Bulawayo Polytechnic School of Hospitality


Bulawayo Polytechnic School of Hospitality

Bulawayo Polytechnic School of Hospitality – Details of Bulawayo Polytechnic School of Hospitality

THE Bulawayo Polytechnic School of Hospitality and Tourism was established in 1963 as a Division of Bulawayo Polytechnic. On its inception, it had an enrolment of 12 students and one lecturer with only one course – Professional Cookery. Current enrolment stands at 700 students and 40 lecturers.

See Also: Bulawayo Polytechnic Intake

To date, the school offers four HEXCO courses up to Higher National Diploma which include

  • Tourism and Hospitality Management
  • Professional Cookery
  • Bakery Technology
  • Food and Beverage Management

The new building complex was officially opened by the then Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education the late Stan Mudenge in 1994.

In a move to meet industry demands – the school established a satellite school in Glen Lorne, Harare with 100 students.

The school offers informal sector courses or programme such as

– Basic Cookery

– Basic Baking

– Cake Making

– Cake Decor

– Basic Front Office Operations

– Basic Housekeeping

The school boasts of:

  • A Higher Education Examination Council —(HEXCO) Regional Centre Matabeleland North.
  • The opening of the 16 roomed Hotel St Patrick’s is a strategic milestone achievement towards the realisation of the Ministry’s Policy on Technical and Vocational Education and Training 2011 (T.V.E.T).
  • Hotel St Patrick’s is a business unit for the school which avails opportunity for practical and hands on training to our students which makes them no strangers to industry upon graduating.
  • Internet connectivity to lecturers’ offices, library and the computer laboratory.
  • Ten training kitchens.
  • The school has acquired a safari van for Safari educational trips/ excursions.

Work is at an advanced stage for the introduction of a Bachelor of Technology Honours Degree in Hotel, Catering and Tourism Management

In line with Zim-Asset
Infusion of entrepreneurship in the training programmes

Besides NASS and ESD being taught as a subject to students, every effort is made to actually train students to be entrepreneurs by involving them in the operation of the Hotels and operational areas as part of their training. While students are internally attached, they are constantly assessed to upgrade their psychomotor skills.

This also inculcates the passion of entrepreneurship and develops the ability in students to understand the reason for pursuing the courses they have enrolled in and improving their capacity to start their own businesses.

Assessment of achievement
Students do their practical lessons in different areas as a way of assessing their capacity to replicate the skills imparted to them by their lecturers. There are up to date modest hi-tech stoves used by students to ensure they are on track with technology and new industry developments.

The training hotel exposes students to the latest software that improves operation and increases business.

At the training Hotel, miniatures of major tourist attractions have been designed to emphasise the culture and patriotism in our students. Students are also sent for industrial attachment during their 3rd year at college to further develop their psychomotor skills.

Benefits accrued to the Institution, learners, Community and the nation

The school facilities are constantly hired for functions in which students show case their ability to manage and prepare for functions by setting up, preparing food, and serving it. Such activities bring revenue to the institution, improve the learners training and benefit the community by offering services required. For example, students from School participated at the wedding of the First Family.

Revenue earned from such activities is used to improve the institution’s facilities by expanding training facilities and enrolment which benefits the nation as a whole and is in line with ZimAsset.

The School of Hospitality has successfully hosted and offered catering services to the following events which were of national importance:

  • The First Family’s daughter’s wedding,
  • 2013 National youth games
  • Bulawayo Provincial Heroes, Independence celebrations and the Minister’s ball
  • The Late Lupane State University V.C Bhala’s funeral in Plumtree.
  • The official opening of J.M.N Nkomo Airport
  • Zimstats during the 2012 census
  • 2014 AU games as a command centre
  • Since 1980, we have trained for Zimbabwe Namibia, Malawi, Equatorial Guinea , DR Congo — a pan African School
  • Produced students now working in Africa and beyond
  • We are a home for GEEP (Graduate Entrepreneur Education Programme)
  • Do over 500km follow up on students doing attachment
  • Plans underway to eclipse our programmes to Degree level.
  • Weddings – venue in the St Patrick’s gardens

 Over the years the School participated in

– Durban festival- traditional cooking completion

– Tifaz cooking competition

– AHSA (Association of Hotel Schools in Africa) competition

– Sanganai Travel Expo

Community Involvement

– Outreach to Matabeleland North Regions

– Clean up campaign in the city

See Also:

Bulawayo Polytechnic Courses Offered

Bulawayo Polytechnic Fees

Bulawayo Polytechnic Application Form

Bulawayo Polytechnic Contact Details

Bulawayo Polytechnic Application Letter

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Bulawayo Polytechnic Hotel School

Bulawayo Polytechnic School of Hospitality

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