University of Zimbabwe Act – Full PDF


University of Zimbabwe Act – Full PDF

University of Zimbabwe Act – Download PDF of University of Zimbabwe Act

An Act is defined as a bill which has passed through the various legislative steps required for it and which has become law. Related Terms: Statutes, Legislation, Law, Regulation, Enactment, Bill. Synonymous with the term enactment or statute. See Also: University of Zimbabwe Intake.



In terms of Sections 27(1)(i) of the University of Zimbabwe Act (Act 27 of 1982), the Council of the University of Zimbabwe, with the approval of the Minister of Education, makes the following Ordinance:

  1. This Ordinance may be cited as “The Rules of Student Conduct and Discipline Ordinance, 1984, Ordinance No. 30”.
  2. The University’s existing Rules of Student Conduct and Discipline are hereby repealed.
  3. The Rules of Student Conduct and Discipline set out in the Schedule to this Ordinance shall come into effect from 1 January 1985.
  4. In terms of Section 23(2) of the University Act, the Student Disciplinary Committee hereby delegates to the officials referred to in the Rules of Student Conduct and Discipline the power of investigating and exercising disciplinary authority in respect of misconduct by any student to the extent and in the manner set out in the Rules of Student Conduct and Discipline.
  5. In terms of Section 23(4)(c) of the University Act, the Student Disciplinary Committee may –

order a student to pay to the University the amount of any financial loss caused to the University by such a student;

after reference to the Vice-Chancellor, impose any penalty on a student which in the circumstances of a particular case it deems appropriate.




The University Officers charged with the administration of these rules will at all times seek to implement the letter and spirit of the University Act and will in particular have regard to the following principles:

1.1 The University is a Society in which high standards of communal life must be established and maintained for the benefit of both present and future members of the University.

1.2 A high level of personal integrity and a developed sense of responsibility towards others are as important to the University as outstanding scholastic achievement.

1.3 A proper concern for the reputation of the University and what it ought to stand for makes it incumbent upon its members to live decent and ordered lives.

1.4 Individual or collective action by members of the University which constitutes a breach of these rules may require to be punished notwithstanding that the motive or goal of such action was a commendable one in the belief of such members.


When registering as a member of the University a student shall be given a copy of these rules and shall sign a statement in which he/she acknowledges that he/she has been furnished with the rules, and he/she undertakes to conduct himself/herself while a student of the University in accordance therewith and with any amendments duly made thereto.


3.1 No student of the University shall:

3.1.1 Use the University premises contrary to University Regulations, Residence, Faculty or Departmental rules or do any act reasonably likely to cause such misuse;

3.1.2 Damage or deface any property of the University or do any act reasonably likely to cause damage or defacement thereto;

3.1.3 Disrupt teaching, study, research or administrative work, or prevent any member of the University or its staff from carrying on his study or work, or do any act reasonably likely to cause disruption or prevention;

3.1.4 Engage in any conduct whether on or off the campus which is or is reasonably likely to be, harmful to the interests of the University, members of the University staff or students.

3.2 The following would be regarded by the University as instances of breaches of the rule contained in 3.1 (above) –

3.2.1 Displaying violence by word or act towards any member of the University, whether academic or administrative staff or student, or a guest of the University, or any visitor to the University or in any way intimidating or obstructing the free movement of such member, guest or visitor;

3.2.2 Disrupting or seeking to disrupt any proper function of the University whether it be an official function, Council meeting, Senate meeting, Faculty or committee meeting, lecture, teaching session, the function of any University society or day to day administrative activity;

3.2.3 Seeking to prevent a speaker invited by any section of the University Community from lawfully expressing his views.

3.3 Students are informed that:-

3.3.1 If a group of students forms a common intention to commit certain acts and to assist each other in their commission, and in due course a breach of these rules is committed by one or some of the group, then each member of the group may be held to have committed that breach of the rules, who foresaw that the breach would occur, or who must, in the view of the Student Disciplinary Committee, have foreseen that it would occur. A member of such a group can avoid this happening to him/her by taking clear and unequivocal steps, before such a breach is committed, to show that he/she dissociates himself/herself from the acts of the group with whom he/she has so far been associating;

3.3.2 Where a number of students have committed a breach of these rules and only one or more of these students can be identified, the University will not hesitate to take disciplinary action against those students who can be identified and against whom there is sufficient evidence to warrant investigation;

3.3.3 Where a student commits an act which is both an offence according to the laws of the country and one which after investigation appears to be a breach of the disciplinary rules of the University, the University may punish such a student not withstanding that he/she is prosecuted and/or punished by the courts of the country.

3.4 A student shall obey any rules made from time to time by the Vice-Chancellor and shall further obey all instructions given by the Vice-Chancellor, the Proctors, and all those persons whom the Vice-Chancellor has charged to assist him in the maintenance of discipline, and in this regard: –

3.4.1 Any Dean, Deputy Dean, Chairman of Department, Librarian, Deputy Librarian or member of the senior administrative staff may order any member of a gathering of students which is committing, or whose activities are likely to lead to a breach of Rule 3 (above), to disperse, and may further order any such member to furnish his/her full name or to accompany the member of staff to interview the Vice- Chancellor or a Proctor, or give both such orders. For the purposes of this section

‘Senior administrative staff’ shall include the Registrar, Deputy Registrar Academic, the Bursar, Director, Accommodation and Catering Services, Director of Works and Estates, Dean of Students, Deputy Dean of Students, Assistant to the Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Bursar, Deputy Registrar, Administration, Secretary, School of Medicine and Wardens of Halls of Residence.

3.4.2 If a student misbehaves in a lecture or teaching session or interferes with the conduct of a lecture or teaching session the member of staff conducting such interference.

3.4.3 Failing to comply with any order given as above constitutes a serious offence.

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