Solusi University Research Journal and Publications
Solusi University Research Journal – Details of Solusi University Research Journal Publications
The mission and philosophy of Solusi University are consistent with the advancement of education, promoting research and involvement in community activities in response to community needs. As an educational institution, Solusi University therefore encourages involvement of its faculty members in research activities at individual, joint and collaborative levels through the University’s Office of Research Information & Publication, and through linkages with various University departments, other educational institutions and organisations.
Research and Publication is taking place in a number of ways in the University. One of our strengths is the excellence of our postgraduate students, and it is here that much of the research activities of the university are to be found. With the high teaching loads our lecturers have, it is commendable that they are seriously involved in individual research, as well as supervising postgraduate students. In the past few years, a stronger research ethic is being built in the university with the emphasis on urging lecturers and staff members to improve their personal qualifications and converting supervised student research in published research outputs. The university’s increase in research outputs is clearly reflected in the publications list which is on an annual basis rather than research topics or author.
Solusi University Research Journal (SURJ)
The Solusi University Research Journal (SURJ) is published bi-annually (January – June and July – December. The Journal publishes articles on a variety of topics pertaining to research. The SURJ editorial team invites articles from any researchers who want to share their scientific/professional work with other professionals locally, regionally and internationally.
Guidelines for article for submission to SURJ
The abstract is a brief summary of the entire research and should have brief statements of all the major aspects, including the following:
1.The research background or background of the problem.
2.What really prompted the researcher to undertake such a study.
3.The target population and sample.
Format & Size
1. Content of the Manuscript must be based on conducted research or research-related work.
2.Click belowThe manuscript should be typed, double-spaced, and be no more than six pages, including the reference page. Both hard copy and soft copy must be submitted.
The Introduction is a detailed explanation of the following:
1.Background of the problem researched.
2.Statement of the problem.
3.Goals and objectives of the study.
4.Purpose of the study.
The Methodology is a description of how the study was undertaken, including areas such as:
1. The target population from which the sample was drawn.
2. The sample selection method.
3. The type of research instrument used, and a pilot study.
4. Data collection method (observations, interviews, questionnaire, etc.)
5. Data analysis.
The results or outcome of the study should include:
1. Results of the study.
2. Reflection of results on set objectives.
3. Weaknesses of the study.
The discussion should include:
1. Interpretation of the results.
2. Implications of the study to professional practice, and the stake holders?
3. Specific recommendations targeted to specific organisations, officials (ministers, teachers, parents, universities, churches, etc.).
For information on how to write the references, please see the Coordinator of (ORIP).
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