NUST Zimbabwe Public Health Degree
NUST Zimbabwe Public Health Degree – Details of NUST Zimbabwe Public Health Degree
Bachelor of Environmental Science Honours in Public Health (NUST Zimbabwe Public Health Degree)
The aim of the degree programme is to upgrade diploma holders in environmental health and related fields of study. See Also: NUST Zimbabwe Intake.
Entry Requirements
A National Diploma in Environmental Health or any other equivalent qualification. Two years relevant work experience. There is also a provisionfor mature entry for persons, who may not have the appropriate academic qualifications for admissio is also provn, but have suitable relevant experience and who satisfy the University and the Department of their ability to complete the degree programme satisfactorily.
Duration of the Degree Programme and Mode of Study
The three-year programme will be by class contact on a block release basis (three blocks of about three to four weeks each in every academic year) and self-directed, work-based study in between the blocks. The modular approach will be the dominant method of study.
Programme Requirements
The programme offers a total of nineteen (19) taught courses and a research project (equivalent to two taught courses). Out of the 19 taught courses, 16 are core and 3 optional. A total of six taught courses (or their equivalent) will be taken per each academic year. Successful completion of the programme requires that the candidate passes all taught courses, a research project and also present a work experience report (to be marked) which shows adequate application of the relevant knowledge and skills. The work experience report has to be submitted to the department for marking a week before the second year exams commence
Overall Assessment
In the overall degree classification, weighting shall be as follows: Taught course (coursework and examination): 70%, Work experience report: 10% and Project: 20%
The Curriculum Structure
Year 1
EPH 1201: Parasitology
EPH 1103: Principles of Environmental and Health Education
EPH 1205: Introduction to Computer Science
EPH 1107: HIV/AIDS and Counselling
EPH 1109: Environmental Management Systems and Tools
EPH 1111: Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Year 2
EPH 2101: Radiation and Medical Physics
EPH 2203: Environmental Epidemiology
EPH 2105: Food Hygiene and Nutrition
EPH 2207: Environmental Port Health
EPH 2109: Environmental Toxicology
EPH 2011: Research Methodology
EPH 2013: Work Experience Report Year 3 (Core courses)
EPH 3001: Management of Solid and Hazardous Waste
EPH 3003: Occupational Health and Safety
EPH 3005: Research Project
EPH 3007: Sanitation and Wastewater Treatment
EPH 3009: Central and Local Government Management Practice
Year 3 Optional Courses (Choose 1)
EPH 3011: Introduction to Meat Hygiene
EPH 3013: Urban Development and Housing
EPH 3015: Pollution and its Control
EPH 1201: Parasitology
Introduction to parasitism and parasitic diseases; Viral; Bacterial; Protozoan parasites; Helminthic parasites; Metazoan parasites; Epidemiology of parasitism; Host responses to parasites; Local effects of parasitism; Diagnostic methods; and chemotherapy of infections.
EPH 1103: Principles of Environmental and Health Education
The concept environment and environmental crisis; What is environmental education; Emerging responses to environmental crisis; Environmental and health education theories and processes; Methods of identifying environmental and health issues; Values and benefits; Issues for the educators and facilitators; Communication and delivery tools; Curriculum development in environmental and health education; and Evaluation.
EPH 1205: Introduction to Computer Science
Computer hardware: input devices, output devices and processing; Computer software: operating systems; Application programmes; Document preparation software: Microsoft word, Excel etc; and Programming languages.
EPH 1107: HIV/AIDS and Counselling
Introduction to HIV/AIDS and counselling; Historical perspective of HIV/AIDS; Biology of HIV; Socio-cultural impact of HIV/AIDS; Sources of HIV/AIDS infection; HIV/AIDS and the environment; HIV/AIDS in relationships; HIV/AIDS in Zimbabwe; HIV/AIDS and Home-based care; Ethics in Counselling; Introduction to Selected Theories; Communication in Counselling; Advocacy; and The Counselling Process.
EPH 1109: Environmental Management Systems and Tools
Multilateral Environmental laws and Policies (conventions, treaties, agreements and protocols); Environmental Management Standards (British BS 7750, European Union EMAS and ISO 14000 series) the Zimbabwe Environmental Management Bill (Act); and Cleaner Production.
EPH 1111: Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Concepts and issues in environmental management; Statutory provisions of EIA; The EIA process; Screening; scoping; impact identification; impact assessment (techniques and analysis tools); mitigation measures; the EIA report; draft EIA review; and Case studies from the SADC region and Zimbabwe.
EPH 2101: Radiation and Medical Physics
The structure of matter; radioactivity and radiation; sources and types of ionizing radiation; natural and manmade radiation; Nuclear energy etc; radiation units; biological effects of radiation; maximum permissible doses; radiation detection and measurement: the external radiation hazard; the internal radiation hazard; radioactive wastes and its disposal; environmental radiation surveillance and monitoring.
EPH 2203: Environmental Epidemiology
Epidemiology of environmental diseases in human populations: physical and biological agents, pathogenesis; vector control; agent, host, environmental interaction and control; communicable diseases of importance. Purpose and methods of investigating epidemiology: important variables and attributes; population samples, fieldwork techniques. Analysis and presentation of epidemiology statistics and control measures. Risk factor analysis; case studies. Epidemics. Biological Threats (eg. Athrax terrorism).
EPH 2105: Food Hygiene and Nutrition
Food premises and sanitary practice; Food poisoning and infestation; Food legislation; Biochemistry food preservation; Food additives and preservatives and spoilage. Inspection of food; Food microbiology; Milk; Laboratory analysis of food quality; Selected topics in nutrition.
EPH 2207: Environmental Port Health
The Public Health Act and Port Health Regulations; Food Quality Control (legislation, hazard analysis critical control points and food hygiene, food spoilage, food preservation and ISO requirements); Transboundary Disease Control (international health regulations, infectious disease control, epidemiology, emergency preparedness and response, disinfection and legislation); Hazardous Substances (legislation, clearance, handling and storage); Pest and Vermin Control (disinfection and disinsectation, de-ratting and parasitology); Port Waste Management Systems; and Information Management.
EPH 2109: Environmental Toxicology
Sources, types and properties of toxicants; Molecular biochemical, physiological and behavioural responses of organisms to toxicants; Toxicology and toxicokinetics; Transportation and fate in the environment; Metabolism and fate within humans and animals; Dose responses and other toxicological concepts; Biomonitoring and biomarkers; and Ecological risk assessment.
EPH 2011: Research Methodology
Purpose of doing research; Scientific and other methods of conducting research; the research process: formulating research problems, data collection procedures; data processing and analysis (application of data processing packages and biometrics); report writing; different kinds of research designs such as survey, participant observation, experimentation and quasi-experimentation; consumption of research results; ethics in research.
EPH 2013: Work Experience Report
The student is supposed to prepare an Work Experience Report according to NUST Yearbook regulations. Such a report will be used to assess and award a mark. In the event that the Department finds the student lacking in the required experience, a normal 30 weeks (7 months) University attachment period will be required.
EPH 3001: Management of Solid and Hazardous Waste
Origin, nature, collection, transportation and disposal or storage of solid and hazardous chemicals; resource recovery; waste and health; administrative and legal aspects; trans-frontier transport; enforcement of waste management regulations. Students should visit rubbish dumps to observe the sorting, transport and other processes.
EPH 3003: Occupational Health and Safety
Basic principles; occupational health and safety legislation; physical, chemical, ergonomical, biological and psychological environmental stresses (each to be treated separately in detail) and their control. Safety systems. Appraisal of contemporary standards enforced, threshold limits values, maximum allowable concentration, emergency exposure limits. Epidemiological investigation strategies for occupational health cases.
EPH 3005: Research Project
The student will, under supervision and guidance, carry out an independent investigation into a problem of his/her choice. He/she will collect data, interpret and write up a report to illustrate the understanding of the environmental issues relating to the problem. The report (of between three to five thousand words) must demonstrate the relationship between theoretical knowledge and its application to field situations.
EPH 3007: Sanitation and Wastewater Treatment
Definitions of waste; sewage; sewerage; sludge; effluent and slurry; Waste disposal systems; dry systems, ventilated improved pit latrines (VIP), Pour and flush toilet, aqua privy toilet, Water-borne systems, etc. Septic tanks; Sewerage treatment for small communities: pond system, rotational biological contractors, biological filters, activated sludge systems, control of biological nutrients, nutrient removal from water; and Large – scale urban sewage treatment systems.
EPH 3009: Central and Local Government Management Practice
Public management environment; Introduction to Law and Policy (Sources of law, the administrative process, the judicial system, courts of law and their jurisdiction, Interpretation of laws); Public management functions; Public administration and public management (local and central government systems); Environment of public resource management; Human resources; Public financial management.
EPH 3011: Introduction to Meat Hygiene
Meat science; Anatomy of food animals; Parasitology of food animals; Meat microbiology General pathology; Infectious diseases of food animals; Meat contamination; Abattoir management and practice; Abattoir planning and construction; Abattoir legislation and administration; Meat legislation; Meat technology; and Practicals.
EPH 3013: Urban Development and Housing
The Regional, Town and Country Planning (RTCP) Act; Urban housing; Housing standards and enforcement; Health effects of Housing conditions (with special reference to the housing and housing standards Act); Housing hygiene; Selected topics in building technology; Model building by laws; and Field visits.
EPH 3015: Pollution and its Control
Air, land and water pollution. Biological hazards. Chemical hazards. Chemistry of smog and acid rain. Sources of chemical and biological pollutants. Prevention and control. Legislation regarding pollutants.
See Also:
NUST Zimbabwe Application Tracker
NUST Zimbabwe Online Application
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