential employers to recruit staff from amongst the University’s graduates
Dean of Students (Chairman)
One representative of each Faculty elected by each Faculty Board
Two members of the Ministry of Manpower Planning and Development; Secretary: Senior Assistant Registrar (Academic)
5.6extension activities committee
(Activities temporarily suspended at present) Terms of Reference
1to co-ordinate educational and cultural activities of an extra-muralnature undertaken by the University
2to advise the Senate on the planning co-ordination and stimulation of such activities
3to maintain central records of such activities
4to be responsible for the University exhibit at the Young Scientist Exhibition. Membership
Deputy Dean of each Faculty
Chairman of the Vacation School Committee Chairman of the Open Day Committee Librarian or his representative (Chairperson to be elected by the committee)
5.7vacation school committee
(Activities temporarily suspended at present) Terms of Reference
To be responsible for organizing the Vacation Schools and to report to Senate. Membership
One representative of each Faculty elected by each Faculty Board; Librarian (Chairman to be elected by the members of the Committee)
5.8open day committee Terms of Reference
To be responsible for organizing the Open Days and to report to Senate. Membership
Assistant to the Vice-Chancellor (Chairman) Dean of Students
A representative of the Library Two student representatives
One representative of each Faculty elected by each Faculty Board Secretary: Director of Information
5.9publications committee Terms of Reference
1 to administer publication of all items appearing with the University imprint 2 to exercise editorial functions on behalf of the University publications
3 to administer funds for the cost of publications
4 to manage the journal Zambezia
5 to report to Senate. Membership
Pro Vice Chancellor Librarian
The Editor of Zambezia Assistant to the Vice-Chancellor
One representative of each Faculty elected by each Faculty Board (Chairman to be elected annually b the Committee)
Secretary: Director of Publications
5.10safety committee
Terms of Reference
To consider matters relating to safely and security which affect the University and to report to Senate.
Pro- Vice Chancellor Deputy Dean of each Faculty
Ex officio: assistant Registrar (Services) Senior Warden
Director, Works and Estates
Director, Computer Centre
Secretary: Assistant Registrar (Services)
5.11blair research liaison committee Terms of Reference
To ensure and facilitate an active relationship between the University and the Blair Research Laboratory and to report to Senate
Pro Vice Chancellor
One representative of each of the Faculties of Medicine and Science Two representative of the Blair Research Laboratory
Secretary: Assistant Registrar (Science)
5.12electron microscope committee Terms of Reference
The Committee shall be responsible to Senate for the general running of the Electron Microscope Unit which will include appointment of staff, purchase of major items of equipment, allocation of time for use of equipment and staff of the Unit.
Dean or Deputy Dean of Medicine or nominee (Chairman)
One representative of each of the faculties of Agriculture, Engineering, Medicine, and Veterinary Science and two representatives of the Faculty of Science .
Chief Technician, Electron Microscope Unit
Secretary: Deputy Secretary, Medical School
5.13lake kariba research station : board of management Terms of Reference
1The Board is responsible to the University for the administration of the facilities and finances of the Lake Kariba Station and for the formulation of policy guidelines for the conduct of research at the Station
2The Board may delegate some of its powers and responsibilities to either its Administrative or Scientific Sub-Committees and to the Director.
Membership -University of Zimbabwe General Academic Regulations
Pro- Vice – Chancellor
Chairman of the Rearch Board
Director of the Research Station
Two representatives of the Department of Biological Sciences
A representative of the following Faculties
Social Studies
Veterinary Science
A representative of the Department of National Parks
A representative of the Commercial Fisheries Union (non voting)
Secretary: Senior Assistant Registrar (Veterinary Science)
5.14Termination of studies (appeals) committee Terms of Reference
The Committee receives and considers appeals from students against termination of their studies and recommends to the Academic Committee on behalf of the Senate acceptances or dismissal of the appeal and any consequent action it deems
appropriate. The Committee only considers cases where a student has been required to withdraw from the University as a consequence of unsatisfactory academic performance. It is not established to hear general appeals against decisions of the examiners.
Membership – University of Zimbabwe General Academic Regulations
Pro Vice Chancellor
One representative of each Faculty Secretary: Deputy Registrar (Academic)
5.15communication skills centre committee Terms of Reference
To provide an avenue of co-operation between the Communication Skills Centre and all the Faculties and to assist in the formulation of policies to be adopted by the centre. The Committee meets as and when necessary and reports directly to Senate, although Faculty representatives on the Committee are authorized to report back to their Faculty Board any business which is of immediate concern to their Faculty. Membership
Pro Vice Chancellor
A member of the Communication Skills Centre Deputy Registrar (academic) or his representative
A member of each Faculty nominated by the Dean of each Faculty (chairman elected annually by the Committee)
Secretary: Assistant Registrar (Arts)
5.16international relations committee Terms of Reference
To administer the University’s agreements of co-operation with foreign universities according to the policies and procedures contained in SEN/68/84 Membership
Pro Vice Chancellor
A representative of each Faculty
Secretary: Assistant Registrar (Social Studies)
5.17teaching and learning methods committee Terms of Reference
To administer the University’s Teaching and Learning Methods Unit and to advise
Senate in the area of improving the teaching effectiveness of academic staff. Membership
Pro Vice Chancellor
A representative of each Faculty Secretary: Assistant Registrar (Commerce)
5.18african regional postgraduate programme in insect science (ARPPIS) liaison committee
Terms of Reference
1to liaise with the ARPPIS Academic Co-ordinator through the Committee’s representative on the ARPPIS Academic Board.
2To appoint a member (and an alternate) to serve on the ARPPIS Academic Board. (the member should be responsible for handling the general correspondence and other aspects of liaison with ARPPIS)
3To administer the Vote establishment by the Budget Committee on behalf of Senate for ARPPIS Liaison.
4To assist the ARPPIS Teaching programme by finding lecturers for their courses
5To each year invite all appropriate sources to nominate students for the
6To select from among such nominations suitable applications forwarding to
7To arrange for suitable supervisory arrangements for all such students by means of discussions with appropriate Departments of the University and
affiliated Institutions. Membership
Chairman of the Department of Biological Sciences One representative of each of the following Faculties Agriculture
Medicine Veterinary Science One representative of:
Department of Research and Specialist Services Department of Veterinary Services
Blair Research Laboratory
Secretary: Assistant Registrar (Science)
5.19bookshop management/Liaison committee Terms and Reference
1to supervise the overall operations of the Campus Bookshop in conjuction with the contractor
2to provide a means of communication between the contractors of the Bookshop and representatives of the academic staff and students in order to improve the effectiveness of the communication between the University and the contractor for the efficient operation of the Bookshop.
3To consider issues connected with the operation of the existing Campus
Pro Vice Chancellor (Chairman)
Registrar (also serving as secretary)
Dean of Students
Two Representatives of the Campus Bookshop
A representative of each Faculty
Two student representatives
5.20committee on associate status/affiliation Terms and Reference
1to examine all applications from external institutions for associate status/affiliation to the University and submit recommendations to Senate
2to monitor the work and development of all institutions granted associate
status/affiliation with the University. Membership
Pro-Vice Chancellor
Dean of Education
Chairman, Associate College Centre
A representative of the Associate College Centre
A representative of the following Faculties:
Secretary: Senior Assistant Registrar (Education)
6joint committees of Council and Senate
6.1planning Committee Terms and Reference
1to examine and make recommendations to the Senate and Council on:
1.1any relevant development plans of the University in relation to the overall manpower, social, economic and other needs of Zimbabwe and to assess priority within those plans.
1.2All new senior posts, lecturer and above, which will then automatically be included in the immediately following or future estimates.
1.3Any other matters incidental to the above
2To allocate major resources, in particular teaching equipment funds.
3To produce long term plans and projections
4The planning Committee shall meet at least four times in each year as follows: February: Arts, Commerce and Law, Education and Social Studies
April: Agriculture, Engineering and Science
June: Medicine and Veterinary Science
August: Non Faculty Departments and the Administration Membership
Vice-Chancellor, (Chairman) Pro-Vice Chancellors
Vice Chairman of Council
Secretary to the Ministry of Education
Secretary to the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development Secretary to the Ministry of Labour, Manpower Planning and Development
A member of Council chosen by the Council to represent non-Government and private sectors of the state
A member of Senate
Deans’ representatives
Secretary: Director of Planning Area committees
The Planning Committee has three Area Committees (Planning) as follows:
1 The Humanities Area Committee consisting of the Faculties of Arts, Commerce and Law, Education and Social Studies
2 The Sciences Area Committee consisting of the Faculties of Agriculture, Engineering and Science.
3 The Medical Area Committee consisting of the Faculties of Medicine and Veterinary Science
Terms of Reference
1 To receive applications from the Departments or Faculties within the particular area.
2To make recommendations to the Planning Committee on the applications received .
3To allocate priority to each and every application received.
4To make recommendations in their own right to the Planning Committee. Membership of Area Committees:
Humanities Chairman
The Dean and a further representative of the Faculties of: Arts
Commerce and Law Education
Social Studies Sciences Chairman
The Dean and a further representative of the Faculties of: Agriculture
Engineering Science Medical Chairman
The Dean and a further representative of the Faculties of: Medicine
Veterinary Science
6.2budget Committee Terms of Reference
1to compile, after consultation, an annual budget for submission to the Finance Committee, Senate and Council
2to control, allocate and account for the following funds:
2.1teaching Equipment
2.2staffing and Establishment Contingency
2.3sub-Committee on Vacancies (Deep Freeze)
2.4General Rising Prices Contingency
2.5Any funds allocated to the University for Recurrent or Capital Expenditure excluding Specific Funds
3To amend the budget and establishment of any department , provided it can obtain the necessary funds from the appropriate account
4To recommend to the Planning Committee increases or removal from the establishment of Lectures or above, Assistant Bursar or Assistant Registrars or above, and Library posts of Assistant Librarian or above.
5To virement from one vote to another provided this does not lead to any increase in expenditure and may lawfully be made between the votes concerned.
6To control budgetary expenditure
7To undertake all such matters as may be referred to it by the Planning Committee, Council or the Finance Committee.
Vice-Chancellor (Chairman)
Pro Vice Chancellor
Three members of Senate, not Deans, who are also members of Council
One Dean elected from amongst themselves by the Deans who shall represent the Deans.
Secretary: Director of Planning
6.3research Board Terms of Reference
To assist the prosecution of research in the University and to act as a channel of communication for research matters.
To be responsible for:
1the initial administration and, where appropriate, the allocation of general funds (for amounts exceeding $175) having to do with the research activities of the University eg student research assistantships and fellowships, studentships, and support of research projects of members of the academic staff, research students and fellows.
2External travel connected with research, travel connected with conferences and visits to other organizations.
Chairman (elected by the Research Board) Vice- Chairman (elected by the Research Board) Pro Vice Chancellor
Director of the Computer Centre
A member of the Council appointed by the Council
A representative of each of the following Faculties elected by each Faculty Board: Agriculture
Arts Commerce Education Engineering Law Medicine Social studies Veterinary Science
Two representatives from the Faculty of Science, one representing Biological Sciences and the other the Physical Sciences
Secretary: Assistant Bursar
6.4student affairs committee Terms of Reference
1to make itself aware of and provide help in all matters of a persona andnon-academic nature affecting the student body or individual student which may have an adverse effect on the academic well-being of the student body as a whole or of individual students.
2To advise on arrangements for student health
3To consult with other committees and groups with the University interested
in student health, welfare and accommodation. Membership
Pro Vice Chancellor
A member of the Council appointed by the Council
A member of the Senate appointed by the Senate
Chairman of the Department of Community Medicine (or his nominee) Wardens
Wardens of Non-Residents Students
Director, Accommodation and Catering Services Dean, Student Affairs
Sports Director
Director, Student Health Service
President of the Students Union Vice-President of the Students’ Union
One student representative from each of the Faculty staff/student Councils Secretary: Assistant Registrar (admissions)
6.5Staff Development Committee Terms of Reference
To supervise the administration of the University’s staff development programme and to appoint Staff Development Fellows.
Membership Pro-Vice Chancellor
One representative from each Faculty elected by each Faculty Board Two members of the Council appointed by the Council Secretary: Senior Assistant Registrar (Appointments and Personnel)
6.6Committee on Academic Ceremony Terms of Reference
To consider and advise the Senate and the Council on Academic Ceremony and related matters.
Vice-Chancellor and/or Pro-Vice-ChancellorA member of the Senate
Public Orator
Assistant to the Vice-ChancellorA member of the Council Deputy Registrar (Academic) Librarian
Secretary: Assistant Registrar (Academic)
6.7Honorary Degrees and Distinctions Committee Terms of Reference
To consider proposals for the conferment of Honorary Degrees and for the conferment of the title “Professor Emeritus” and to make recommendations to the Council.
Chairman of the Council (Chairman) Vice-Chairman of the Council Vice Chancellor
Pro Vice Chancellors Dean of each Faculty Secretary: Registrar
6.8Fees Revision Committee Terms of Reference
To examine the level of fees charged by the University and to submit recommendations through the Finance Committee and Senate to Council
Pro Vice Chancellor Vice Chancellor
Chairman of the Finance Committee
Three Council members appointed by the Council One member of Senate appointed by the Senate President of the Students’ Union
Two student representatives Secretary: Registrar