Msasa Industrial Training College Contacts


Msasa Industrial Training College Contacts

Msasa Industrial Training College Contacts – Details of Msasa Industrial Training College Contacts

MITC Vision. See Also: Msasa Industrial Training College Intake.

To be an institution of excellence in producing world class industrial and technopreneurial skills.

Core Values

  • Patriotism
  • Integrity/ Unhu/ Ubuntu
  • Accountability
  • Professionalism
  • Transparecy
  • Innovativeness

Mission Statement

To provide highly skilled, patriotic, innovative and competent human capital that addresses the needs on industry and commerce, entrepreneurs and the community at large.

MITC Mandate


provides an opportunity for supplementary training to:

  • all skilled workers registered with the Trade Testing Department under the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology Development, but have not yet acquired Skilled Workers Class status.
  • all skilled workers who wish to upgrade themselves from Class 4 to 1.

Msasa Industrial Training College Contacts Details

Physical address:

22 Falice Avenue, Msasa, Harare, Zimbabwe

Postal address:

PO Box AY 182,

Amby, Msasa, Harare, Zimbabwe

Phone: +263 – 4 – 486494;  497150
+263 8644942005; 8644942006; 8644942007; 8644942008

Fax: +263 – 4 – 486872

General admin Email:                      


Facebook page:                              

Specialised cMITCses and projects contacts:

Cellphones:                                             +263 784 592 762   

+263 718 679 587

+263 734 376 178


Facebook page:                              
