The Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies (ZCAS) is a statutory body established under Act No.1 of 1989 (Cap 391) as a self-financing non-profit making institution with the mandate to train accountants, promote research and advancement of learning in accountancy, finance and related studies, provide advisory and consultancy services, and for related matters.
ZCAS initially offered tuition only for the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) and the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) programmes. It also conducted many consultancy assignments for various institutions including government ministries and departments, the private sector, NGOs and donor agencies in the areas of strategic management, customer services (customer acquisition & retention), financial management, leadership and supervisory skills, development of systems and procedures, accounting and auditing, project management; monitoring, evaluation and reporting; marketing, sales and the development and formulation of business plans. Initially, ZCAS received donor support from the European Union, NORAD and DANIDA. For the last twenty-six years, however, ZCAS has been fully self-supporting and reliant only on the income received from its training and consulting services.
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